Prevention of Chemical Water Pollution – Keeping our Water Safe

clean waterMany people enjoy planting vegetation, herbs, and other types of plants and greenery when the warmer seasons permit. In addition, people with lawns and a good bit of land must perform lawn care in order to keep their lawns looking nice. Unfortunately, and as any lawn care service provider and casual gardener can attest, with planting and lawn care come issues that must be dealt with. Pests, insects, fungus, and weeds are some of the many problems that persist when trying to plant a nice garden or take care of your lawn. Lawn control care products do exists that help fight off these myriad issues, however, many of these chemical lawn care products have issues of their own. Pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides are all poisons designed to destroy pests, weeds, and fungus. The problem resides when the poisons find themselves permeating into waterways and leach into ground water systems, which consequently leads to serious water pollution and very damaging effects for both human health and the health of the environment. Some pesticides are so hazardous that a handful are have been identified as carcinogenic, while others can cause reproductive defects and even damage vital organs. Even many fertilizers that are used to feed agricultural productivity are considered detrimental because they add excess nitrates and phosphates to both the soil and water. Just in the last few decades alone, findings of nitrogen and phosphorus in soil stemming from both sewage and excess fertilizer, which poisons both soil and water, has almost quadrupled.

How do we keep our water safe? First, identify preventive measures. Some preventive measures include using eco friendly, green alternative chemical lawn care products that minimize and altogether eliminate harmful poisons found in these products. Ecolink can provide people with comprehensive information regarding eco friendly, green alternative chemical lawn care products, along with how to make a seamless transition to these products. In addition, there is far too much waste when using these chemical lawn care products. Both lawn care service providers and even casual gardeners purchase far too much chemical lawn care products that end up being wasted, dumped, and thrown out, or even used to excess, which consequently leads to more water pollution. At least, as it pertains to lawn care service providers, there are chemical leasing options that directly reduce chemical waste. A leasing agreement allows the lawn care service provider to receive only the necessary amount of chemical lawn care products, as long as that service provider buys the product only from the seller. This is a wonderful way to prevent chemical water pollution.

If you require more information on leasing chemical lawn care products and where to find eco friendly, green alternative chemical lawn care products, consulting with Ecolink will definitely get you on the right track.

Can Companies Reduce their Chemical Usage?

Chemical usage is such an integral aspect of the makeup of industrial processing; it makes it hard to answer this question in the affirmative. While it is agreed that with today’s advancements in modern technology there should be a way to drastically reduce chemical usage, one must always keep in mind that chemical components are really a foundation, or building block for industrial operations and businesses. Chemicals are used to create and build industrial parts, metals, materials, components, and products – making these products much more efficient for their intended use. In addition, chemicals are used to clean these industrial components, ridding them of inhibiting particles and elements that would otherwise prevent these industrial products from performing or functioning as intended and needed. So, while everyone can probably agree that industrial companies can devote more research toward finding a true method to reducing all chemical usage, one key element is already certain – industrial companies can already dramatically reduce its hazardous chemical usage.

How so? Simple. Federal regulatory committees and agencies, watchdog groups, and green alternative solution organizations such as Ecolink have researched, discovered, and developed eco friendly, green alternative chemical components that practically eliminate the usage of any and all hazardous and toxic chemical agents still used by industrial businesses. In fact, these eco friendly, green alternative chemical solutions offer a seamless transition to a safer chemical product that will still function as efficiently and effectively as the previous chemical component, but minus the toxic profusion emitted by those older, harmful chemical solvents. Moreover, these devoted groups and organizations have made it as easy as possible for industrial businesses to realize whether the chemical components they have in use are toxic, as the abundance of information found have been posted online on their websites. Or, if there are any questions and concerns regarding your chemical usage, you can pick up the phone and call one of these agencies, and a professional would be happy to inform you on everything you need to know about your existing chemical compound in operation, and whether you need to switch right away to a safer, greener alternative.

While our country works its way toward drastically reducing its overall chemical consumption and usage, it can already stop, not just settling to reduce, the use of hazardous chemical solvents. If you are a member of an industrial business, and happen to be reading this blog, please become a part of the solution, and stop being a part of the problem, and switch to an eco friendly chemical alternative. Making the change is a simple as reaching out to Ecolink, or any regulatory agency that exists to help with developing solutions to the toxic chemical problem and dependency our nation has, which needs to stop now.

Custom Blended Chemical Cleaners – Special Orders Don’t Upset Us

blending chemicalsIf your industrial business relies on chemical cleaners to clean and degrease your parts, metals, materials, and other industrial components, then it is possible you have been, or are in need of custom blended chemical solvents and cleaners. Many industrial products require general chemical cleaning and degreasing services, though some products require the use of custom blended chemical cleaners to function as needed. Finding a business whose industrial cleaning operations offer custom blending could prove complicated. If your industrial business has industrial products that need custom blended chemical cleaners, it is critical that you find a company that offers these specialized services. One organization that offers these solutions is Ecolink; accepting special orders for custom blended chemical cleaners.

Ecolink is the ideal option when trying to choose a company that can provide custom blended chemical cleaners for industrial products. When you purchase chemicals from big name companies, they are often tied to their product line which may or may not meet the exact cleaning specifications you require. The opposite is true when working with a small company like Ecolink, who has positioned itself to manufacture special blends to meet the specific needs of a specialized order. Ecolink is the most trusted and accomplished authority regarding the accepting and completing of specialized orders. When researching companies that can provide custom blending services, you will see that Ecolink holds the most accomplished record helping industrial businesses fulfill specialized orders for custom blended chemical cleaners. Ecolink boasts unparalleled chemical industry expertise, which is part of the reason why special orders do not scare the business at all; because they have the utmost confidence they can handle the order. Simply look at Ecolink’s clientele base that has trusted Ecolink with the fulfillment of special orders, which includes manufacturing companies, aerospace, military, high-tech businesses, and other industries where critical chemical cleaning is the constant standard.

