Finding an Industrial Degreaser in California that is Eco Friendly

Though many businesses that rely on industrial degreasers to clean parts, metals, and materials for building integrity are content with its current chemical solvent because they feel it gets the job done adequately, the professionals at these businesses might not realize how harmful the chemical compounds used in the solution are to people and the environment. The phrases “long term exposure” and “possible effects much later in life” are tossed around a lot, but what it really is doing is mitigating the harm these degreasers are causing because it is not exactly an immediate impact. Tell that to those who now have cancer or another type of debilitating disease that can be directly linked to exposure and contact with harmful industrial degreasers.

Today, and with the help of environmentally conscious companies such as Ecolink, finding an industrial degreaser that is eco friendly has never been easier. The transition process is simple, it will not cost more than the current cleaning solution your company uses, and it will be as efficient (possibly even more efficient) than your company’s current solvent. It is recommended that you contact a company like Ecolink to learn more about the importance of switching to a green alternative industrial degreaser. It might be commonplace to disregard this sentiment due to the extreme lobbying now for green alternatives for all types of industries and the feeling that the sentiment is exaggerated. As it pertains to industrial degreasers, the notion that the need to make a change to a more eco friendly cleaning solution alternative is overhyped could not be further from the truth.

Ecolink has all of the information you will need to learn the truth about how harmful older industrial degreasers are to people and to the environment. All of their documentation is based on factual evidence. In addition, Ecolink can help you make a seamless transition to a green alternative cleaning agent. Finding industrial degreasers that is eco friendly has never been easier with the guidance and information that can be found through Ecolink.

How Environmentally Conscious Companies Choose Industrial Degreasers

For a long time, companies that needed to use industrial degreasers to clean metals, parts, and materials were using a chemical agent that was most likely harming those who were near or coming into contact with the cleaning solution. Putting workers into danger was not an issue of “risk versus reward,” it was a matter of ignorance and lack of information regarding how dangerous the ingredients of the industrial degreasers were. Not only were the chemical compounds dangerous to people, it was also dangerous to the environment – due to the gases and vapor rising in the air and the liquids seeping into the ground.

Fortunately, scientists and researchers discovered how harmful older industrial degreasers were, and formulated industrial degreasing solutions that provide a green alternative for environmentally conscious companies. Today, there exists plenty of eco friendly industrial degreasing options for environmentally conscious companies.

Most industrial companies that rely on industrial degreasers and cleaning agents for parts and metals have made the switch to green alternative solutions. Still, some companies have resisted changing their materials cleaning methods, mainly because of the worry that eco friendly alternatives mean less strength, concentration, efficiency, and reliability within the ingredients. A company such as Ecolink can quickly debunk this reasoning with the plethora of evidence collected through research and documentation that proves that green alternative industrial degreasers are as powerful, if not more powerful than older cleaning solutions. Because of how harmful many of the ingredients in cleaning solvents are to its surroundings, Ecolink has made an effort to educate businesses so they become environmentally conscious companies.

Industrial companies need to contact organizations such as Ecolink to find out how truly harmful many of the chemical compounds are in a lot of available degreasers. Ecolink can help you easily make the transition to an eco friendly industrial degreaser, without adding cost or increasing overhead. By making the change, you continue to have in place a strong and reliable industrial degreaser, and you are significantly reducing your negative environmental impact, as well as putting your workers out of harms way.

Limiting Air Pollution with Low VOC Cleaners

Since there has been a popular and rapidly growing concern about having all companies and organizations transition to green solutions – if there are green solutions available within their given industry – businesses need to be more attuned to available options as it pertains to ecofriendly alternatives when conducting their trade. Because there has been a flood of organic solutions available, not being apprised of available options is no longer an excuse. Claiming ignorance makes businesses look unprofessional, and an unwillingness to transition to safe alternatives make a company look indifferent to their neighbors and their environment.

As it pertains to degreasers and chemical agents used to clean parts, metals, and materials, limiting air pollution by stopping the use of older industrial solvents, and beginning the use of low VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) cleaners must be a serious consideration for all organizations involved in industrial markets. In reality, because low VOC cleaners have proven to be as efficient of a parts cleaner as any other industrial brand, the ‘consideration’ should become an implementation. Since air pollution is seriously harming our planet, as proven by scientific research on our drastic climate changes, thinning of the ozone layer, abnormal diseases affecting plant and wildlife, as well as causing illness to people, industrial organizations using industrial chemical compounds to clean parts and materials need to start using low VOC cleaners immediately. There are several benefits to using low VOC cleaners, with its ability to limit air pollution only one.

