In terms of the cleaning procedure, critical cleaning and precision cleaning share some important similarities. For example, both processes typically involve temperature consideration, the application of mechanical force to one degree or another, and the detergency or solvency of the cleaning solution. However, there also some important differences between critical cleaning and precision cleaning. Below, we look at how the processes differ across several important criteria.
Location of Application
Critical cleaning is typically performed in a “cleanroom” that is designed for the procedure, whereas precision cleaning is normally performed in a laboratory or a similar type of controlled environment. The environments can be similar, but the critical cleaning environment typically features a greater degree of environmental control than the precision cleaning environment.
Type of Equipment Cleaned
Precision cleaning is typically applied to high-value goods in order to maintain their worth and operation, while critical cleaning is generally applied to equipment that would soon fail if proper cleaning measures weren’t implemented. For example, goods such as high-end electronics are precision cleaned, whereas equipment such as internal combustion engines are critically cleaned.
Type of Cleaning Equipment
Precision cleaning is commonly performed as batch cleaning — a process in which multiple parts are placed inside special cleaning equipment, such as a spray cabinet or a vapor degreasing unit. Critical cleaning may be performed with the same equipment or a similar type of equipment, with a special emphasis often placed on parts immersion and the application of ultrasonic cleaning technology.
Composition of Cleaning Agent
Critical cleaning and precision cleaning can differ markedly in terms of the chemistry of the cleaning agent that is used. Cleaning agents for the former are typically comprised of an aqueous formulation that is comprised mostly of water, while cleaning agents for the latter commonly feature a solvent that has a non-aqueous formulation to prevent oxidation, such as a dielectric solution that quickly evaporates after it is applied to precision electronic components.
Types of Soils Removed
Critical cleaning procedures primarily focus on removing submicron particles, as well as non-volatile residues (NVRs) that are measured in angstroms. Precision cleaning applications, on the other hand, more commonly focus on the removal of supermicron particles and residues that are thinner than a monolayer, delivering an exceptionally high standard of cleanliness. Ecolink can provide a high-performance cleaning solution for removing practically any type of soil.
Need Critical or Precision Cleaners?
If so, Ecolink is here to serve as your one-stop source for all of your commercial and industrial cleaning needs. We offer a wide variety of readymade cleaning solutions for critical cleaning and precision cleaning. Thanks to our experienced team of chemists, we also have the ability to formulate custom cleaning solutions that are tailored to address your specific cleaning needs.
For more information about our dynamic solutions for critical cleaning and precision cleaning procedures, call us today at (800) 563-1305, or fill out the contact form located on our website. We look forward to supply you with preformulated and/or custom formulated solutions that meet the needs of all of your critical cleaning and precision cleaning applications.