Why Do You Need More Than a Chemical Distributor?

The type of chemical supplier you buy solvents from can have a big impact on the range of the solvents at your disposal, and how well particular solvents match up with your cleaning requirements. In most cases, companies and organizations are better off to get solvents straight from the solvent manufacturer (a.k.a. supplier) instead of receiving them from a chemical distributor (a.k.a. vendor). Below are four important considerations that support the claim.

  1. Cost Effectiveness

Because a chemical distributor essentially serves as a middleman between a solvent manufacturer and customers who use the manufacturer’s products, you often pay more when purchasing solvents from a distributor. Like a manufacturer, a distributor applies a markup to the price of solvents to earn a profit. Buying straight from the manufacturer lets you avoid the distributor’s markup.

  1. Custom Formulations

Also known as “toll blending” and “custom mixing”, the creation of custom solvents is an essential service for companies and organizations that have complex solvent needs. Because distributors don’t manufacture their own solvents, they typically lack the capacity to perform toll blending.

Even if you don’t need a custom solvent now, you may need one in the future, as your cleaning needs expand and change, as your business grows. From the start, this is reason enough to choose a supplier that performs toll blending instead of a chemical distributor that can only offer imperfect solutions for complex solvent needs.

  1. Product Support

If you buy solvent, that probably means you don’t have the capacity to make your own solvents. This being the case, it also means that you would probably like to receive a high level of product support for solvent use, solvent storage, solvent recycling, etc. Because a manufacturer typically has the most in-depth understanding of its products, you generally receive the highest level of product support by going straight to the manufacturer instead of a distributor.

  1. Quality Control

For anything that’s manufactured, the highest level of quality control comes from overseeing the manufacturing process in-house. Third party manufacturers aren’t inherently bad; they produce some fine products, and help to lower production cost, which can lower product cost. However, if you want the greatest assurance that the solvent you buy will perform as advertised, getting it from a manufacturer that creates and tests the product is the safest move.

Make Us Your Solvent Supplier

At Ecolink, we function as more than a chemical distributor. We create our own stock solvents and produce custom solvents for customers who have unique cleaning requirements. In supplying solvents, we serve as a consultant that provides solutions that meet your current needs, and swiftly provides new solutions if and when your solvent requirements change.

To inquire about our environmentally safe and environmentally preferred, industrial grade solvents, give us a call today at (800) 563-1305, or fill out the contact form on our website. We look forward to learning about your solvent requirements and seeing what we can do to address them affordably and effectively.

Why Working With a Custom Chemical Company Makes Sense

Toll blending, toll manufacturing, or custom mixing; whatever you choose to call it, the discipline of creating solvents that have a custom chemical formulation is an essential service for many industrial and commercial solvent users. What if your company or organization isn’t among them? Could acquiring solvents from a custom chemical company still offer benefits? At Ecolink, we think the answer is yes for the four reasons below.

You May Need a Custom Solvent in the Future

Even if your solvent needs are set in stone, have been that way for years, and don’t involve using custom solvents, there’s still a chance that you could need a custom solvent in the future. Below is a common scenario by which it could happen.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) severely regulates a hazardous chemical in one of your solvents. You need the same cleaning power from a replacement solvent, but you need the solvent in an eco friendly formulation. If a stock solvent can’t plug the gap, then you’re immediately in the market for a unique solvent from a custom chemical company.

You Avoid Wasting Time Searching for a Solvent

Whether you need a new solvent due to EPA regulations or because one of your cleaning processes changes, a new solvent should be implemented quickly to maintain productivity. If you’re supplier is a custom chemical company, it should be able to tell you quickly whether a readymade solvent or a custom solvent is the best fit for your requirements, and then swiftly formulate a custom solution if that’s what you need.

You Can Also Purchase Readymade Solutions

Many custom chemical companies do more than perform toll blending; they also sell readymade solutions that are marketed as stock products that are available for immediate shipment. This gives you a big advantage when it comes to receiving a solvent that meets your needs: Because the company sells both readymade solvents and custom solvents, there’s no reason for to promote readymade solutions when a custom solution is needed, or vice versa.

