MIL-PRF 680 B and PD 680 Type II: Why Are They Undesirable Cleaners?

As environmental consciousness and safety consciousness in the workplace have increased, many conventional cleaning solutions have been severely regulated or banned by the EPA. For example, MIL-PRF 680 B and PD 680 Type II are two cleaning solutions whose use in industrial and commercial settings has been significantly curtailed or eliminated due to deleterious effects the solutions can have on the natural environment and those who routinely use the products.

What’s Wrong With MIL-PRF 680 B?
In April 2010, the cleaning solvent industry officially replaced MIL-PRF 680 B with MIL-PRF 680 C. Unlike the former solution, the latter one has a higher flashpoint (145°F), better solvency, lower VOC content (17 grams/liter), is fully evaporative and non-residual, and is approved for government and military use. The solution is also widely used by other types of entities, as well.

For the EPA, of particular concern are the VOCs in MIL-PRF 680 B. In addition to potentially causing chronic health problems in those who are routinely exposed to them, VOCs can also harm the environment by creating toxic emissions. Most VOCs evaporate at room temperature. Consequently, eliminating VOCs is typically far easier than trying to control them in vapor form.

What’s Wrong With PD 680 Type II?
This solution (a.k.a. mineral spirits or Stoddard solvent) experienced a similar fate as MIL-PRF 680 B for some of the same reasons. Although the Type II formulation of PD 680 has many dangerous aromatic hydrocarbons removed, it nonetheless has two strikes against it: The cleaner is formulated as a petroleum distillate, and exposure to it can cause health problems.

The EPA disfavors petroleum distillates due to the carnage that they can cause if spilled on water or land. Furthermore, resolving a large spill typically entails a costly clean up effort. Concerning its effects on humans, PD 680 Type II is still considered quite dangerous, despite the removal of most aromatic hydrocarbons. Chronic inhalation of vapors from the solution is reported to cause permanent brain damage and damage to the central nervous system.

Identifying Replacement Solutions
If your company or organization is looking for permanent substitutions for MIL-PRF 680 B and PD 680 Type II — replacements that will remain in good standing with the EPA — we recommend switching to Ecolink 250 SS or MIL PRF 680 Type II or Type IV. These solutions have a better safety profile than the solutions they replace, while delivering the same cleaningpower of the replaced solutions. In switching cleaners, you get a safer solution with the same efficacy.

To learn if these solutions are viable replacements for your current solutions, call us at (800) 563-1305, or refer to the contact page on our website. If these solutions are not ideal for your cleaning needs, we will identify solutions that are perfect for the job. If necessary, we can even create a custom cleaning solution that is tailored to your specific cleaning process. With new solutions in place, you can stop worrying about EPA regulations and focus on core business.

Specialty Chemicals: Has your Business Discovered Eco Friendly Degreaser Replacements?

Degreasers contain specialty chemicals that are formulated to cut through through grease and grime, leaving mechanical parts and other types of components grease-free. Unfortunately, the specialty chemicals in many degreaser solutions simply aren’t healthy for the environment, the people who work with them, or the profit margins of companies that use them regularly.

What to Look for in a Replacement
Ecolink specializes in offering eco friendly solutions that minimize negative environmental impact, have a safer chemical profile that helps prevent chronic health conditions associated with chemical exposure, and help to mitigate waste disposal costs for industrial and commercial companies and organizations. If you need a replacement for a degreaser whose specialty chemicals are hazardous, we can offer you one that has the following benefits, among others.

Same Efficacy
One of main reservations companies have about replacing a hazardous degreaser is the fear that the healthier replacement solution won’t deliver the same efficacy as the old one. When you work with Ecolink, this isn’t a problem. For example, we offer NAVSOLVE Low VOC Degreasing Solvent that meets Meets MIL-PRF-32295A Type II specifications, and HYPERSOLVE™ TRIAGEN (A) Metal Cleaner, Degreaser & Flux Remover that cleans as well as TCA.

Flammable degreasers present at least two problems: they risk igniting in the work environment if a stray spark contacts the liquid, and they tend to present storage problems, as they should ideally be stored in a cool area in the building, where few if any combustibles exist. Non-flammable degreasers, such as the two mentioned above, eliminate both problems.