If you desire more information regarding low VOC cleaners and how it limits air pollution, speak to a representative at Ecolink right away. Ecolink has been educating companies on how to limit air pollution through the use of low VOC cleaners for years, and can provide detailed information on the other benefits and advantages to low VOC cleaners, and its efficiency in cleaning parts, metals, and materials. Do not hesitate any longer; make the transition to low VOC cleaners right away with the help, guidance, and support of Ecolink.

Industrial cleaners are necessary in a number of industries and play a pivotal safety role. For more information about environmentally friendly, low VOC products, please call (800) 886-8240 or email


Keeping the Air Clean with Organic Cleaning Solvents

No matter how satisfied industrial organizations are with their late model, industrial cleaning solvent, the fact of the matter remains is that the chemical compounds used in the ingredients are dangerous, and the gaseous emissions from the chemical compounds pollute the air all of us breathe. Keep in mind that he harmful effects can go way beyond minor headaches and dizziness; as very significant, even life threatening side effects can be directly linked to inhaling industrial solvents laced with harmful chemical compounds. There have been reports of people becoming terminally ill later in life with such devastating diseases, such as cancer. No job, no career, and no amount of money are worth putting one’s life in danger. This is why industrial organizations need to keep the air clean by transitioning to organic cleaning solvents.

Another significant danger by using harmful chemical agents that release noxious gases is the polluting of air, and what that means to our environment and our ecosystem. Plants, animals, soil, the ozone layer, even the ocean are all affected by harmful gases released into the air. We all need to start feeling that we should be responsible for cleaning up our environment, not just industrial organizations. Having said that, those (both people and businesses) who continue to use harmful cleaning agents need to begin holding themselves accountable for how they are negatively affecting everyone and everything around them with the emission of noxious gases.

Companies like Ecolink can help you learn how to keep the air clean with organic cleaning solvents, as well as help you make the transition to a safer, greener alternative to cleaning solutions. Because it has been proven that organic cleaning solvents will keep the air clean, and are as effective, if not more effective than any other industrial cleaning solvent, there is no reason not to make the switch. Allow Ecolink to educate you on keeping the air clean with organic cleaning solvents, along with helping you make a seamless transition to an ecofriendly alternative.

Industrial cleaning agents are critical in a number of industries and play an important safety role. Ecolink is always searching for the most effective compound that delivers the least impact on the environment. For more information about environmentally friendly, low VOC products, please call (800) 886-8240 or email

Industrial Solvents for Machine Parts

One of the most important aspects in a industrial business, that most people are likely ignorant to who are not involved in the industry, is the importance of machine parts to be free of any dirt, grime, grease, stains, rust, or any substances that could be a hindrance to the effectiveness of a machine parts function. Although it might seem trivial to some, if machine parts are dirty, then those substances can have a serious impact on operations, and in some cases, even shut them down. Keep in mind that machine parts are just that – parts. They are a part of a whole or entire mechanism that must function fluidly in order to operate at full capacity. If there is dirt or any type of harmful substance on a machine part, that substance can move throughout the machine and cause a disruption or a part of the machine that cannot handle harmful substances.

If a machine shut down, operations either slow or come to a halt. If operations come to a halt or even slow, productivity diminishes. If productivity diminishes, revenue decreases. As you can see, it is a continued downward spiral of unfortunate events that negatively influence a business – all because of a little dirt, grease, or grime on a machine part.

Now that you are slightly better educated on machine parts (and if you need further education, Ecolink can help), you probably better understand the importance of industrial solvents. Many older industrial solvents can be harmful to the environment and to people who come into contact with the chemical compound solution. Today, there is a push for industrial organizations to switch to using green alternative and ecofriendly cleaning solvents, especially that tests prove that organic cleaning solvents are as efficient as most other industrial models in ridding machine parts of oil, dirt, and rust.

Ecolink can help you learn more about how truly important it is that machine parts are cleaned as precisely as possible in order to function and operate at one hundred percent capacity. Ecolink will also help you find an organic cleaning solvent that will clean your machine parts to one hundred percent satisfaction, every time.

Industrial cleaners are necessary in a number of industries and play a pivotal safety role. For more information about environmentally friendly, low VOC products, please call (800) 886-8240 or email