What industries use degreasers? A great many industries use degreasers to assist them with the cleaning of components and individual parts, among other uses. The aeronautical industry is widely known to use degreasers to maintain cleanliness and ensure parts continue...
What is the difference between butyl vs non butyl degreaser? Comparing the two, the biggest difference is that one contains butyl and one does not. Butyl degreasers use butane in their composition, while non-butyl degreasers do not. Since non butyl degreasers do not...
Are degreasers acidic or alkaline? The answer is both. Degreasers can be either acidic or alkaline. To distinguish between them, it is important to understand how pH measurements work. A pH level less than 7 indicates a substance is acidic whereas a pH greater than 7...
What are alkaline degreasers? Curiously, pH is the measurement of the acidic or alkaline value of a substance or compound. Therefore to understand what alkaline degreasers are, we must measure the level of acidity in the products. Typically, a pH level greater than 7...
What are non-butyl degreasers? Non-butyl degreasers are cleaning agents that are made without butyl ingredients or petrochemical additives. Butyl-degreasers are very commonly used in a wide variety of industries, but non-butyl degreaser products are often sought after...
What are butyl degreasers? Butyl degreasers are among the most commonly purchased degreasers. They are cleaning agents sought for their penetration attributes. Used often in the automotive industries, they are widely known as one of the best penetrating solvents in...