Safe Replacement for TCE and nPB: A Look at Non-Flammable Solvents  

As safety and sustainability become more prioritized in the chemical industry, many are looking to replace their more harmful chemicals with safer and cleaner alternatives. Two chemicals that have become a bit of a hot topic in this area are trichloroethylene (TCE) and n-propyl bromide (nPB). Although they are effective in their applications, they are also extremely toxic. Inside this blog, we will explain their toxicities as well as what can replace them!  

The Problems with TCE and nPB  

 TCE and nPB are industrial cleaners and degreasers that have become popular due to their high effectiveness, and versatility in many different uses. However, as mentioned above, both are highly toxic. This toxicity greatly compromises both the health of humans and local ecosystems.   

For workers handling these chemicals, brief exposure can cause minor symptoms like dizziness and nausea. Continuous exposure, on the other hand, can lead to more fatal conditions such as cancer and reproductive damage.   

There is a large incentive to find a safe replacement for these chemicals to ensure the safety of workers who have to handle them daily. However, due to their wide range of uses, the solution is not necessarily as simple as finding a “one size fits all” replacement.  

Replacing TCE and nPB  

 Identifying the best replacement will depend on the application. What might work best in electronics cleaning might not also be the best for cleaning metal parts. Choosing the right solvent will involve identifying the surface you want to cleanse and the elements you want to wash away.  

Nevertheless, there are some general trends that most replacements follow. While these are by no means universally true, most replacement solvents have the following properties: 

  • Lower boiling points than TCE and nPB, meaning savings on energy costs  
  • Higher recyclability, meaning savings on material costs  
  • Lower toxicity and/or volatility, meaning savings on ventilation and filtration costs 

In addition to those, these chemicals also typically exhibit greater environmental friendliness and have a lower impact on local ecosystems.  

All in all, although replacements for TCE and nPB might cost more pound-per-pound, they typically save more in the long run by reducing costs in other areas. A safe replacement for these substances that we highly recommend is Ecolink 4005 Non-Flammable Solvent. This product is designed as a specific replacement for these chemicals, but it is also compatible with a multitude of surfaces!   

Want To Learn More?  

Then look no further than us here at Ecolink! In addition to our 4005-non-flammable solvent, we provide a variety of eco-conscious and high-quality products for your industrial needs! If you are interested in this solvent or any others you might need, you can look through our chemicals here. Contact us today for more information, we are here for you! 

The Future of Cleaning: Exploring Environmentally Friendly Solvents  

In recent years, it has become increasingly important to prioritize environmentally friendly and sustainable alternatives to modern processes. This ensures that we are not causing irreversible damage to our planet. And the chemical industry is no exception in this effort. In this blog, we will explain what these solvents are, and the reason behind their increasing prioritization.  

What Are Green Solvents?  

 First off, it might be helpful to brush up on what solvents are.   

Solvents are any substance that dissolves another substance, this dissolved substance is called the solute. In any mixture or solution, a solvent is present. A common example of this is coffee. Coffee is composed of a solvent, water, and a solute, coffee extract. As you can imagine, solvents play a massive role in both chemistry and everyday life. 

Green solvents are nothing more than eco-conscious solvents. These substances are often derived from plant materials. Some examples of green solvents include:  

  • Alcohols, like methanol and ethanol  
  • Hydrocarbons, such as hexane or octane  
  • Esters, including methyl acetate and ethyl acetate  
  • Ketones, such as acetone  

As is the case for regular solvents, choosing green solvents can be a rigorous process. One must consider a multitude of factors, such as toxicity and polarity.   

Another key aspect of green solvents is their sustainability. Many solvents are sourced from fossils, meaning they are not readily replaceable. By sourcing green solvents from agricultural products, they can be produced indefinitely without having to worry about completely using them up.  

The Future of Green Solvents  

 Given the relatively recent focus on sustainability, green solvents are still very much in their infancy. Current research revolves around identifying solvents that can be sustainably produced at the necessary scale and determining which ordinary solvents can be substituted with green solvents.   

While they have not gotten much traction yet, the modern emphasis on making society more sustainable all but guarantees that green solvents will become more popular as time goes on!  

Looking to Go Green?  

We have the products and guidance for you! Here at Ecolink, we have provided industries with eco-conscious chemicals for over three decades. One solvent that we highly recommend for your industrial applications is Ecolink’s 4005 Non-Flammable Solvent. This intricate mixture is not only versatile in uses but also in what it can be applied to. If you would like to learn more or have any questions, please contact our team here. We are here to help you go green today! 

Going Green: Exploring Non-Toxic Degreasers for a Sustainable Clean 

If you are part of an industry that utilizes traditional toxic degreasers, you might be looking to make an eco-friendly change that ensures a safer work environment. If so, you have come to the right place!  

We here at Ecolink provide various eco-conscious chemicals for a variety of industrial applications. If you are looking for the ideal non-toxic degreaser for your company, Ecolink 4005 Non-Flammable Solvent may be the perfect product for you. 

Why Ecolink 4005 Non-Flammable Solvent? 

