What Is Cooling Tower Chemical Dosing?

What Is Cooling Tower Chemical Dosing?

Industrial systems utilize the cooling mechanism of water evaporation to remove heat from high-powered mechanical processes. Often, the water used is from a natural source, and not filtered before it is circulated through the cooling tower. Due to this, the water often contains many extra minerals and organic materials. 

Cooling tower chemical dosing is used to prevent damage to the system by mitigating the effects of mineral buildup and preventing biological accumulation. 

Depending on the scale and fouling levels of the water tower, different methods are more effective. Here is an overview of some of the most common procedures: 

Shot Dosing 

This method involves chemicals being added manually and following a set schedule. Shot dosing is the cheapest method but can lead to different levels of concentration. 


  A pump continuously releases chemicals into a simple automated system. However, because there is a constant stream, it is important to monitor the water to make sure the levels released are still effective and not causing additional corrosion. 


Similar to the continuous release system, an automated pump releases chemicals on a timer. This method should be used in conjunction with occasional water testing. 

Proportional (based on bleed-off volume) 

Bleed-off, also known as blowdown, refers to the portion of water that is removed from the system and replaced with new water. This type of proportional dosing measures the flow of bleed-off and adds chemicals based on that flow to keep the levels consistent. 

Proportional (based on make-up water volume)  

Similar to bleed-off proportional dosing, this method uses sensors to measure the rate new water enters the system and adds chemicals to maintain a constant concentration. 

Sensor Controlled 

This method directly measures the concentration of chemicals in the cooling tower water and adjusts the input of dosing chemicals to maintain safe levels. 

Interested in Chemical Dosing for Your Cooling Tower? 

As expressed above, there are many ways to use chemicals in your cooling tower to increase efficiency. Depending on the issues you face, different chemicals and application methods may be more effective.  

Ecolink’s experts are industry professionals with a wide range of knowledge about the best chemical products. We’re happy to assist you in finding the right method for your needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us! 

Biocide for Water Cooling

Biocides for Water Cooling

Water is used often as a cheap, plentiful, and effective coolant in industrial settings. However, pumping large quantities through commercial equipment can often lead to the build-up of bacteria, fungi, and other organisms, particularly if the water comes from a natural source. 

To keep the system working efficiently and protect the health of the system and the people working with it, the water must be cleaned. Controlling the accumulation of organic material often comes down to the use of biocides for water cooling. 

Examples of BiocidesUsed in Water Cooling 

The most common method of controlling bacteria and other microorganism growth is through halogenation, which involves the introduction of chlorine or bromine. These compounds and their derivatives oxidize certain organic compounds, thus killing the organisms. However, other biocides used include: 

  • Chloramines 
  • Potassium Ferrate 
  • Ozone 
  • Hydrogen Peroxide 
  • Iodine 
  • Peracetic acid 
  • Ammonium 

These compounds may be administered individually or in a biocide mix designed for the specific conditions of certain water cooling systems. It is important to understand the organisms you are targeting, but also the materials your cooling system is made of in order to choose the right biocide and dosage. 

Why Is Biocide Needed? 

Without proper management, excess organisms can cause damage and reduce the efficiency of water cooling. Active microorganisms in coolant water can cause corrosion to occur, with organic chemicals eating away at the structure, which is a safety concern.  

Additionally, microorganisms can accumulate on the metal membranes that transfer heat, in a layer known as a biofilm. This coating, which is usually soft and squishy, acts as an insulator and prevents heat from moving between the metal and the water, just like how a kitchen towel prevents your hand from burning when removing a hot plate from the microwave. Removing the biofilm layer is important for effective heat transfer.  

Interested in Biocides for Water Cooling? 

Whether it be a pure oxidizing agent, or a specialized blend specifically designed for water cooling systems, Ecolink provides many industrial solutions. If you find yourself in need of biocides or are simply curious about how to best protect your water cooling system, please reach out to us today! 

Examples of Biocide Disinfectant

Examples of Biocide Disinfectant

Bacteria and other small organisms can cause serious issues for the water used in industrial settings. Whether the accumulation of biomass clogs the pipes of a system or makes water hazardous to humans, it is important to control the organisms living in the water you are using. 

Depending on the type of organisms you are targeting, and the final purpose of the water you are disinfecting, different biocides will work better to eliminate these undesirable organisms. 

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at examples of biocide disinfectants, and the best place to purchase them for your industrial needs. 

Oxidizing Biocides 

Oxidizing biocide disinfectants work by interacting chemically with the organic molecules within organisms (e.g., proteins, enzymes, cellular matter), and causing them to lose electrons and become unstable, thus killing the organisms.  

There are many types of oxidizing biocides, including: 

  • Chlorine 
  • Chlorine Dioxide 
  • Chloramines 
  • Potassium ferrate 
  • Bromine 
  • Iodine 
  • Halogenated hydantoins 
  • Ozone 
  • Hydrogen peroxide 
  • Peracetic acid 
  • Sodium bisulphite 

Chlorine and chlorine-containing compounds are by far the most widely used disinfectants in water treatment because of their reduced cost and high effectiveness. However, some industrial membranes may be sensitive to chlorination, and these compounds can cause hazardous by-products. Potassium ferrate has been used as a safer alternative. 

Iodine, hydrogen peroxide, and peracetic acid are all useful for disinfecting water but can be abrasive to certain industrial systems. Ozone is extremely effective at oxidation, but is unstable and must be produced on-site with the potential to cause hazardous by-products. 

Sodium bisulphite is used to bind oxygen, but its efficiency is highly dependent on the type of microorganism being targeted. 

