For industrial businesses that have come to rely on AK-225, the need to find a suitable replacement for a parts cleaning solvent that can clean and degrease the way AK225 could becomes a major priority. A solid AK225 alternative would be FluoSolv CX, which is a non-ozone depleting solvent alternative for AK225. The following is a list of reasons why industrial businesses that are still using AK225 can find solace in switching to FluoSolv CX.
- The acceptable exposure limit for FluoSolv CX is more than double the figure of AK225
- FluoSolv CX is a much faster drying solvent, which makes the chemical agent more ideal for vapor degreasing and cold cleaning applications for aerosol.
- The makeup of both AK225 and FluoSolv CX are quite analogous, therefore, both cleaning agents have similar materials compatibility with all metals and nonmetals, including ceramics, and polymers.
- AK225 is commonly used for the precision cleaning of composite assemblies in aerospace, complex geometry metal parts, as well as electronic and medical devices because of its high density and low viscosity. FluoSolv CX has similar thermal and physical properties that make it an excellent AK225 alternative and ideal choice for precision cleaning in the just mentioned industries.
- Since no equipment modifications or change is required to the operations of industrial companies currently using AK-225, these companies can make a seamless transition to the environmentally safe and cost effective FluoSolv CX solvent.
Industrial businesses currently using AK225 need not panic. Ecolink can provide you more information regarding the soon to be decommissioning of AK225, along with information of FluoSolv CX – the number one AK225 alternative. Ecolink has been helping industrial businesses switch to eco friendly parts cleaner solvents for over twenty years, and they can help you transition to the environmentally friendly FluoSolv CX – the best AK225 alternative available. Call 1-800-409-3142