Get to Know…Jackie Hooper!


What’s your position at Ecolink? Marketing Coordinator

How long have you worked here? I started last May, so just shy of 1 year!

How long have you been doing what you’re doing (before Ecolink!)? Before Ecolink I was at Georgia College & State University (yes, it’s a mouthful—I bet you can’t say it 5 times fast!) where I was studying marketing and management and graduated in May with my BBA!

How did you get involved in this industry? I found Ecolink at the AMA Atlanta Collegiate Conference and was chosen to be one of the social media marketing interns! And I guess you could say the rest is history.

You just accepted an award on behalf of Ecolink. Tell us about it! We just won an AMY Award in the SEO (search engine optimization) category in March! It was an amazing experience and even more rewarding to have been a part of what got us the award in the first place!

Has Georgia always been home for you? Basically! I’ve lived here for over a decade although I’ve been to Florida enough visiting family that I might as well call it a second residence.

When you aren’t at work, what are you doing? What every normal, rational girl does—shop. Kidding (not really). I’m usually at the park with my dog, trying a new restaurant with my friends, or going to see a movie that has just been released (I’m a HUGE movie person).

What would be the first thing you’d do (or buy) if you won the lottery? Pay off my student loans! (Kidding…but not really)

Are you a cat person or a dog person? Dog person, most definitely. Cat people are a completely different breed of humans.

Do you have any pets? Tell us about them! I have a Cocker Spaniel-Poodle mix (or Cockapoo) who is pretty much the cutest thing on Earth. No joke. He’s basically my first child.

What’s your favorite time of year? Fall! October is my favorite month for a few reasons—there’s always a lot of fun stuff going on (festivals, College football, etc) and the weather is perfect!

Favorite iPhone/Driod app? I’m not sure I can limit it to just one app…but I guess I’d have to say Pinterest (my virtual closet at my finger tips, duh!) or Instagram (it makes anyone, including me, look like an awesome photographer).

What super hero power would you want to have and why? Teleportation, hands down. Sit in Atlanta traffic ONCE and you’ll wish it was your super power too.

What TV shows do you watch religiously? Glee (I’m a newly pronounced “Gleek”), New Girl, Vampire Diaries, and How I Met Your Mother just to name a few!

What was your first car? What happened to it? A 2002 Honda Accord coupe…and I totaled it when I was a freshman in college. Oops.

If you could travel in a time machine, would you go to the past or the future? The future!

Best piece of advice you were ever given? Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.

Favorite holiday? Christmas (so cliché, I know) but there’s something about making a fire, decorating the tree and the house, and smelling the delicious pies/cookies that are baking (or in my case, just lighting a candle that smells like said pies/cookies) that make you feel so cozy!

College football or pro? College, for sure. Even though I didn’t go to UGA, if you aren’t rooting for them on game day, we’re going to have a problem–I bleed black  and red. GO DAWGS!

Favorite food? I love spicy food—so anything from Mexican to Thai is right up my alley.

What really gives you the creeps? Little kids in horror movies, especially when they do that head tilt to the side and have their hair all in their faces. Ah, I have goose bumps already.

Playlist of your current top 5 favorite songs?

  1.  Anything from the movie Pitch Perfect
  2.  Muse—”Madness”
  3. Fall Out Boy—”Light Em Up”
  4. JT—”Mirrors”
  5. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis—”Can’t Hold Us”

Most importantly: what’s your favorite part of your job? I’m a problem solver, so I love helping customers find a solution for their problems. Also I love all aspects of marketing so I’m incredibly thankful to be able to dabble in all of them with my job!

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