Controlled Evaporation
A degreaser that features controlled evaporation helps prevent the application of additional degreaser after the first coating quickly dries. This situation can lead to more degreaser being collected in the waste system, and drive up waste disposal costs, especially in the long-term. Controlled evaporation helps you use a single application of degreaser as efficiently as possible.

No Residue
Because cleaner residue attracts dirt and grime, it is ultimately counter intuitive to use a degreaser that leaves a residue, however thin. No only do residual degreasers not keep parts clean as long as non-residual degreasers; they also shorten the time between degreasing operations, causing you to use more solution than necessary and increasing operating costs.

Low VOCs
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) may have an organic source, but that doesn’t mean they are safe for human contact. In fact, many temporary and chronic medical conditions have been connected to VOC exposure. No company wants to pay out more workers comp or absorb the cost of increased sick days, and using a low VOC degreaser can help your company avoid it.

Contact Us Today
There is no reason to keep using conventional degreasers whose specialty chemicals are hazardous to the environment and those who work with them, as well as present other problems, such as fire risk, residue on parts, and increased waste disposal costs. Ecolink gives you the option to avoid these problems by replacing the degreaser with one of our eco friendly solutions. Call us today at (800) 563-1305, or refer to the contact page on our website.

Commercial Cleaning Products Can Still be Eco Friendly

When people think ochemical cleaning solutionsf commercialized cleaning products, they tend to imagine mass produced cleaning solutions that are concocted with highly concentrated solvents that guarantee to clean a wide array of parts, metals and materials so industrial businesses do not have to worry about products not being completely cleaned, which would slow the cleaning process and potentially halt production. Many people assume that when an industrial organization has to clean an abundance of parts, metals, and materials, the safety and potential biohazard of the chemical solution becomes a secondary thought. Others just believe that it is impossible to offer an eco friendly cleaning and degreasing product for commercial cleaning needs. Why is this? Well, the first thought is that for a product to be eco friendly, then it must be very expensive, meaning a commercial cleaning product designed with environmentally safe chemical compounds would price itself out of range for industrial businesses to afford. Fortunately, this is not the case.

Companies offering green alternative and safe cleaning products, such as Ecolink, have designed chemical compound formulas for commercial cleaning needs that are inexpensive, efficient, and eco friendly. This means that commercial cleaning products can be affordably purchased, and are safer than older cleaning agents that can harm people and the environment. Industrial companies that need commercial grade cleaning products can now expect eco friendly alternatives to clean as effectively, likely more effectively than what your company currently uses. The transition is seamless. Companies such as Ecolink will help you make the switch without having to slow or halt production, and you will be able to rely on eco friendly commercial cleaning products to deliver the same if not better overall cleaning results.

If you are still unsure that commercial grade cleaning products can be eco friendly and still clean and degrease with the same efficiency as older alternatives, as well as be purchase at a moderate price, it is suggested that you reach out to Ecolink right away. Ecolink has detailed and factual informationgreen chemistry that will prove the authenticity of eco friendly commercial cleaning products, and will be happy to share with you their exhaustive gathering of research, analysis, and product development. Ecolink strives to help every industrial organization transition to eco friendly and green alternative chemical cleaning solvents, because the business wants to ensure the safety of people, as well as the environment, now and for the future.

Ecolink understands the need for practicality when it comes to cleaning and degreasing commercial grade products. That is why Ecolink will be with you every step of the way as you make the change to a green alternative solution. In turn, you will be cleaning and degreasing commercial products like never before, while placing your workers and the environment out of harms way.

Industrial Green Cleaning Products for California

green global cleaningThe state of California has created a reputation for being one of the most beautiful and cleanest states in the entire country due to its desire to follow as many eco friendly and green alternative guidelines regarding business policy. Most businesses in the state of California strive to always be at the front of the line when implementing environmentally safe, green cleaning solutions, in all operational situations, and for all types of businesses where it is applicable. As it pertains to industrial activities, California industrial businesses will be happy to know, if they so happen to be unaware, that greener cleaning products are available that can swiftly replace older cleaning and solvent degreasing solutions that are considered harmful to employees, as well as the environment. As one of the nationwide leaders of having businesses transition to green cleaning products, when it is available, the state of California has always worked to provide a terrific example to the rest of the nation in displaying the importance of using green cleaning products.

