MEK alternatives

MEK Substitutions and Alternatives

Methyl ethyl ketone, commonly known as MEK, is a flammable, colorless solvent used in various industries, including in household products. MEK is typically utilized in the manufacturing of synthetic rubbers, production of paraffin wax, varnishes, paint removers, and adhesives. Generally, MEK is considered to be an effective industrial solvent due to its high evaporation rate and high boiling point. 

Even though this solvent is effective, it’s not always safe. Read on to learn about the downsides of MEK and greener solvent alternatives. 

Are There Any Downsides to Using MEK?   

Though MEK is an effective solvent used in a variety of processes, it’s also known for its hazardous qualities, particularly how it affects workers who use the solvent. Some of these downsides include:  

  • High toxicity 
  • Respiratory irritant 
  • Serious eye and skin irritant 
  • Can potentially react with volatile organic carbon compounds in the air to form photochemical smog  

 More and more industrial companies are beginning to search for MEK substitutes due to these health and potential environmental hazards. These alternative solvents are highly desirable because they provide the assurance of a safer work environment and diminish chances of environmental harm.   

 Are There Any Effective MEK Substitutes?   

 There are several possible substitutes for MEK. Some of the most popular are: 

  • Preptone 
  • Acetone 
  • Dimethyl carbonate  

Both acetone and dimethyl carbonate are VOC exempt, fast-evaporating solvents that exhibit lower toxicity levels than MEK.   

What Is Preptone?  

Preptone is a highly effective fast-evaporating solvent formulated as a replacement for both MEK and TCE. Preptone consists of a blend of extremely high purity d-limonene and is acetone-based. The solvent also includes a proprietary inhibitor to avoid the oxidation of the terpenes, which enables the solvent to perform more effectively than ketone solvents, such as MEK.  

Some benefits of utilizing Preptone over MEK include:  

  • Higher performance 
  • No halogenated compounds or HAPs 
  • Quicker evaporation and dry time 
  • Low VOC 
  • Strong, nonpolar solvency, making it ideal for pre-paint cleaning 
  • Cost-efficient  
  • Can be utilized for similar purposes 

These characteristics enable Preptone to be the perfect eco-friendly replacement for MEK.   

Want to Try a Sample of Preptone and Other MEK Substitutes? 

Here at Ecolink, we provide samples to companies looking for environmentally friendly chemicals. You can view the product page here or contact the specialized staff here to learn how you can get your sample today!    

exterior house cleaner

The Benefits of Tidal Multi-Surface House Wash

Are You Interested in a Multipurpose Industrial House Cleaning Solution?  If so, you’ve come to the right place! Tidal Multi-Surface House Wash is an alkaline cleaning solution whose primary ingredients include n,n-bis(carboxymethyl)-glycine/trisodium salt, ethoxylated nonylphenol, disodium oxosilanediolate, and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid/tetrasodium salt tetrahydrate (all 1%-5% by weight). It efficiently expels dirt and grime from house exteriors. Additionally, the Tidal Multi-Surface House Wash is safe to use on fences, mailboxes, cars, outdoor furniture, and other exterior surfaces.  

Applying Tidal Multi-Surface House Wash 

Before applying Tidal Multi-Surface House Wash, please consult its Safety Data Sheet. It is essential to use and store Tidal Multi-Surface House Wash properly to keep yourself and others safe, and its SDS contains this necessary information, as well as what personal protective equipment should be worn while handling it, what to do if it comes into contact with your skin or eyes, and other important safety instructions.  

Because Tidal Multi-Surface House Wash is highly concentrated, it must be diluted before use. However, the degree of dilution depends on the temperature of the water you are using. If using hot water, dilute to a concentration of 1:100; if using cold water, dilute to a concentration of 1:50.  

After applying Tidal Multi-Surface House Wash to the desired surface, rinse well. Do not allow the cleaning solution to dry on the surface before rinsing. 

Benefits of Tidal Multi-Surface House Wash 

There are a number of benefits that Tidal Multi-Surface House Wash has to offer which make it both easier and safer to use! Some of these benefits include: 

  • Nonflammable 
  • Low instability 
  • Safe to use on anodized aluminum, mirror-polished aluminum, and painted materials 
  • Can be utilized with hot water or cold water 

Contact Tidal Washers Today 

Now that you have learned about Tidal Multi-Surface House Wash, how to use it, and its benefits, you may be wondering where you can purchase it. Look no further than Tidal Washers! As a division of Ecolink, Inc., Tidal Washers offers a wide variety of house exterior cleaners (like Tidal Multi-Surface House Wash), parts washer detergents, butyl degreasers, non-butyl degreasers, and many other industrial cleaning solutions and solvents.  When you shop with Tidal Washers, you will receive products that are not only efficacious but are formulated with eco-friendly ingredients.  

Our team of chemists would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact Tidal Washers today by filling out our contact form or calling 800-563-1305!  

water treatment

What is a Water Treatment Plant?

Water treatment plants are extremely important to our society. There are multiple different kinds, and they can do things like make drinking water or treat wastewater (sewage). In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what exactly a water treatment plant is and the different things that these plants can be used for.  

water treatment

What is Water Treatment? 

This is defined as any process that makes water suitable for specific end-use by enhancing its quality. Specific plants that treat water remove toxic impurities so that the water can reenter the environment without causing excess harm. Treating water restores the oxygen content to the water, while also breaking down: 

  • organic matter 
  • pollutants 
  • other solids 

How Does Water Get to A Treatment Plant? 

Water is delivered to different plants through a network of pipes or sewers that are connected to homes and other buildings. This creates a constant flow of water to the plant for treatment, and away from the plant once treated.  

