As it pertains to custom cleaning solutions for parts, metals, materials, and other types of products that need to be cleaned or degreased before being placed into operation, Ecolink is one of the most reliable companies to provide factual and trusted information, and is an excellent source for industrial strength parts cleaning solvents that are also eco friendly. Ecolink has been involved in the proprietorship of providing solvent substitutions for over twenty years (more than two decades), which means the company has been at the forefront of discovering, devising, and providing innovative and improved cleaning solvents for industrial organizations. When a business has sustained success and longevity for as long as Ecolink, you can be confident in knowing you are receiving the absolute best regarding custom cleaning solutions.
If you peruse the Ecolink website, you will eventually come across the “Ask the Chemist” webpage. Ecolink attributes much of its success to the Ecolink President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. John Roudebush. Mr. Roudebush, who is also a chemist, is instrumental in creating new, industrial strength, eco friendly and green alternative custom cleaning solutions to bring industrial businesses into the new age of using incredibly strong parts cleaning solutions that are also safe for people and the environment. Therefore, when we pose the question: “Ask the chemist about cleaning solutions,” it is not merely lip service or a catchy phrase to incite interest into our business. The Ecolink leader is completely ‘hands on’ in committing to performing exhaustive research and creating innovative parts cleaning resources.
The above information, along with having an incredible staff dedicated to the relentless pursuit of providing industrial companies with the strongest and safest cleaning and degreasing solvents, is why Ecolink has sustained continuous success for more than twenty years. Simply contact one of our professionals, and you will quickly realize why Ecolink has achieved so much in our field. Please, we urge you to ‘ask the chemist about custom cleaning solutions.