nPB — also known as n-propyl bromide and 1-bromopropane — is not the preferred degreasing solution it once was. Fueling the changeover from nPB vapor degreaser to vapor degreasers that have a better safety profile is evidence that nPB exposure can...
Industrial solvents containing n-propyl bromide (nPB), or 1 bromopropane as it’s also known, are affordable and effective solvent degreasers that have served as a reliable replacement to TCE (Trichloroethylene) for decades now. However, like TCE before it, 1...
nPB (a.k.a. n-propyl bromide and 1-bromopropane) has a great history of success as a vapor degreasing solvent and — at the same time — a rather bleak future. This is because the solvent is dangerous to the short-term and long-term health of workers who use...
TURA stands for the Toxics Use Reduction Act, which was passed into law by Massachusetts State Legislature in 1989. Negotiated by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), the law was enacted to promote the reduction of both the amount of...
N propyl bromide vapor degreaser is used in the vapor degreasing systems of thousands of companies and organizations. However, large-scale users of the solvent are gradually replacing it with safer solutions that offer just as much efficacy, if for no other reason...
1 bromopropane (a.k.a. n-propyl bromide and nPB) is a chemical compound that is used as a solvent for broad array of applications, including: asphalt production, dry cleaning, aviation equipment maintenance, synthetic fiber manufacturing, manufacturing products that...