Paint Stripping Pains are now a Thing of the Past!

Removing Polymeric Coatings from Metals is Easy

industrial paint stripperPaint stripping metal pains are no more! Aquastrip ACB is a mildly acidic liquid concentrate that removes polymeric coatings from ferrous and non-ferrous metals. This coating removal liquid a list of impressive properties and attributes, a few of which are listed below.

  • Does not contain any chlorinated solvents (i.e. methylene chloride)
  • Provides faster results with decreased strip time
  • Lower costs
  • Versatile for applications
  • Works well on all substrates

Our Green Standard

Chemicals have a bad reputation among safety and other areas. Our promise to you is to replace bad with better. Aquastrip ACB removes coatings from ferrous and non-ferrous metals as a mildly acidic liquid concentrate. It removes paint films as “sheets” instead of dissolving them, therefore making it easy to filter solids from the operating tank, increase bath life, and reduce overall costs!

Aquastrip ACB can be used by virtually anyone involved in any industry. Manufacturing, tools, textile, and several other industries needing to strip paint from various metal surfaces will have a use for this product.

This concentrated coating removal liquid is better, safer, and faster than what is currently available for purchase from other manufacturers. How is Aquastrip ACB better? It works on all substrates and is versatile. How is this mild acidic liquid safer? It does not contain any chlorinated solvents like methylene chloride. How is this coating removal product faster? Its initial testing stripped the CARC between 20 to 120 minutes, when a similar product used for the same purpose took OVER twenty-four hours.

To prove our solution is better than the rest, check out the competition in the table below and see for yourself!


Product Name



Super Kleen® Direct Oakite® EUROSTRIP Liquid acidic paint stripper that can be used on ferrous & non-ferrous metals to remove most paint films. Super Kleen® EUROSTRIP
Socomore SOCOSTRIP A0103N Activated by hydrogen peroxide, particularly adapted for epoxy, polyurethane and alkyd urethane paints. Socomore Paint Stripper
Eastwood Brush-on Stripper After application, use putty knife to remove paint. Do not let dry or reapplication will be necessary. After coating is removed, neutralize with water and dry with clean cloth. WARNING: this stripper will damage painted surfaces. Eastwood Brush on Paint Stripper


We all want our lives to be easier, so why not take the first step towards making it that way? Do you need more of an incentive to try Aquastrip ACB? Call or email Jackie to find out how you can receive a FREE sample today! See the results yourself! We have told you why this paint stripping product is better, safe, and faster—now let us show you why!

For more information, check out these great sources for a different perspective!

Wikipedia | YouTube

PD 680 vs. PRF 680 – Qualifed vs. Conforming Degreasing Solvents

Once upon a time PD 680 was the degreasing solvent of choice for military equipment maintenance.

Today, PD 680 generates approximately 600 Google searches every month. By contrast, PRF 680 generates approximately 60 Google searches every month. I’m fascinated to see how a 50 year old degreasing solvent widely used by Department Of Defense (DOD) and other federal agencies for many types of routine maintenance cleaning applications receives 10 times the monthly search volume. Why is this so startling? Because PD 680 was CANCELED on December 13, 1999 and replaced by MIL-PRF-680B. 11 years later there is still a 10:1 search disparity for these highly consumed chemicals. Our goal is to detail the cost-benefit of both DOD maintenance chemicals and enlighten the combined 660 +/- monthly on-line searchers make well-informed buying decisions that calculate cost of chemical ownership vs. acquisition cost only.

MIL PRF 680 is the universally approved degreasing solvent


PD 680 is risky

PD 680 was canceled on December 13, 1999.



Here’s our theory why this trend continues despite a user survey for P-D-680 solvents and commercial alternative solvent evaluations completed during 1994-1995 where twenty-three (23) commercial solvents were identified as candidate alternative P-D-680 solvents. You read it right, almost 15 years ago and still twice as many monthly on-line searches!

