Asahiklin (AK225) was banned from production and import in the United States, effective January 1st, 2015. Industrial businesses still using AK225, need not panic! Ecolink can provide you with information of FluoSolv CX – the number one AK225 alternative. Shop Here...
AK225 flushing fluid (a.k.a. Asahiklin) enjoyed a long run as a go-to solvent for companies that perform routine degreasing and general cleaning of parts, surfaces, and materials. However, the solution’s ozone depleting properties rightly placed it on the...
For those industrial businesses that are still using AK-225 to clean and degrease parts, metals, and materials, it may already be public knowledge that this cleaning and degreasing solvent, per federal regulatory demands, is being phased out, with the complete...
So how much SHOULD you pay to replace AK-225? That depends on several factors such as Nonflammable? Solvency (Kb value)? Need for azeotropes? Tolerance of chlorinated solvents? Toxicity exposure limits (PPM)? VOC content? In order to continue to operate with...
HCFC 225 BAN 12-31-14 (CAS # 422-56-0 AND 507-55-1) Beginning January 1, 2015, HCFC-225 (also called “AK225”), a common precision solvent for high-end cleaning, will be banned for usage, per the Clean Air Act under the Montreal Protocol. HCFC-225 is a mixture of two...
Still using AK-225 (HCFC-225ca/cb)? Not for much longer. Depending on who you ask in the industry and US government regulatory agencies the official mandated phase-out date is December 31, 2014 for HCFC-225 commonly known as Asahiklin AK-225 for precision cleaning,...
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