Hundreds of companies and workers around the world depend on paint removing chemicals to strip various coatings from desired surfaces, whether to check for cracks beneath paints or to revamp an old paint job. Sadly, a majority of these paint strippers are highly toxic and harmful to both the environment and the workers using them, as the main ingredient in them is dichloromethane, also known as methylene chloride.
To learn more about the negative effects of dichloromethane and how to find a safer alternative for your paint and coating removal needs, read on.
Why Is Dichloromethane Unsafe?
Though effective as a paint stripping chemical, dichloromethane presents multiple risks to human health and the environment, including but not limited to:
- Respiratory irritation
- Severe eye irritation
- Reproductive toxicity
- Neurotoxin, meaning it can potentially damage the brain and central nervous system
- Likely to be a carcinogen, as studies have shown high exposure levels can cause lung and liver cancer
- Contributes to ozone depletion
Why Should I Use Safe Strip Paint Remover Instead?
Some may believe that eco-friendly paint removers are not as effective as traditional paint removing chemicals, but this is not the case with a product like Safe Strip, which balances the effective performance of traditional paint strippers and environmentally/worker friendly characteristics.
Utilizing Safe Strip paint remover over other harmful paint removers provides many beneficial characteristics:
- Biodegradable
- Recyclable
- Non-flammable
- Low VOC emissions
- No ozone-depleting components
- Removes coatings in only one step
- Effective on all coatings, even epoxy and polyurethane resins
- Powerful performance, comparable to dichloromethane and MEK
- Significantly lower Inhalation Hazard Index than dichloromethane, making it much safer for both industrial and commercial applications
- Can be utilized in gun cleaning tanks, immersion tanks, or as a brush-on, rinse-off solvent
With these desirable qualities, companies no longer need to choose between quality and worker safety when looking for a paint remover.
Looking to Purchase an Eco-Friendly Coating/Paint Remover?
If you are looking to purchase Safe Strip for your business or industrial needs, you are in the perfect place! Here at Ecolink, we provide chemicals for companies looking to create safer work environments without compromising quality.
Click here to check out the Safe Strip product page and purchase, or reach out to specialized staff with any questions. We offer a free quote and consultation to help your company find the chemicals and quantities perfect for your needs!