What Does Low VOC Mean?

What Does Low VOC Mean?

What does low VOC mean? Low VOC refers to low volatile organic compounds. These are chemicals that have a low toxicity level, which is safer for both the user and the environment. VOCs if not handled properly can cause illness and injury to the user, or have a...
The Benefits of Using a HAPS Free Solvent

The Benefits of Using a HAPS Free Solvent

Hazardous air pollutants (HAPS) are substances that commonly emanate from chemical solvents that have a high rate of evaporation. Both artificial chemicals and natural compounds can contribute to the level of HAPs in the work environment, with volatile organic...
Why Does Low VOC Matter?

Why Does Low VOC Matter?

Nowadays, more products are being promoted as offering low VOC (Volatile Organic Compound), non VOC, VOC free, or properties with similar wording. First, we must discuss what “low” or “no” VOC actually means and whether it really matters. Volatile Organic Compounds,...