Many companies that use a large amount of toxic cleaner do so for a good reason: the chemicals have become an integral part of accomplishing business objectives, and have served in this role for a number of years — even decades. Nonetheless, these companies are still advised to reduce chemical use for some very practical reasons, particularly the three below.
- The EPA frequently regulates and bans the use of toxic chemicals
- Chronic exposure to toxic chemicals can permanently impair workers
- Toxic chemicals create toxic emissions that harm the environment
If your company is dependant on toxic chemicals to carry out strategic business operations, the prospect of replacing the solutions can be a worrisome one. However, when you work with a provider of replacement solutions for cleaners that contain toxic chemicals, such as EcoLink, your chances of finding a replacement that meets your requirements increases significantly.
Our Areas of Specialization
As our name implies, EcoLink specializes in linking companies with dynamic, eco friendly cleaning solutions that replace toxic ones. In many cases, these solutions can be deployed on a drop-in basis, eliminating the need to reconfigure operations to support new cleaners. We offer a variety of non-toxic cleaning solutions that are designed with the following industries in mind:
- Aerospace
- Electronics
- Maintenance
- Manufacturing
- Military
- Utilities
Due to their non-toxic profile, our products can also be used by businesses in other industries that have general general cleaning needs, such as auto shops, farming operations, and hotels. The goal is to make our solutions as widely usable as possible to give the greatest number of companies the opportunity to reduce chemical use with quality replacement solutions.
By helping companies reduce chemical use, we also help them avoid having to replace cleaners on short notice due to EPA regulations, avoid liability lawsuits that result from sickness and disability due to chemical exposure, and reduce toxic emissions that can saddle them with large fines when emissions caps are broken. In short, our products also help companies save money.
When you use us as your trusted cleaning solution provider, you get more than a long list of cleaners to choose from. Because we specialize in an area that most of our customers do not — eco friendly cleaning solutions — we provide a high level of pre-sale and post-sale technical assistance to ensure that companies acquire the right solutions and implement them properly.
Contact EcoLink Today
If your company uses toxic cleaners to perform crucial business operations, don’t wait for EPA regulations to force you to implement new solutions. Get ahead of the game and create a plan to reduce chemical use as soon as possible. EcoLink can play a strategic role in this process by providing options for reducing toxic chemical use that don’t compromise business operations.
For assistance with choosing replacement cleaners that help your company reduce chemical use, contact us today by calling (800) 563-1305, or fill out our contact form. We look forward to assisting your company with handling its chemical replacement needs!