Entries by Industrial Degreasers

The Process of Liquid-Liquid Extraction

What is Liquid-Liquid Extraction? Liquid-Liquid extraction is a more complex process of separating a liquid mixture over the Liquid-Solid process. Another common term for Liquid-Liquid extraction is as solvent extraction process. The process involves taking liquids, mixing them, and being able to separate them when the liquid settles. Often one part is water while the […]

The Process of Liquid-Solid Extraction

What is Liquid-Solid Extraction? The process of Liquid-Solid Extraction happens quite often in chemical processes. They range from everyday products a person uses to more industrial uses, which will be discussed later. Liquid-Solid extraction is the process by which solvents are merged with solid material and the non-dissolvable parts are extracted and the liquid parts […]

Melody’s Internship Experience

Who Am I? My name is Melody Weckel Confer. I was a Digital Marketing Intern with Ecolink Inc. during the Summer of 2018. This was my first internship and Ecolink was the ideal company to work for. My director supervisors and my intern co-workers were extremely helpful and collaborative. I have gone on to recommend […]

What Does Low VOC Mean?

What does low VOC mean? Low VOC refers to low volatile organic compounds. These are chemicals that have a low toxicity level, which is safer for both the user and the environment. VOCs if not handled properly can cause illness and injury to the user, or have a negative impact on the environment. Some states […]

What Dissolves Oil Sludge

What dissolves oil sludge? Oil sludge can build up on industrial machinery with use, and over time this sludge can cause the machinery to malfunction or break. If you are looking for chemicals that dissolve oil sludge and are safe to use on industrial machinery and print equipment, you have several options. Two of the […]