As it pertains to the cleaning of aerospace materials and components, you can probably already imagine that most of these parts are likely to be involved in critical applications, due to the type of industry. Very specific aerospace cleaners will be needed to successfully accomplish thorough cleaning for critical applications. Ecolink provides both aerospace and Department of Defense clients with an extensive and detailed list of qualified solvents, cleaners, and degreasers that guarantee to efficiently clean all aerospace parts, materials, and components needed for critical applications. Ecolink’s customer base includes several of the major airlines, both aerospace and defense contractors, as well as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, better known as NASA. Several reasons, including our company’s professionalism, superior products, accountability, conscientious attention to detail, and cleaning success rate has resulted in Ecolink receiving a one hundred percent supplier rating at most of our customer locations.
The following are proven cleaning results from using Ecolink cleaning agents that will effectively clean the products used to build and perform critical applications related to aerospace business operations:
- Environmentally preferred aviation solvents that can clean aviation hydraulic fluid, wheels and brakes, and general product surfaces.
- Non flammable contact cleaners for relays, contacts, and other types of electrical apparatuses.
- Regular contact cleaners for contacts, relays, and other kinds of electrical apparatuses.
- Parts washing solutions for the immersion cleaning of aerospace materials and components.
- Ultra high purity dielectric solvents for cleaning electrical systems, electromechanical systems, hydraulic systems, and fuel related soils.
- Clean up products for paint guns and spray-on equipment.
- Rapid evaporation metal cleaning that leaves zero residue, and is effective on a wide range of organic soils.
- Wipe cleaning agents that can be used to clean electric motors, windings, breakers, bearings, and bushings.
- Cleaning solutions that will clean up sticky reside from adhesives and decals, as well as get rid of corrosion inhibiting compounds and difficult to remove organic soils.
Partly aqueous solvents used to remove rosin flux, oily film from metal surfaces, and difficult to remove organic soils, such as asphalt and tar.