Another wonderful benefit to taking your industrial business’s custom blended chemical cleaning needs to Ecolink is to receive expertise knowledge concerning chemical solutions, which is offered to all clients. Ecolink professionals have the experience needed to create the best blend for your business to clean effectively, while cutting costs and reducing waste. We provide expert advice pertaining to custom blended chemical cleaners, along with our ability to manage any and all special orders for chemical solvents. In addition, Ecolink will be happy to answer any questions and concerns your industrial business might have regarding cleaning and degreasing, as well as eco friendly, green alternatives.

Contact Ecolink immediately, as the company can start assisting you immediately. Ecolink provides expert support on everything related to industrial cleaning. They will help your company get your chemical cleaners organized to manage shelf life and reduce waste. Ecolink serves the best interests of its clients, and provides the best safety measures for people using industrial cleaners and the environment. Ecolink can help you with custom blended chemical cleaners that will achieve the ultimate satisfaction in industrial cleaning. All you have to do is call to begin receiving the best in chemical cleaning solutions.

Get Safer Chemicals for Industrial Cleaning

safe industrial cleanersIn the previous decade, speculation grew that the chemicals industrial organizations were using for the industrial cleaning of parts, metals, and other materials might be harmful to the environment, and to people who were in contact with or in close proximity. As more evidence from health regulation committees and environmental organizations came to light that this speculation was indeed accurate, momentum grew to enforce restrictive industrial cleaning laws that pushed industrial businesses to find alternative methods for industrial chemical cleaning. During this period, green initiative organizations, through thorough research, development, and design, created eco friendly, green alternative chemical solvents to which industrial companies could transition. Moreover, these green initiative companies shed light on the harmful chemicals these industrial businesses were using, placing the onus on these businesses to do the right thing and switch their industrial cleaning operations to the use of safer chemicals. Though green initiative companies like Ecolink have attained monumental success helping numerous industrial cleaning companies transition to a safer chemical solutions, some companies are still using hazardous chemical compounds.

If industrial businesses that are still using hazardous chemical solvents to clean products performed due diligence, the executives of these companies would come to the realization that making the change to eco friendly, green alternative industrial cleaning components is much safer, much more environmentally friendly, simple, and actually less expensive than assumed. In addition, and likely the greatest concern for these industrial businesses, green alternative industrial cleaning chemicals will clean dirt, rust, grime, grease, dust, stains, oils, and other potentially harmful particles off products as well as, if not better than their current chemical solvent. This is why Ecolink is working hard to disseminate as much educational information as possible to industrial companies using harmful cleaning chemicals and have refused to make the switch.

Once all industrial organizations discern and acknowledge the information Ecolink has compiled that proves and justifies all that has been mentioned thus far in this blog, these companies will come to the conclusion that there is really no reason to not make the switch to an eco friendly industrial cleaning product. Ecolink can help your industrial business get safer chemicals for your industrial cleaning needs. If we have not yet reached out to your business regarding this sentiment, we encourage you to contact us, and one of our professionals will guide you through all that has been discussed throughout this blog.

Ecolink has garnered much success helping industrial businesses switch to safer chemicals for industrial cleaning, and will continue to strive for success. There is no disadvantage to transitioning to a safer chemical for industrial cleaning; so let Ecolink show you the way.

How does the EPA Regulate the Industrial Cleaning Industry?

Epa Cleaning RegulationsThe EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) develops regulations, also known as or called MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technology) standards, requiring industrial organizations and other entities involved in possibly emitting hazardous toxins into the environment to meet specific emissions limits that are based on emissions levels viewed as safe. In addition, the EPA applies a risk based approach to assess how these technology-based emissions limits are reducing health and environmental risks. Based on this assessment, the EPA may implement additional regulations or stricter standards to address any significant remaining health or environmental risks. The EPA has been instilling regulations to protect people and the environment since the early 1970s.

The EPAs MACT standards are based on the emissions levels that have already been achieved by the best performing similar facilities. This straightforward, performance based approach yields standards that are both reasonable and effective in reducing the toxic emissions of industrial businesses. When developing a MACT standard for a particular source category, the EPA investigates the level of emissions currently being achieved by the best performing similar sources through clean processes, control devices, and work practices, along with other methods. These emissions levels set a guideline, or baseline for the new standard. At a minimum, a MACT standard must achieve, throughout the entire industry, a level of emissions control that is at least equivalent to the baseline. The EPA reserves the right to establish a more stringent standard when the potential for economic, environmental, and public health enhancements are at play.

At present, the EPA focuses efforts on reducing emissions of toxic air pollutants, as well as the VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) found in industrial cleaning products through its MACT emission standards. The EPA will continue to work with industrial businesses, environmental groups, state, local, and tribal agencies, and other interested parties, including Ecolink, to further develop standards that will continue to reduce air toxic emissions even more.

The EPA anticipates that its technology-based approach will continue to prove successful at reducing air toxins found in industrial cleaning products. Additional assistance from organizations like Ecolink that work toward providing eco friendly, green alternative compounds for industrial companies to eliminate air toxins are also expected to directly bolster the EPAs efforts. To identify additional measures beyond the technology standards set forth by the EPA that are needed to protect the public health and the environment from toxic air pollutants found in industrial cleaning agents, contact Ecolink. Ecolink has proven successful in enforcing EPA mandates by introducing safer industrial cleaning products, and helping industrial businesses transition to these eco friendly, green alternative industrial cleaning solutions. Call Ecolink to find out how they can help your industrial business make the switch to a safer cleaning solvent.