You Avoid a Solvent That Isn’t the Best Fit

The situation described above is fairly common. Companies and organizations routinely use solvents that aren’t a good fit for their cleaning applications — and working with a chemical company that only supplies stock solvents is a big reason why. If your cleaning operations are crucial to your core business functions, you need solvents that suit the operations seamlessly. These are exactly the type of solvents a custom chemical company specializes in supplying.

Need the Services of a Custom Chemical Company?

If so, and you want solvents that have a commendable safety profile for workers and the environment, getting your cleaning solutions from us is a good choice. Ecolink is a custom chemical company that supplies both readymade solvents and unique solvents that are tailored to the needs of specific customers. When you use us as your supplier, you never have to worry about not having a solvent that’s perfectly formulated for your cleaning requirements.

For assistance selecting solvents, please call us today (800) 563-1305, or use our contact form. We look forward to helping you select the best cleaning solvents for your requirements.

Scoring Leaderboard for Anaheim or Bust!

Hello All and Welcome to the leaderboard page! Here you can track the weekly progress of the contest flex goal, your schools score as well as view the weekly winners.

Social Media Counters Towards Flex Goal

Ecolink Facebook Ecolink Twitter linkedin youtube
Week 5 (11/7) 235 2,198 274 51
Week 4 (10/31) 233 2,210 272 44
Week 3 (10/24) 217 2,166 217 31
Week 2 (10/17) 190 2,128 182 30
Week 1 (10/10) 171 2,089 135 19

Chapter Totals*

Ranking Chapter Points
1 Brookwood  812.5
2 Kell  502
3 Sequoyah  323
4 Lakeview Fort Oglethrope  273.5
5 North Forsyth  265
6 South Gwinnett  127
7 Habersham 103.5
8 Veterans  53.5
9 Tift  93
10 Woodstock  27
11 Kennesaw Mountain  8
11 North Murray  8
12 Houston  2
12 Northside  2
12 Morgan County  2
12 Southeast Whitfield  2
12 Woodville Tompkins  2
13 Hutchings  1
14 Chapel Hill  0

*Please let us know if you feel there is any discrepancy in your score. These scores are calculated through 11/6.

Replacing nPB: Choosing a Replacement in 4 Steps

Since the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other regulatory agencies on the federal, state, and municipal level have increasingly focused on regulating the use of commercial and industrial solvents that are hazardous to humans and/or the environment. nPB (a.k.a. 1-bromopropane and n-propyl bromide) is a perfect example of one these hazardous solvents.

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) considers nPB to be “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen” [NTP 2013]. Partly as a result of the conclusion, the EPA added nPB to its toxic release inventory (TRI) list of reportable chemicals. These moves have set the stage for replacing nPB before it is regulated more aggressively. If replacing nPB is on the to-do list of your company or organization, below are five steps for choosing a replacement.

  1. Search for “Drop-in” Replacements

Replacing nPB without disrupting solvent-based work processes requires choosing a “drop in” replacement solvent that can immediately replace nPB without making significant changes to cleaning operations or associated processes (e.g. solvent storage in relation to flashpoint).

Drop-in replacements for nPB can be acquired in the form of stock solvents that are ready to ship and custom solvents that are designed for unique requirements. If you can’t find a suitable drop-in replacement among readymade solutions, choosing a custom solvent is the right move.

  1. Check Replacements for HAPs

Most commercial and industrial users replace nPB is because the compound is a hazardous air pollutant (HAP) that can cause serious short-term and long-term health impairments in workers. Consequently, it’s imperative to choose a nPB replacement that contains no HAPs, or contains a low level of HAPs that can be addressed through the use of exhaust hoods at work stations, air filtration systems that capture airborne contaminants, personal protective equipment (PPE), etc.

  1. Compare Solvent Prices

If you choose a custom solvent, this step may not apply, as you’ll accept or reject the price of the solvent before it’s actually formulated, and soon agree on a price that meets your budget. On the other hand, if you’re considering stock solutions, comparing solvent prices can be a big money saver. As you would when purchasing another type of product that’s a significant business investment, it’s a good idea to do at least three price comparisons before you buy.

