Biocidal Products: Understanding Their Role 

Biocidal products are utilized by a multitude of industries for an abundance of tasks. Without them, many industrial applications could not be realized. However, just how much can they contribute to your industrial success? In this blog, we will explain all you need to know about these products. 

What are biocidal products? 

The main purpose of these products is to eliminate or control the actions of harmful or undesirable organisms. These products contain one or more biocidal active substances (chemical compounds or microorganisms) as well as co-formulants, such as preservatives. The active substances within the products result in the product becoming more effective. 

One aspect that separates these products from most others is their effects being purely physical. 

Some common examples of these include: 

  • Disinfectants 
  • Preservatives 
  • Pest control products 
  • Antiseptics 
  • Hand sanitizers 
  • Wipes 
  • Anti-bacterial handwashes/rub 
  • Insecticides 

The advantages and disadvantages of biocidal products 

There are multiple advantages to the use of these types of products. It has been found that they are effective at eliminating many different types of harmful substances caused by living organisms. They have proven to be very useful in a hospital setting since they can be such a strong disinfectant.  The toxicity of these versatile products is also well documented. This is because these products are highly regulated.  

Along with multiple advantages, there are some disadvantages to these products as well. The toxicity of these products may be well known but that is because they have such concerning toxicities in larger quantities. Since these products do have higher toxicities, they can have negative environmental impacts. Unfortunately, these products often also have a higher price tag attached to them.  

Are looking to find a biocidal product? 

Then look no further than us! We here at Ecolink offer an abundance of eco-friendly chemicals that can satisfy all your chemical needs. Whether they be for cannabis extraction or commercial pressure washing, we possess the solution for you! We also have experts on hand willing to answer any questions you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact us today, we are just a click away! 

Exploring Types of Water Cooling Systems  

Water cooling systems are a great addition to any manufacturing processes prone to producing excess amounts of heat. However, these processes often are unable to continue working efficiently if there is too much excess heat. This is why various systems are used to control the excess heat. In this blog, we will explain these various systems and what they can provide. 

What are the different types?  

There are six basic types of these systems: 

  • Liquid-to-Liquid  
  • Closed-Loop Dry System  
  • Closed-Loop Dry System with Trim Cooling  
  • Open-Loop Evaporative System  
  • Closed-Loop Evaporative System  
  • Chilled Water System  

Liquid-to-Liquid Cooling System  

The basic setup for this type of system would involve an intermediate heat exchanger. Water would be on one side and another coolant in a closed loop on the other side.  

The system comes with the following benefits:  

  • Inexpensive to maintain   
  • Easy to maintain.  
  • Can be applied in exterior/interior spaces  

And comes with the drawbacks of downtime for cleaning and requiring a certain amount of coolant to operate properly.   

Closed-Loop Dry System  

This type of system uses an air-cooled fluid cooler. The heat is transferred from a closed loop filled with water and pumped through rows of finned tubes. 

This system possesses these benefits:  

  • Simple to install  
  • Low energy requirements  
  • Low maintenance  

This system also possesses these drawbacks:  

  • Certain climate conditions   
  • Windspeed  
  • Limited location  

Closed-Loop Dry System with Trim Cooling  

The design of this system, although very similar to the previous one, contains an additional supplemental fluid cooler.   

This design comes with the benefits of low cooling temperatures and small usage during colder months. 

However, it contains the drawbacks of the system above.  

Open-Loop Evaporative System  

This system draws water through a honeycomb structure of PVC placed within a tower structure. The water inside the tower is evaporated and pumped back through the tower.   

This design comes with the benefit of being inexpensive and simple to use in warmer climates  

However, it does require extensive water treatment and possesses control issues in cooler weather  

Closed-Loop Evaporative System  

This system is a hybrid between an open tower such as the one prior and a closed-loop heat exchanger. The cooling water stays outside of the tower during the process.  

Its benefits are minimal contamination and fewer water treatments.  

While its drawbacks include different maintenance for each side and additional mechanisms.  

Chilled Water System  

This system employs a compressor and a condenser to force cooling water through an evaporator, causing the process to cool down.   

And comes with the benefit of being independent of the outside temperature.  

However, its drawbacks include:   

  • Complex design  
  • Abundant heat,   
  • Requiring more power  
  • Not cost efficient   

In need of more information about water cooling systems?  

Then look no further than Ecolink! Here we have been dedicated to supplying industries like yours with chemicals for over thirty years! We also provide helpful blogs like this one, to guide you through all things chemical! Reach out to us today, we are here to help your industry thrive! 

Industrial Cooling Water Systems: Overview and Applications  

An industrial cooling water system is a cost-effective way to remove heat from processes and process equipment. Implementing a cooling system into a process or on equipment is beneficial for a variety of reasons, such as preventing damage to industrial equipment. However, there is much more to these complex cooling systems than this. In this blog, we will go over how these systems operate and how your industry can utilize them.   

How do cooling water systems work?  

Cooling systems operate under the principles of heat transfer. Specifically for cooling water systems, the heat transfer principles that are in play are the transfer of heat from one medium to a process fluid. The process fluid in this case is water, which is known to be one of the most cost-effective and the most efficient cooling fluids. The cooling water can be delivered at a colder temperature, meaning that it causes a decrease in temperatures.   

Applications for cooling water systems  

Cooling systems are widely used in manufacturing industries. Having a cooling system in place as part of the manufacturing procedure is essential. Some of the manufacturing industries that commonly use cooling water systems are the following:  

  • Machine Building  
  • Food and Beverage  
  • Chemical and Petrochemical  
  • Welding and Cutting  
  • Medical  
  • Pharmaceutical   
  • Printing  
  • Plastics  
  • Automotive  
  • Oil   
  • Gas  

Cooling water systems are the safest option for a cooling system within these industries. This is because water is not a toxic fluid which is especially important for industries such as the food and beverage industry and the pharmaceutical industry.   