It is very important to understand the type of biofouling you are dealing with, but also the destination of the water you are treating, to make sure that the level of risk associated with any of these chemicals is acceptable. 

Non-Oxidizing Biocides 

Non-oxidizing chemicals work in many ways, but generally by stopping the organisms from breathing, interfering with their reproduction, or breaking apart their cell walls. 

Here are some examples of non-oxidizing biocide disinfectants: 

  • Formaldehyde 
  • Glutaraldehyde 
  • Ammonium 
  • Halogenated amides 
  • Guanidines 
  • Glycols 
  • Thiocarbamates 
  • Amines 
  • Thiocyanates 
  • Aldehydes 
  • Organotin compounds 

Need Help Finding the Right Biocide Disinfectants? 

At Ecolink, we are proud to provide many chemical solutions to common problems. If you find yourself in need of biocide disinfectants or have any other problems that may require industrial-grade chemicals, please reach out to us! Our knowledgeable team will be happy to help you figure out the best solutions for your needs! 

What Is a Biocide Chemical for a Cooling Tower?

What Is a Biocide Chemical for a Cooling Tower?

Cooling towers are used industrially to release heat generated during a mechanical process. Often the water used in cooling comes from a natural source and is not highly filtered. This means it can contain natural sediments, minerals, and biological content.  

All these additional materials can lead to a build-up of organic material on the membranes of the cooling tower. Controlling the bacteria and other microorganisms is often done using biocide chemicals, and is essential if you wish to keep your cooling tower operating efficiently. 

Types of Biocides Used in Cooling Towers  

By far, the most common type of biocide chemicals used is chlorine and chlorine derivatives. This is most common because of its relative cheapness, and effectiveness at oxidizing many types of bacteria.  

Oxidizing biocides, such as chlorine, work by reacting with organic molecules in the microorganisms and causing them to become unstable, thus killing the organisms. In addition to gaseous chlorine, the following are used commonly as oxidizing biocides: 

  • Chlorine dioxide 
  • Chloramines 
  • Potassium Ferrate 
  • Ozone 
  • Hydrogen Peroxide 
  • Iodine 

While all of these chemicals are effective at oxidizing organic materials, it is important to understand the material of the cooling tower you are treating. For example, certain membrane materials may be sensitive to chlorine. Additionally, iodine and hydrogen peroxide can have similar negative effects on certain polymers which may be present. 

You may also find that a blend of chemicals works best at controlling the organisms present in a certain system. Many biocide chemical blends are currently available for purchase in bulk.  

Why Do You Need Biocide Chemicals? 

Biocides are important for controlling the growth of organisms in cooling towers. Often referred to as “biofouling,” when bacteria, fungi, or other creatures accumulate on the membranes of an industrial system, they can have a distinct influence on the efficiency of heat transfer. This is because the layer of soft organic material acts as an insulator between the membranes and the cooler water, sort of like a rubber handle on a frying pan.  

While there are other approaches to handling biofouling, such as physically cleaning the membranes, often biocides are more effective. This is in part because the organisms that are causing a problem will multiply exponentially, so it is necessary to remove all of them to prevent regrowth. 

Looking for Biocide Chemical for your Cooling Tower? 

Finding the most effective biocides for your cooling tower may depend on a number of factors. Ecolink is happy to help you figure out the right method of controlling the microorganisms in your industrial system. Check out our products or give us a call today to get started! 

What Is Fouling? 

What Is Fouling?

Fouling refers to the buildup of solid matter in a water system, like scum on the surface of a pond, or rust on the hull of a boat. This buildup can take on many forms, both living and non-living, and in industrial settings, it can be a real headache to alleviate.  

Read on to see more examples of fouling, and to learn about the negative effects it can have on an industrial system. 

Types of Fouling: Biological   

Material buildup can be distinguished simply as biological (aka “biofouling”) or non-biological.  

Biofouling can refer to the build-up of… 

  • Bacteria 
  • Algae 
  • Fungus 
  • Mussels 
  • Barnacles 
  • Other microorganisms 

Typically, biofouling is more common in warmer water and slower-moving water. Biofouling is a particular issue in ocean-based systems, because of the microscopic biodiversity of seawater. 

Types of Fouling: Non-Biological 

Non-biological fouling can occur simultaneously with biofouling, but is dependent on the make-up of the water, and material the system is made of. Here are a few examples: 


This refers to the building up of particles, maybe through pollution or natural particles like silt or leaves. 


Precipitation occurs when chemicals in the water lose their solubility (through temperature change or change in the water movement), and collect in solid form. 


Just like rust, certain materials will react with the water and may start to release solid material which can collect and affect the efficiency of the system. 


Sometimes if the water is cold enough, it will freeze in slower-moving areas. More commonly, oils or waxes will freeze in membranes and slow the flow of water. 

Chemical Reaction 

If a new chemical is introduced to the system, maybe as a biocide or cleaning agent, it may react with existing chemicals and form solids, similar to precipitation. 

Why Is Fouling Bad? 

Fouling can cause real problems for the efficiency of industrial water systems. Sometimes it can clog pumps and smaller pipes that are important for the flow of water. This can slow the efficiency of water movement but also lead to the dangerous building up of pressure in delicate areas. 

If the system is being used for heat exchange (water is often used as a large-scale coolant), then buildup on the membranes meant to release heat into the water will hurt the transfer of heat.  

Certain types of buildup can also contain dangerous chemicals and bacteria that make the water hazardous to human consumption. It is important to understand the type of buildup affecting your system and try to mitigate it. 

Looking for a Treatment? 

Understanding the best course of action for dealing with fouling can be a challenge. Here at Ecolink, we are ready to help you find the best solution for your needs. Reach out to us today to get started!