  1. Request a Free Solvent Sample

Last but certainly not least, request a free sample of the nPB replacement you plan to purchase before you actually buy it. The sample should be large enough for you to perform at least one round of solvent-based cleaning (enough solvent to perform a single cleaning cycle with a parts washer, for example). If the replacement solvent works as well as predicted, then it’s time to place your first order.

Find nPB Replacements Here

At Ecolink, we understand that companies and organizations need the cleaning power of nPB minus the dangers of using the solvent. That’s why one of our specialties is replacing nPB with drop-in solutions that have an excellent safety profile and contain no regulated chemicals. If replacing nPB is on your agenda, start the process today by calling us at (800) 563-1305, or use the contact form on our website. We look forward to helping you implement a safer solvent.

Solvents for Cleaning Parts: The Case for Aerosol Solvents

We typically associate the term “aerosol” with liquid that’s compressed in a spray can that emits a fine mist when we press a button on top of the can. However, nature and not humans created the first aerosols. Technically, an aerosol is a “colloidal system of solid or liquid particles in a gas” (Wikipedia). For example, cloud vapor is considered aerosol, and so is fine dust that rides on desert winds for weeks at a time. In one way or another, aerosol is a part of daily existence.

Aerosol for Removing Aerosol

It may seem ironic, but natural aerosol — particularly dust that remains suspended within airflow — can create soil accumulation on parts that a laboratory-formulated aerosol cleans away. Why would a company or organization use aerosol solvent to remove dirt and grime instead of a solvent that can be applied in greater volume and dispensed at a faster rate aerosol?

For outfits that use aerosol solvent for industrial grade parts cleaning, one or more of the following reasons justifies the use of aerosol solvent over solvent that’s packaged in non-aerosol form: cleaning parts that have complex geometries, dispersing solvent in a uniform fashion, the availability of large, aerosol cylinders whose spray nozzle can deliver aerosol with impressive pressure, and the opportunity to reduce waste disposal cost.

  1. Parts With Complex Geometries

Because aerosol spray emits a cloud ultra fine solvent particles, it’s ideal for cleaning parts that have complex geometries. Such parts can be cleaned with pump action spray bottles that have a more robust method of dispersal. However, to cleanse all the nooks and crannies of a geometrically complex part using this method, the part must often be heavily saturated with solvent, which could pose several problems, depending on the part’s composition and function.

  1. Dispersing Solvent Uniformly

Unlike solvent that’s applied with a traditional pump action sprayer, aerosol solvent has a hovering effect that makes it ideal for applying solvent across a given area in a highly uniform manner. For a large surface, this feature helps ensure that the surface is cleansed evenly, and effectively prevents rework in the form of spot cleaning to make the surface uniformly clean.

  1. Availability of Aerosol Cylinders

Purchasing aerosol solvents for cleaning parts isn’t limited to buying handheld spray cans. Through Ecolink, you also have the opportunity to purchase large cylinders of aerosol that come complete with a special spray applicator that controls the density and force of the solvent stream. Large compared to aerosol bottles, these cylinders are still compact enough to transport using a small, two-wheel dolly.

  1. Reduce Waste Disposal Cost

Because aerosol is easy to disperse in the precise amount needed for the cleaning operation, it helps prevent excess solvent from gathering in the waste trap. Over time, this ultimately translates into needing to empty the trap less often, which helps reduce waste disposal cost.

Need Solvents for Cleaning Parts?

If so, you’ve come to the right place. Ecolink has years of experience supplying environmentally preferred and environmentally safe solvents that offer the same or better cleaning power than the highly hazardous solvents they are formulated to replace. In addition to providing stock solvents and custom solvents in handheld aerosol cans and large cylinders, we also supply eco friendly solvents in the form of wipes, spray bottles, and drums of various sizes.

To get started on acquiring solvents for cleaning parts, please call us today at (800) 563-1305, or use our contact form. We look forward to presenting you with aerosol solutions for your industrial parts cleaning needs.