Have you ever stopped to think about how many germs your phone harbors? What about your work computer? The truth is, our electronics are dirty. Due to our devices being high touch points, it’s estimated that cell phones carry 10 times more bacteria than toilet seats....
What is a dielectric solvent? You already know what a solvent is, so what you need is the definition of “dielectric”. Wikipedia gives a nice summation of the term: “A dielectric (or dielectric material) is an electrical insulator that can be polarized by an applied...
For most solvent cleaners ? industrial strength and otherwise ? a non-residue formulation, which means the cleaner leaves no residue after performing the cleaning action, is generally considered a good thing. Some cleaners purposefully leave residue to help protect...
Industrial electrical maintenance cleaners are often designed for specific electrical equipment, such as motors, switchgear, and printed circuit boards. This is a good thing. If you’re cleaning equipment that your operations depend on, you definitely want to know...
If you’re shopping for industrial cleaning solvents, you may have run across the term “polarity” in your search. If you’re not a chemist or a salesperson for a solvent company, you may be wondering what the term means and why it’s significant. Below, we provide a...
How you clean electronics can have a major impact on how they perform. If your organization has business-critical objectives that rely on electrical equipment, choose an electronics cleaner carefully. It could affect the operation of the equipment, the safety of those...