Common problems with cooling water systems  

Although cooling water systems are known to be the most effective form of cooling systems, they are not perfect. There are some common problems among all cooling water systems that can lead to a decrease in their efficiency if left untreated. Some of these problems include:  

  • Corrosion  
  • Scale  
  • Fouling  
  • Biological Contamination  

Luckily, there are ways to prevent these problems from occurring in the first place by simply using water treatment chemicals and proper maintenance procedures.   

Need more information on maintaining cooling water systems?  

Then look no further than us here at Ecolink! Our dedicated and experienced chemical-providing company has been dedicated to supplying industries like yours with high-quality chemical solutions for over thirty years. If you would like to see the products that we have to offer, you can do so here. Do not hesitate to contact us we are here to help you with all of your chemical needs today! 

Low Global Warming Potential Solvents: A Sustainable Alternative for Industrial Cleaning  

As minimizing global warming becomes a greater and greater priority, efforts toward reducing contributions are at an all-time high. The chemical industry is no exception, with many chemicals and chemical processes having less-than-great effects on the environment.   

Naturally, quite a bit of work and research is being done toward reducing these effects and finding alternatives with a smaller footprint. One hot topic in this field is that of low global warming potential (GWP) solvents.  

What Are Low-GWP Solvents?  

 To understand low-GWP solvents, we must first understand GWP. This potential is a measure of how much energy a greenhouse gas can hold in our atmosphere, which is directly related to its contribution to global warming.   

The baseline for GWP is carbon dioxide (CO2), with every other gas being assigned a numerical value based on how its contribution compares to CO2. A value between 0 and 1 means it holds less energy than carbon dioxide, while a value greater than 1 means it holds more.  

Low-GWP solvents are simply solvents with relatively smaller numbers. This does not necessarily mean the number is less than one. Instead, it means that its GWP is low compared to the other solvents that can be used for the same applications.  

While a GWP of 50 might sound high, it is not uncommon for solvents to get into the thousands or even tens of thousands. As such, being able to replace a high-GWP solvent with a lower-GWP one on an industrial scale could yield massive benefits over time.  

Using Low-GWP Solvents in Industry  

The bulk of the current research in this area is identifying various low-GWP substitutes for a wide range of uses. No two chemicals are made equal, so while one solvent might be usable in two different processes, a substitute for one process might now work in the other. As such, having a variety of low-GWP alternatives for every compound and process would be the ideal end goal of this research.  

In addition to determining if a substitute can work in each process, one must also consider the differences in qualities that the new chemical brings. This means that switching to low-GWP solvents will not happen overnight but will instead be a gradual change.  

Nevertheless, we here at Ecolink are doing our part with our Ecolink 4005 Non-Flammable Solvent. This product has been designed to emit low GWP as well as other eco-conscious components. It is versatile in composition and effects, being able to be applied to a multitude of surfaces.   

Looking For Solvents?  

We here at Ecolink can guide you through this and more! Our company has been providing industries such as yours with diverse and high-quality chemicals for over three decades. Try our Ecolink 4005 Non-Flammable as its versatility and applications are abundant! However, if you are interested or in need of other solvents, our products can be found here. Contact us today, we are just a click away! 

Azeotrope-like Solvents: The Next Generation of Industrial Cleaning Solutions  

A recent trend in the chemical industry is that of taking advantage of azeotropes. These unique mixtures have special properties that can be of great use in cleaners and separations. They have been so impactful that they are being proposed as our future cleaning solutions. In this blog, we will tell you all you need to know about azeotropes and how they work.  

What Is an Azeotrope?  

An azeotrope is a mixture of two or more compounds with just the right amount of each one to grant a special property: they boil at the same rate. In other words, if you take an azeotropic mixture in the liquid state and boil half of it, there will be the same amount of each compound in the liquid and gas state.  

It is important to note that neither of the two compounds can form an azeotrope. Just as the amounts of each compound need to be perfect to form an azeotrope, their physical properties must also be perfectly compatible. These properties include:  

  • boiling point  
  • density  
  • surface tension   

What’s the Benefit of an Azeotrope?  

 Azeotropic solutions have quite a few unique properties that can be helpful for modern processes. These include:  

  • Greater cleaning power: Combining two solvents to produce a more powerful solvent is nothing new, but doing so in azeotropic proportions can amplify the effect  
  • Nonflammability: Some azeotropes exhibit nonflammability despite containing flammable compounds, meaning safer cleaners with a wider range of uses  
  • Easy recovery: Because the azeotrope boils uniformly, it is quite easy to recover from mixtures with other compounds. This means easier separation and higher recyclability  

While azeotropic properties can be frustrating when they are unexpected or undesirable. If you turn things around and use their properties to your advantage, it opens a whole new door of possibilities in the world of solvents.  

One azeotrope solution we provide is our Ecolink 4005 Non-Flammable Solvent. This solvent due to its makeup, can clean a variety of surfaces efficiently. It is also eco-conscious, making it safer to handle when compared to ordinary chemicals for both humans and the environment.   

Want To Learn More?  

Then you have come to the right place! Ecolink has been providing and promoting eco-conscious chemicals for years. In addition to our 4005-non-flammable solvent, we provide a variety of high-quality products for your industrial needs! If you are interested in this solvent or any others you might need, you can look through our chemicals here. Contact us today for more information, we are here for you!