Daraclean Aqueous Cleaner Spec Approvals – Available at Ecolink Inc

Daraclean® and MagnaVu® Specificaion Conformance Chart

Daraclean aqueous cleaners have been tested for a number of soils, surfaces and certified to Allied Signal, AMS, ARP, ASTM, Boeing, Douglas CSD, Canadair, Douglas Helicopter, GEAE, Lockheed, Mil-C-29602, Pratt & Whitney, Raytheon, SCAQMD Certification and Sundstrand standards. Buy with confidence knowing Daraclean aqueous parts cleaners are compatible with your ‘exact’ parts and cleaning criteria.Ecolink Inc has supplied Daraclean for more than 15 years and has a long list of NSN’s for Magnaflux NDT and Daraclean aqueous cleaners. In 1999, the current owner of Ecolink Inc. acquired the Daraclean company on behalf of ITW and Magnaflux. We know this product line intimately and want to earn your trust, respect and (hopefully) business. Please call 800 886-8240 or email info@ecolink.com to save $ and order hassle-free. NO MINIMUM ORDER SIZE and we guarantee a response within 24 hours!


Specifications DF-2 200 203 212 235 236 238 257 282 282GF 283 Magnaflux
Allied Signal EMS53170 X
AMS 1526; Aircraft Exterior Surfaces X* X* X X X X X*
AMS 1537; Alkaline Hot Tank Cleaner X
ARP 1511; Low-embrittling Cd Plate X X X X X X X
ARP 1512; Sandwich Corrosion X X X X X X X X*
ARP 1755; Stock Loss X X X X X X X X
ASTM F-331: Nonvolatile Residue (NVR) X X
ASTM F-483 Immersion Corrosion X X* X X X X X X*
ASTM F-484: Stress Craze Acrylics Plastics X X X X X X X X
ASTM F-485 Unpainted Aircraft Surfaces X X X X X X X X
ASTM F-502; Painted Aircraft Surfaces X X X X X X X X
ASTM F-519; Hydrogen Embrittlement X X X X X X X
ASTM F-945; Titanium Stress X X X X X X X X
ASTM F-1110; Sandwich Corrosion X X X X X X X X*
ASTM F-1111; Low-embrittling Cd Plate X X X X X X X
Allied Signal; EMS 53170; AQ/Semi-Aq. Degreaser X
Boeing BAC 5749; Alkaline Cleaning X
Boeing BAC 5763; Emulsion Aqueous Cleaning X X X X
Boeing BAC 5763, PSD 6-26; Oxygen Systems X
Boeing BAC 5763, PSD 6-36; Type II Spray Deg. X
Boeing BAC 5763, PSD 9-3; Oxygen Systems X
Boeing BAC 5763; PSD 9-10; Oxygen Systems X
Boeing D6-48809 Sandwich Corrosion X X X X X X X X*
Douglas CSD#1; General Purpose Cleaner X X X X X
Conadair; BW: 92/333 X
Douglas Helicopter; HMS20-1267/2125 X
Douglas Helicopter HMS; HMS20-1267/2127 X
Douglas MD P.S. 12024 X
GEAE Method 22; 70-21-22 X X
GEAE CT-882; Heat Corrosion X
Lockheed ADC; G32001 X
Lockheed STM 32-301 X
Mil-C-29602; Cleaning Compounds X
Pratt & Whitney PMC 1438 X
Pratt & Whitney PMC 1445 X
Pratt & Whitney PMC 1421 X X
Pratt & Whitney PMC 1429; Alk,. Cleaner Spray X
Pratt & Whitney PMC 1435 (Dip) X
Pratt & Whitney PMC 1439 (Spray) X
Pratt & Whitney PMC 36604; Hot Corrosion X X X X X
Pratt & Whitney PMC 36604; Non-metallics X X X X X
Pratt & Whitney PMC 33604; PWA 407 Rubber X X X X
Raytheon;MP-921 X
SCAQMD Certification X X X X X X
Sunstrand Data; #037-0228-000 X
96 Hr. Acute Aquatic Toxicity X

*Some restrictions apply

DaraClean Cleaner Formulations

Neutral Cleaners
Daraclean 121 212 235 236
Aerospace No Yes Yes Yes
Foam Level High High Suppressed Suppressed
pH Level (10%) Neutral








Total Alkalinity n/a n/a n/a n/a
Silicates No No No No
Phosphates No No No No
VOC Level 16.5g/L 71.9 g/L 41.6 g/L 59.9g/L


Alkaline Cleaners
Daraclean 282 282GF 283 200
Aerospace Yes Yes Yes No
Foam Level Low Low Low Low
pH Level (10%) Alkaline






High Alkaline


Total Alkalinity 0.43-0.53 0.46-0.50 0.57-0.77 0.75-0.86
Silicates Yes Yes Yes Yes
Phosphates No No No No
VOC Level 24.0g/L 24.0g/L 0.0 g/L 0.0g/L


Heavy-Duty Cleaners
Daraclean MVD MVS 257 238 259
Aerospace Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Foam Level High Low Low High Lo
pH Level (10%) 11.5 11.0 High Alkaline


High Alkaline


HIgh Alkaline 11.5-12.5
Total Alkalinity 2.5 2.5 0.8-0.9 1.0-1.2 1.2-1.6
Silicates Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Phosphates Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
VOC Level 0.0g/L 0.0 g/L 0.0 g/L


Daraclean Caustic


Rinse Additive




Aerospace No No No
Foam Level Low Low Low
pH Level (5%) Caustic


n/a 12.5
Total Alkalinity 2.2-2.5 n/a 7.36
Silicates No No Yes
Phosphates No No Yes
VOC Level 0.0 g/L 41.0 g/L 0.0 g/L

Daraclean Aqueous Cleaners for Aerospace Maintenance

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