by Industrial Degreasers | May 24, 2022 | Interns
As an English major specializing in Creative Writing, I often faced judgment from peers and older adults in my life for not picking what they would call a more lucrative area of study. Although I respect teachers and have experience as a writing tutor, my passion has...
by Industrial Degreasers | Apr 29, 2022 | Interns
When I saw Ecolink posted as an Internship opportunity on LinkedIn I knew I had to apply. While I have several internships under my belt, I was beyond excited to take on one where I could learn about SEO. I did not have any sort of chemistry background but as a...
by Industrial Degreasers | Apr 29, 2022 | Interns
When I applied for an internship with Ecolink, it was 1 of the 40 internships I had applied for. By the end of my application process for all those companies, I lost sight of what most of them did, so when I received the offer to join the Ecolink team as an intern, I...
by Industrial Degreasers | Jan 28, 2022 | Interns
The Ecolink internship gave me valuable life and career experience and ended up exceeding all of my expectations. Not only did I learn new skills, but had the opportunity to nurture preexisting ones. My two points of contact during the Ecolink internship were easily...
by Industrial Degreasers | Jan 28, 2022 | Interns
Introduction to Sophie Hi there! My name is Sophie, and I am a college junior majoring in Biochemistry. During my sophomore year, I had been hoping to find an internship for the following summer, so I was overjoyed when I was hired as one of Ecolink’s SEO Writing...
by Industrial Degreasers | Jan 28, 2022 | Interns
Did the Internship Meet My Expectations? The Ecolink internship did meet my expectations! I was a little nervous at first because it was my first internship and I wanted to do well, and it was incredibly helpful that everyone was very nice, understanding, and...