This is why environmentally conscious organizations such as Ecolink are working tirelessly to change the way industrial companies think about waste, as it pertains to industrial degreasers and cleaning solvents. One of the ways companies like Ecolink are battling this waste travesty is by educating industrial businesses on their industrial cleaning practices, which includes the discovering of whether their industrial degreasers have hazardous chemicals, and if so, how to make the transition away from toxic chemicals and towards eco friendly, green alternative cleaning solutions. Eco friendly, green alternative industrial degreasers can be disposed of in a much more simplified manner, without the worry of later ramifications. Ecolink strives to inform all industrial companies of harmful chemical compound cleaning solvents that are still in use, along with solvents where the use for cleaning purposes has been terminated by regulatory committees. If your industrial organization fall under either of those two categories, Ecolink will help your company transition to an eco friendly, green alternative industrial degreaser that will no only clean better than what you currently use, but will also be economically cheaper in the long run.
Ecolink specializes in chemical management. They have a unique team of individuals who will inventory your company’s current chemical supply and evaluate monthly usage and waste disposal costs. Every company can benefit from evaluating their chemical cleaning needs since Ecolink can find chemical alternatives, or substitutions for your current products. Ecolink is confident that your business will save money either in the cost of chemicals being used or your waste disposal charges.
Please, do not wait for Ecolink to find you. If you have any concerns or reservations about the industrial degreasers your company use, please call Ecolink, and allow their professionals to assist you in the switch to a safer more cost effective alternatives.