This solvent is a non-flammable mixture of two distinct chemicals, which are Hydrofluoroether (HFE) and Trans-1,2 dichloroethylene (t-DCE). Due to its composition, it possesses both effective degreasing abilities and eco-friendly characteristics: 

  • Low GWP 
  • Non-toxic 
  • No ozone-depleting substances 
  • Non-flammable 
  • Quick-drying 
  • Low flash point 
  • Effective replacement for hazardous degreasers, like TCE and nPB 

With all of these qualities in mind, this product ensures a safe work environment, as well as an eco-conscious aspect for the preservation of the environment. Utilizing a non-toxic solvent will ensure your workers are not at risk for certain diseases or cancer. On top of that, an eco-conscious solvent may end up saving costs due to easier disposal, as hazardous solvents can be costly to dispose of properly.  

As a non-toxic degreaser, it can clear away not only grease but dirt and oils. Its applications match its cleaning versatility as it can be applied to various surfaces, including: 

  • Metals 
  • Non-metals 
  • Elomasters 
  • Composites  

If your industry equipment involves one or more of these materials, then this product is all that you need for preventative maintenance or precision cleaning! It can end up saving your company time and resources by preventing toxic contaminant build-up and equipment damage.  

Need Help Going Green? 

Then Ecolink is here to guide you on all eco-friendly chemicals! We have provided eco-friendly, high-quality solutions for various industrial applications for over three decades. If you would like to get in touch with our dedicated team with any questions and concerns, you can reach out by clicking here!  


How Ecolink 4005 can help with preventative maintenance 

Solvents are chemicals designed for a multitude of industrial practices, ranging from degreasing to extraction. An example of an industrial process these chemicals can assist with is preventative maintenance of equipment. If you are unsure of what solvent to use or would like an eco-conscious change, Ecolink 4005 Non-Flammable Solvent is the perfect product for you!  

Preventative Maintenance: Purpose & Importance  

Before we can discuss how our intricate and eco-friendly solvent can help, we must first go over preventative maintenance. 

This type of maintenance is defined as performing regular checkups and cleanups on machinery to ensure that they do not falter or break. Although it may sound simple and relatively easy, with the wrong chemicals or lack of dedication, equipment can end up being damaged or causing harm to workers.  

Equipment that is not regularly maintained can result in toxic chemical buildup, which not only poses a health risk to workers but may also result in costly repairs and replacements. By preventing contaminant buildup and utilizing a non-toxic solvent, such as Ecolink 4005, industries can create a safe workplace for their workers, as well as ensure the preservation of the environment.  

How We Can Help 

Ecolink 4005 Non-Flammable Solvent has been formulated for use on industrial and mechanical machinery. Compatible materials include those comprised of:  

  • Non-metals 
  • Metals 
  • Composites  
  • Elomasters  

Additionally, this solution, due to its eco-conscious composition, can be applied without concern for exposure to any toxic elements. It is safe for both the environment and all those that come into contact with it. The benefits of the solvent include: 

  • Low GWP 
  • No ozone-depleting substances 
  • Non-flammable 
  • Non-hazardous 
  • Chemically stable degreaser  
  • Effective replacement for hazardous solvents, such as nPB and TCE 
  • Ideal for preventative maintenance of contaminants like grease, oil, and gunk 

Interested in Learning More? 

Then we are the chemical provider for you! Ecolink is a dedicated and eco-conscious chemical distribution company, designed to provide eco-friendly, yet highly effective chemicals. If you have any questions or concerns, our approachable and dedicated staff can be contacted here. You may also browse our product page by clicking here! 


Reasons to use Ecolink 4005 for Precision Cleaning 

For almost all industrial processes, especially those involving manufacturing operations and mechanical machinery, it is essential to maintain a certain level of cleanliness. Though proper cleaning procedures are normally sufficient for maintaining equipment, sometimes it is necessary to go in-depth and thoroughly remove any contaminants, even ones that may not be visible on a surface.  

This is where precision cleaning and Ecolink 4005 come in to ensure both the quality and safety of the equipment. Ecolink 4005 is a product designed for effective precision cleaning, among other tasks. 

What Is Precision Cleaning? 

Before discussing the reasons why you should utilize our product, we must first define this type of cleaning. Although the term for this method seems clear, it can involve a variety of techniques. 

This type of cleaning method is defined through its removal of various impurities that can often be hard to both spot and remove. These impurities can include the following: 

  • Greases 
  • Oils 
  • Fibers 
  • Dirt  
  • Dust 

If left untreated, these impurities can potentially build up and not only break down machinery but pose health risks to workers as well. Overexposure to these elements can result in detrimental health effects, from as minor as a headache to the development of a lung disease. 

To prevent the growth of impurities, you will require nonflammable precision cleaning chemicals, which is where Ecolink 4005 comes into play. 

Ecolink 4005: Composition & Abilities 

Our non-flammable solvent is composed of two distinct chemicals, Hydrofluoroether (HFE) and Trans-1,2 dichloroethylene (t-DCE).  

This solvent is excellent for precise cleansing due to its compatibility with a multitude of surfaces, such as metals, nonmetals, and elomasters. The benefits of the solvent include but are not limited to: 

  • A low GWP 
  • Non-flammable 
  • No ozone-depleting substances 
  • Non-toxic 
  • Effectively replaces hazardous solvents like nPB and TCE 
  • Compatible with various mechanical machinery, including motors, gears, and generators 

In addition to its ability to effectively clean, its non-toxicity promotes a safe environment for workers, as well as the preservation of the environment.  

Interested in Ecolink 4005? 

Then you have come to the right place here with us! Ecolink is here to provide you with your industrial chemical needs Contact us here for a consultation or assistance in finding the ideal product for you!