Get to know our accountant, Beth Johnson! Read about her hobbies, her puggle Jake, and her love of Alabama football–yes, she bleeds crimson red.
What’s your position at Ecolink? Accountant
How long have you worked here and how did you get involved in this industry? 1 year – I got involved through my aunt who is also an accountant
How long have you been doing what you’re doing (before Ecolink!)? 3 years
Has Georgia always been home for you? no—Grew up in Opp, AL, attended the University of Alabama, then moved to Atlanta for graduate school at Georgia State
When you aren’t at work, what are you doing? helping my husband with youth group, crafting, or relaxing
Where are we likely to find you on a Friday night after work? a football game or out to dinner with my husband
What would be the first thing you’d do (or buy) if you won the lottery? pay off everything I, my parents, and in-laws owe, give a lot away, then build a new bigger house
Are you a cat person or a dog person? dogs for life
Do you have any pets? Tell us about them! yes- Jake, a 3 year old puggle (pug/beagle mix) . He thinks he’s human, his favorite treat is Ritz crackers, and he barks uncontrollably when he sees animals on the tv screen.
What’s your favorite time of year? Christmas!
Favorite iPhone/smartphone app? Words With Friends
You’re stranded on a desert island. What are the 3 things you couldn’t live without? I probably couldn’t live! But– chap stick, a toilet, and a toothbrush
Favorite movie? How to Lose a Guy In 10 Days
If you were a super hero, what would your name be? Superwoman, of course
What super power would you want to have and why? Flying—I could get everywhere so much faster and not have to drive
Something interesting about you? How about un-interesting. I am SUCH a homebody. I would much rather stay in and watch a movie or do a project than get all dressed up and go out.
What TV shows do you watch religiously? American Idol, New Girl, Covert Affairs, Flipping Out
What was your first car? What happened to it? my parents bought me a brand new Honda Accord when I turned 16. Some jerk hit me in the school parking lot one day so we had to replace it
If you could travel in a time machine, would you go to the past or the future? Definitely the future!
Best piece of advice you were ever given? Never go to bed angry.
Any little ones at home? One on the way!
College football or pro? Is that even a question?! College—Roll Tide!
Favorite food? Pizza
What did you get in trouble for the most when you were a kid? Sassy mouth
What really gives you the creeps? This is weird—but blow up animals or things with big heads, or those air tubes used to get your attention outside grand openings or things like that
Playlist of your current top 5 favorite songs?
- Anything by Dave Barnes
- I don’t have any other favorites! Boring…
Most importantly: what’s your favorite part of your job? Being able to solve a problem