Wastewater Treatment Plants 

Also known as WWTP, these plants treat water that comes from several types of locations: 

  • domestic 
  • industrial 
  • agricultural 
  • medical 

Essentially, any facility that produces contaminated water must send their water to a WWTP so that it can be treated to be released into the environment with no detrimental impact. Sewage and industrial wastewater are the most common in these plants. Sewage water is any water that comes from toilets, bathtubs, sinks, showers, etc. Industrial wastewater comes from commercial facilities and has an entirely different composition than sewage. Once the wastewater undergoes treatment, it is inspected and reused or released into the environment.  

Drinking-Water Treatment Plants 

DWTP removes dangerous particles from water that may cause disease or disrupt the welfare of the public. These plants are responsible for supplying clean drinking water to the public. Water may be treated differently based on the quality of the water that comes into the plant in different locations. Examples of types of water that may enter a DWTP include: 

  • lake water 
  • ocean water 
  • river water 
  • groundwater 

Once treatment occurs, the water is stored in a closed reservoir and is disinfected. After this, it can finally flow through the network of pipes to homes and other buildings.  

A common way for this water to be treated is through reverse osmosis (RO), which is essentially a method of filtration that uses extreme amounts of pressure. This is usually seen in the foodservice industry, as well as in facilities that use boilers or other machinery that requires clean water. 

Looking for Water Treatment Chemicals? 

Contact Ecolink, Inc. today for assistance in purchasing the right chemicals for your needs! We provide a variety of water treatment chemicals to choose from! 

less chemicals

Why Use Less Chemicals?

Using less chemicals ultimately means more. How is that the case? Well, let me explain. 

As a company that is dedicated to providing eco-friendly products, we believe in offering the industry products that are safe and have fewer chemicals. Using less chemicals demonstrates your care for the environment and those around you who may come in contact with harsh chemicals. 

less chemicals

Less Chemicals is More 

Using less chemicals means several things not only for business but for the environment as well. It is our mission to aim for a greener tomorrow. The benefits of using less chemicals range from individual health, economy, and the environment itself. 

Here are a few reasons why you should use less chemicals: 

  • Less waste

Less chemicals means less waste, which is the desired outcome to keep the environment clean! Utilizing less chemicals allows for our carbon footprint to be minimized. The less you use, the more the environment thanks you! 

  • Safer

Using less chemicals means reducing exposure to toxic chemicals. Being constantly exposed to toxic chemicals can affect one’s health, short and long-term. Utilizing high-quality products with fewer chemicals is not only the safer choice but the smarter one too. Not only is this beneficial for chemists and other industry workers interacting with the chemicals but it is better for plants and animals in our environment.  

  • Competitiveness

From a business standpoint, there is an interest in safe, eco-friendly chemicals. With people becoming more and more aware of their input on the environment, being more sustainable is an eye-catcher and movement many wish to participate in. Consumers are willing to stand behind a business that values the environment. Green products allow for safer consumption or interaction, which is a valuable asset.  

Looking for Less? 

Well, look no further. You’ve come to the right place! Here at Ecolink, we provide safe bulk chemicals that you can count on for years to come! Know what you’re looking to buy today or have any questions? We have a team available to assist you today! To learn more about sustainable chemicals strategy click here.

Industrial chemicals

Household Versus Industrial Chemicals

Chemicals can be found pretty much everywhere these days—in cleaning products, cosmetics, clothing, agriculture, etc. With so many different applications, they really make our lives easier. However, chemicals can be extremely hazardous to both the environment and to humans if they are not used or disposed of properly. Chemical safety is crucial to avoiding dangerous accidents, and part of chemical safety is knowing the difference between household chemicals and industrial chemicals.  

industrial chemicals

What is a Household Chemical? 

Household chemicals are non-food chemicals that are commonly used in everyday cleaning, hygiene, or even pest control around the home. Common chemicals you might find in your home include: 

  • bleach 
  • ammonia 
  • paint thinner  
  • washing detergent 
  • air fresheners 
  • cosmetics  

Household chemicals, like any chemical, can be very dangerous if not used properly. In fact, the CDC found that in 2019, poisonings were the leading cause of unintentional injury deaths, resulting in nearly 40% of all unintentional injury deaths. Some of the most dangerous substances are found in: 

  • solvents 
  • cleaners 
  • pesticides 
  • automotive care products 

When using chemicals in the home, be sure to buy the correct product for the desired job and to read and follow the label instructions very carefully. If an accident occurs, get help from the Poison Control Center immediately.  

What is an Industrial Chemical? 

Industrial chemicals are produced in large quantities and can be applied in many industrial settings including: 

  • plastics 
  • adhesives  
  • solvents 
  • cosmetics 
  • cleaning products 

Industrial products are defined as any chemical that isn’t: 

  • veterinary 
  • agricultural  
  • pharmaceutical 
  • therapeutic 
  • food-related 

These substances may be used as ingredients in commercial products, or directly in production processes. Essentially, industrial compounds cover a broad spectrum of uses that is much larger than household compounds.  

Differences between Industrial Chemicals and Household Chemicals? 

Household and industrial products have a wide variety of differences. Mainly, they tend to vary in:  

  • size  
  • cost 
  • strength 

With industrial chemicals being larger, higher in price, and stronger concentrates. Since household products do not need to be as strong as those needed for industrial purposes, they can be made with cheaper ingredients, thus making them cheaper in cost. Household chemicals also come in much smaller quantities than their industrial counterparts, because the amount of a product needed for an industrial job is much larger than that of a household job.  

Have More Questions About Industrial Chemicals? 

Contact the EcoLink, Inc. team here today to learn more about which chemicals might best fit your needs.