Industrial Green Cleaning Products for California

green global cleaningThe state of California has created a reputation for being one of the most beautiful and cleanest states in the entire country due to its desire to follow as many eco friendly and green alternative guidelines regarding business policy. Most businesses in the state of California strive to always be at the front of the line when implementing environmentally safe, green cleaning solutions, in all operational situations, and for all types of businesses where it is applicable. As it pertains to industrial activities, California industrial businesses will be happy to know, if they so happen to be unaware, that greener cleaning products are available that can swiftly replace older cleaning and solvent degreasing solutions that are considered harmful to employees, as well as the environment. As one of the nationwide leaders of having businesses transition to green cleaning products, when it is available, the state of California has always worked to provide a terrific example to the rest of the nation in displaying the importance of using green cleaning products.

Ecolink, a company that helps empower industrial businesses to transition to green cleaning products and degreasers, recognizes both the short and long term negative effects industrial cleaners with toxic chemical components have on people in close range to the solvent and the environment. Ecolink believes that California industrial businesses can show the rest of the nation that green cleaning products and degreasers designed specifically for industrial organizations are made of components that will clean and degrease parts, metals, and materials as well as, even better than older solutions. In addition, not only will California industrial businesses have a new cleaning and degreasing solvent for its products that cleans better than older solutions, those industrial businesses will have in their possession eco friendly and green alternative solvents – and that translates to improved safety for all involved. green california

Ecolink has conducted the necessary research and development to not only pinpoint the chemical agents considered detrimental to health, the company can provide a list of alternatives that will clean and degrease your products, subsequently proving a much better option. Ecolink can analyze your cleaning methods, and recommend a green cleaning product for your business. They are experts at custom blending chemicals to create the perfect cleaning solution to fit your needs. A bulk of their business is devoted to custom cleaning solutions. It is the goal of Ecolink to have all industrial businesses transition to green cleaning products, because the company is sure that eco friendly green cleaning products will outperform any older industrial solvent. California businesses are encouraged to contact Ecolink to talk with a professional and learn more about what the company offers. An Ecolink representative will educate your business on green cleaning products, and why the change is of importance.

Ecolink wishes to collaborate with as many California businesses as possible, to help ensure all industrial businesses are using green cleaning products. Ecolink also wants to help the state of California to enhance their upstanding reputation as a place willing to change business practices when it means saving people and preserving the environment for clean living.

Green Cleaners for Seattle Businesses & Washington State

Washington State has garSeattle Skylinenered a reputation for being one of the most beautiful and cleanest states, not only in the Pacific Northwest, but also in the entire country. Seattle is one of the most recognized cities in Washington, and arguably one of the most popular cities in the nation. One of the key aspects related to Seattle is the city’s desire to always be at the forefront in using eco friendly and green alternative solutions in all situations, and for all types of businesses where it is applicable. As it pertains to industrial businesses, Seattle industrial businesses will be happy to know, if they are still unaware, that green cleaners are available that can easily replace older cleaning and degreasing solutions that might be harming employees, as well as the environment. As one of the pioneers of transitioning to green alternative products, when it is available, the city of Seattle can lead the rest of the nation in switching to green cleaners, as it concerns industrial businesses.

Ecolink is a custom chemical blending company that creates specialized cleaning agents that help empowPacific Northwester industrial businesses to transition to green cleaners and degreasers for their cleaning needs. Ecolink recognizes the impact, both short term and long term, from industrial chemicals that have been created with toxic chemical components. We believe that Seattle businesses can be leaders to the rest of the nation to demonstrate that green cleaners and degreasers for industrial organizations are made of components that will clean and degrease parts, metals, and materials as well as or better than older models. In addition, not only will Seattle businesses have a new cleaning and degreasing solution for its purposes that clean as efficiently and effectively as other solutions, those businesses will have in their possession eco friendly and green alternative solvents.

Ecolink has conducted the necessary research to prove which chemical agents are considered harmful, and can provide a list of alternative measures that will clean and degrease your products. Ecolink can go so far as to analyze your cleaning methods, and recommend a green cleaner for your business. It is the goal of Ecolink to have all industrial businesses transition to environmentally safe cleaners, because the company is certain that eco friendly green cleaners can perform as well as or better than any older industrial solvent. Seattle businesses are encouraged to contact Ecolink, and speak to a professional to learn more about what Ecolink has to offer. An Ecolink professional can help your business become educated on green cleaners, and why the change is of consequential importance.

Seattle businesses should be proud of their reputation of leading the way with the utilization of green alternative solutions for all business needs. This is why Ecolink wishes to partner with as many businesses in the state of Washington as possible, to help ensure all industrial businesses are using safe and green cleaners. In turn, Ecolink wants to help Seattle businesses further their outstanding reputation as a place that is willing to change business practices when it means ensuring the safety of workers while preserving the environment.

Is your Company Using the Best Industrial Cleaners?

“If it is not broke, do not fix it.” It is likely that at some point in your life, you have heard this ubiquitous quote in some manner. Regarding the industrial cleaning industry, this quote is quite true to point. The fact of the matter is most industrial businesses that use industrial cleaners to clean and degrease parts, metals, and materials or dirt, stains, rust, grime, oil, and other harmful particles have been using the exact same industrial cleaner for years, perhaps even decades. The problem with this is there have been a lot of changes, pertaining to advancements in chemical products and the law regarding what chemicals can be used to clean parts because of the health risks associated with the compound solvent. It is easy to understand why industrial businesses have not made the switch to a new industrial cleaner when the one they have been using for a long time, in their opinion, works fine. However, if these industrial companies were to conduct research into the subject, they would find that newer, stronger, safer, and less costly industrial cleaners are now available. Ecolink1

Now, your industrial company must ask itself the following question: is our company using the best industrial cleaner on the market? If your company has been using the same chemical cleaning solution for the last five years or longer, then the answer to the posed question is most likely no. Why? Significant advances have been made to industrial cleaners that render older model industrial solvents obsolete.

