A solvent parts washer is a unique machine that is designed to clean parts by treating them with solvent that is contained in the washing chamber. For organizations that need to wash a large volume of parts on a regular basis, manually cleaning the parts is often unfeasible, as it would require too much time. The only alternative is to use a solvent parts washer that cleans parts safely and quickly. With this in mind, we take a look at how to choose the right parts washer for your needs.
- Composition of Parts
Step one is to consider the composition of the parts you need to clean. For example, in terms of a washer’s operating temperature and the type of solvent it contains, there is a big difference between cleaning stainless steel parts and cleaning parts that are made from vulcanized rubber. Choosing a washer based on composition of parts helps preserve the appearance and dimensional stability of cleaned parts.
- Accumulations That Must be Removed
Step two is to determine what type of accumulations must be removed from parts. For example, in terms of solvent choice, there’s a significant difference between weak solvents that simply remove dirt and tough solvents that cut through thick carbon accumulations. Choosing a solvent that’s effective for removing the accumulations in question helps prevent rework that hinders productivity.
- Turnaround Time for Parts Washing
Step three is to calculate how quickly you need parts to be cleaned after they are placed in the solvent parts washer. If you need a fast turnaround time, choosing a washer that has a larger than normal washing chamber can help greatly. Also, be sure to consider the time it takes to complete the cleaning process, as some washers have longer cleaning processes than others.
- Frequency of Washer Use
Step four is to predict how frequently you will use the parts washing system. If you need to perform parts washing daily or several times a week, investing in an industrial grade washer is ideal. Residential grade and commercial grade parts washers may cost less than industrial grade models. However, using them for industrial parts cleaning operations can cause them to wear prematurely and fail during service.
- Options for Solvent Use
Step five is to consider the full range of parts cleaning needs in terms of what solvents are required to remove what collects on parts. For example, if you need to remove tough accumulations of bitumen, as well as moderate accumulations of grease, you may need a different solvent for each cleaning process, unless you use a solvent that can remove multiple accumulations simultaneously. The latter option offers the most efficiency.
Need Help Choosing a Solvent Parts Washer?
If so, contact the solvent specialists at Ecolink. Although we don’t sell parts washers, we do provide a line of highly efficacious parts washing solvents that have commendable safety profiles. Consequently, we have an in-depth understanding of what type of solvent parts washers and cleaning solvents to use for various industrial parts cleaning operations.
For years, we have provided organizations with industrial grade solvents that work great for the toughest parts cleaning jobs. If you need help selecting the right parts washer and parts washing solvent for your requirements, take advantage of our expertise, and call us at (800) 563-1305. You can also reach us by referring to the contact page on our website. We look forward to hearing from you!