Ecolink, a company that helps empower industrial businesses to transition to green cleaning products and degreasers, recognizes both the short and long term negative effects industrial cleaners with toxic chemical components have on people in close range to the solvent and the environment. Ecolink believes that California industrial businesses can show the rest of the nation that green cleaning products and degreasers designed specifically for industrial organizations are made of components that will clean and degrease parts, metals, and materials as well as, even better than older solutions. In addition, not only will California industrial businesses have a new cleaning and degreasing solvent for its products that cleans better than older solutions, those industrial businesses will have in their possession eco friendly and green alternative solvents – and that translates to improved safety for all involved. green california

Ecolink has conducted the necessary research and development to not only pinpoint the chemical agents considered detrimental to health, the company can provide a list of alternatives that will clean and degrease your products, subsequently proving a much better option. Ecolink can analyze your cleaning methods, and recommend a green cleaning product for your business. They are experts at custom blending chemicals to create the perfect cleaning solution to fit your needs. A bulk of their business is devoted to custom cleaning solutions. It is the goal of Ecolink to have all industrial businesses transition to green cleaning products, because the company is sure that eco friendly green cleaning products will outperform any older industrial solvent. California businesses are encouraged to contact Ecolink to talk with a professional and learn more about what the company offers. An Ecolink representative will educate your business on green cleaning products, and why the change is of importance.

Ecolink wishes to collaborate with as many California businesses as possible, to help ensure all industrial businesses are using green cleaning products. Ecolink also wants to help the state of California to enhance their upstanding reputation as a place willing to change business practices when it means saving people and preserving the environment for clean living.

Environmentally Safe Industrial Cleaners & Solvents

There is a lot of back and forth among scientists, researchers, and even politicians about the effect that some chemicals, and products have on the envindustrial cleaningironment. Some people say that the earth is incredibly self-sustainable, and will be in fine shape for hundreds, perhaps even thousands of years. On the other hand, you have others who state there is a glaring and obvious change in the earth’s ecosystem, natural resources, weather pattern, and temperature that prove the way we are treating the earth – though perhaps not an immediate emergency – needs to be altered for the better, or else we might get to the point where even the most drastic changes will not help save the planet. In addition, those same people say that it is morally reprehensible, ignorant, and uncaring to not put forth changes that will help the planet in the long term, along with helping the future generations of our lineage for decades and centuries to come.

Concerning industrial organizations, there is no greater offender of keeping the planet clean than business that use industrial cleaners that are not eco friendly. Many older industrial solutions are filled with toxic agents found in the chemical cleaning solutions that harm the atmosphere, ozone, and pretty much anything it comes into contact with when emitted into the air. Unsafe chemical compound solutions used for cleaning and degreasing parts, metals, and materials make the air toxic and unhealthy to breathe, and the same toxicities that can hurt people harm the environment (plants, animals, soil, and the atmosphere).

Why have industrial businesses not switched to environmentally industrial cleaners? For starters, many industrial companies worry that eco friendly and green alternative cleaning and degreasing agents will not clean as well as the solvent currently in use. In their defense, if a cleaning and degreasing solution were to fail to clean and degrease a product, the consequences can have a dire impact on the business, including loss in revenue, clients, and time management. The key is to help these businesses understand that environmentally safe industrial cleaners work as well as, if not better than older solvents. To help educate these industrial businesses, they need to be put in contact with companies such as Ecolink.

Ecolink provides information, gathered through years of analysis and testing, that shows the effectiveness of environmentally safe industrial cleaners, and their cleaning and degreasing efficiency. In addition, Ecolink can help an industrial organization transition to an environmentally safe industrial cleaner with simplicity and ease. Please contact Ecolink, as using eco friendly and green alternative cleaning solutions should be a moral imperative for all industrial businesses. Ecolink will assist you in making a swift and effortless change for the better.