So, what does an industrial organization do if they are currently using the soon to be banned cleaning solvent? Fortunately, the EPA will provide a list of replacement cleaning solvent options that can take the place of what your business has in use. While the switching to a different cleaning solvent might seem like an easy enough task to accomplish, especially when what might appear as a more than enough time period to make the change, industrial businesses might struggle to transition to a different solvent in time, and could find themselves in deep trouble with the EPA. However, there are options that include green initiative companies that help keep industrial businesses ahead of EPA regulations with already discovered, studied, tested, and approved solvent replacement strategies. Ecolink is one such green initiative organization that can help you stay ahead of all EPA regulations that concern your business operations.
You see, Ecolink has in place a brilliant research and development team made up of scientists and experts in the industry that have already spotted hazardous chemical solvents still in use by industrial organizations, and provide eco friendly, green alternative options to which a company can make an easy transition. Ecolink already has solvent replacement strategies in place and ready to go, most times even before the EPA has devised the “white paper” labeling a chemical solvent as banned in the near future. Therefore, if you find that your business has been indirectly targeted in an EPA imposed white paper calling for the complete removal of your cleaning solvent, it is highly recommended that you call on Ecolink for assistance.
An Ecolink professional will help you find an alternative cleaning agent through the company’s meticulously created solvent replacement strategies, as well as educate you on its design. Ecolink can also inform you of new green alternative cleaners well ahead of upcoming changes to EPA regulations, ensuring your business has conformed to EPA mandates way before the notion of panicking could set in. Reach out to Ecolink, and keep ahead of EPA regulations with solvent replacement strategies.