Most importantly, scientific research has found that older industrial cleaning solutions are filled with toxic chemicals and hazardous agents that could cause serious ramifications and dire long term effects to those who are in constant contact or even close proximity to these solvents. In addition, the hazardous cleaning agents hurt the environment. Today, there are eco friendly and green alternative solutions available that not only eliminate potential injury to people and to the environment, but also can clean and degrease better than older industrial cleaners.

Secondly, industrial companies are riddled with expensive liabilities and overhead that eat away at a business’ cash flow. Newer, cleaner industrial solvents are developed with chemical compounds that are safer and cheaper than older industrial chemical solutions. This means the cost of using these newer degreasing models is significantly less than what your company was paying for your current brand.

Safer industrial cleaning ingredients that are more effective and cheaper sounds too good to be true, but it is the truth. Ecolink – a company that has been pushing the eco friendly, green alternative movement for a safer and more efficient industrial cleaner for quite some time – can further explain the benefits to these newer industrial solutions, and will help you make the transition to these improved solvents. With the help of Ecolink, your company will soon be using the best industrial cleaner available today.

Cut Cleaning Costs with Eco Friendly Industrial Cleaners

If you are a part of an industrial organization that has to rely on industrial cleaners to rid your parts, metals, and materials, of dirt, stains, rust, grease, and other types of harmful chemicals, you are probably sick of the exorbitant costs of having to refill your stockEcolink3 ever so frequently. The problem is that industrial businesses really do not have a choice in the matter because cleaning industrial products is absolutely mandatory for the product to operate and function at one hundred percent capacity. Because industrial cleaners are an integral piece to the industrial cleaning puzzle, yet they are so expensive to use, this dilemma leaves industrial companies feeling that their hands are tied. Luckily, with the recent explosion in the discovery and utilization of eco friendly industrial cleaners, industrial manufacturers and businesses are now able to cut cleaning costs because the eco friendly ingredients that make up the latest industrial cleaners are less expensive.

Hold on, says the disbelieving executive at the industrial complex. How can that possibly be? Usually, when a new product that comes out to replace an old product, and the new product is cheaper, the conclusion that often comes up is that the new product must not be as effective as the old product, or the ingredients and composition of the new product is not as good or solid as the old product. It is completely understandable to feel this way, as sometimes that is the case. Fortunately, as it pertains to industrial cleaners, the chemical compounds used to create older solvents that were hazardous to people and to the environment were actually more expensive than the ingredients that go into designing eco friendly industrial cleaners.

The above mentioned notion is clearly a win-win for industrial organizations, as eco friendly industrial cleaners solves two looming problems: 1. Your business can now cut cleaning costs significantly, because the solution used for green alternative cleaners and degreasers is less expensive; and 2. Your industrial business can now transition to a safe alternative that does not pose the threat of long term negative side effects to your work force, and does not harm the environment in any way. Today, there is no reason for industrial companies that are still using older industrial cleaners to continue forth with the same hazardous chemical cleaning components, especially when eco friendly industrial cleaners have been tested and proven to clean just as effectively. Ecolink1

If you want to learn more about how your industrial business can cut cleaning costs with eco friendly industrial cleaners, you should contact a company called Ecolink. Ecolink is one of the earliest pioneers of developing new industrial cleaners with green alternative solutions that also allow companies to cut cleaning costs for the short and long term. An Ecolink professional will help you make a seamless transition to these new eco friendly solutions so your industrial business can start cutting cleaning costs right away.

Ask the Chemist About Custom Cleaning Solutions

As it pertains to custom cleaning solutions for parts, metals, materials, and other types of products that need to be cleaned or degreased before being placed into operation, Ecolink is one of the most reliable companies to provide factual and trusted information, and is an excellent source for industrial strength parts cleaning solvents that are also eco friendly. Ecolink has been involved in the proprietorship of providing solvent substitutions for over twenty years (more than two decades), which means the company has been at the forefront of discovering, devising, and providing innovative and improved cleaning solvents for industrial organizations. When a business has sustained success and longevity for as long as Ecolink, you can be confident in knowing you are receiving the absolute best regarding custom cleaning solutions.

If you peruse the Ecolink website, you will eventually come across the “Ask the Chemist” webpage. Ecolink attributes much of its success to the Ecolink President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. John Roudebush. Mr. Roudebush, who is also a chemist, is instrumental in creating new, industrial strength, eco friendly and green alternative custom cleaning solutions to bring industrial businesses into the new age of using incredibly strong parts cleaning solutions that are also safe for people and the environment. Therefore, when we pose the question: “Ask the chemist about cleaning solutions,” it is not merely lip service or a catchy phrase to incite interest into our business. The Ecolink leader is completely ‘hands on’ in committing to performing exhaustive research and creating innovative parts cleaning resources.

The above information, along with having an incredible staff dedicated to the relentless pursuit of providing industrial companies with the strongest and safest cleaning and degreasing solvents, is why Ecolink has sustained continuous success for more than twenty years. Simply contact one of our professionals, and you will quickly realize why Ecolink has achieved so much in our field. Please, we urge you to ‘ask the chemist about custom cleaning solutions.