SuperGreen All Purpose Cleaner

SuperGreen All-Purpose Cleaner

Product Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet


SuperGreen liquid ALL PURPOSE DEGREASER designed to remove dirt, grease, and oil. SuperGreen is highly effective, cost efficient, non-hazardous and biodegradable. As defined under Sara 311, 312 and 313 this product contains no known hazardous materials, making SuperGreen a safer alternative to the more hazardous cleaners on the market. Will not harm sewage treatment micro-organisms.

Typical Usage Parameters:

Description Degreaser
Use Concentration 1% to Full Strength
Operating Temperatures Ambient
Foaming Porperties Moderate
Floor Scrubbers
Concrete, Brick, Granite
Ferrous Metals
Oil Splitting Formula Yes
Hard Water Stability Excellent
Color Green
Odor Butyl
HMIS Rating 1 0 0 B
NFPA Rating 1 0 0 N/A


Physical Properties:

pH, concentrate ~9.5
Bulk density, #/gal 8.54
VOC (Concentrate) ~40 g/L
Flash Point None
Chelates None
Water Solubility Complete
Biodegradable Yes

Vapor Pressure:


17mm Hg @20°C



Product Name Part Code Packaging
SuperGreen All-Purpose SGAP-5 5 Gallon Pail
SuperGreen All-Purpose SGAP-55 55 Gallon Drum
SuperGreen Original SGO-5 5 Gallon Pail
SuperGreen Original SGO-55 55 Gallon Drum