A)   PD 680 is a LOT less expensive (30-40%) than PRF 680

B)   PD 680 works and has for more than 50 years. The ‘smell’ is familiar.

C)   PD 680, also known as Mineral Spirit Solvents, is readily available from a long list of suppliers

D)   PD 680 vs. PRF 680 has ‘minimal’ cost difference for disposal

Since 2000, Ecolink Inc supplied Mil PRF 680 Type II to the Department of Defense at a fraction of the cost (about 25%) of previous supplier, Inland Technology, replacing Breakthrough Cleaner. We are committed to educating military and aerospace consumers of these maintenance chemicals on the risks and liabilities of continued use of PD 680. MIL-PRF-680 still provides excellent solvency and currently listed as less hazardous solvent than PD 680, and meets the federal and local environmental laws (i.e., RCRA). PRF 680 degreaser solvents can and should be recycled which will reduce the waste stream.

Here’s our theory why PRF 680 will start to outpace monthly searches for General Purpose, Environmentally Compliant Solvents for Maintenance Cleaning of DOD Equipment.

A)   P-D-680 was CANCELED on December 13, 1999 and replaced by MIL-PRF-680B. US Military states that if a Technical Order has not been updated and continues to reference the use of P-D-680, MIL-PRF-680 is the accepted substitute.

B)   PRF 680 is on the QPL (Qualified Product List) and therefore complies and conforms to TACOM and TARDEC standards for degreasing solvents widely used by Department of Defense (DOD) and other federal agencies for many types of routine maintenance cleaning applications

C)   MIL-PRF-680 products are also approved by —
Boeing as PSD 6-88 for BAC 5750 Solvent Cleaning (as optional to P-D-680 specification)
Pratt & Whitney as PMC 9001-1, -2, -7, -10 Stoddard Solvent (MIL-PRF-680, Type I, II or III)
Messier-Dowty (Maintenance Manuals)

D)   PRF 680 has lower aromatic content, which equates to lower odor and non-volatile residue.

E)   MIL-PRF-680 contains the same amount of VOC as PD 680 but does not contain Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs).

What’s Next?

Solvent emissions are regulated regionally and locally, with the Air Pollution Control Districts in California implementing the most stringent requirements.  The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) and other Air Quality Management Districts have imposed restrictions limiting the use of solvents with VOC content to no greater than 25 grams per liter for immersion cleaning processes unless the solvent is used in an airtight cleaning system. A need exists for a specification to classify and qualify products that are low-VOC and HAP-free to meet these new environmental regulations. This specification covers non-aqueous cleaning solvents that are free of hazardous air pollutants and contain a low amount (no more than 25 grams per liter) of volatile organic compounds for cleaning air, sea, and ground vehicle components and support equipment.  The requirements for the new specification include the following properties: non-ozone depleting substances (non-ODS), HAP-free, low-VOC (25 g/L), effective cleaning efficiency, non-toxic, compatible with metals and non-metal substrates, and safe to use.  The new specification will not replace MIL-PRF-680 totally but will target specific cleaning applications. The new specification consists of two types; Type I is intended for cleaning light soils such as oils and hydraulic fluids, and Type II is intended for cleaning heavy soils such as greases and carbon residues.

Stay tuned…


6850-01-474-2319 1 gal

6850-00-246-6112 5 gal

6850-01-474-2317 5 gal

6850-01-474-2719 55 gal

6850-01-474-2316 55 gal



Shop other degreasing agents conveniently online here!

Rescuing Brake Cleaner & Carburetor Cleaner Victims

Wind farm operation and maintenance is extremely difficult work. High winds (duh) attract all kinds of contaminants that impact the performance and longevity of high value parts including gearbox. Conducting wind turbine preventive maintenance takes place both in the field and shop environments. Having the right cleaners and degreasers makes the job cleaner.

For dozens of years over-the-counter aerosolized brake cleaner and carburetor cleaners have been the choice degreaser for wind turbine maintenance. Why?

Pros: cheap ($3/can), fast drying (50-90% acetone content) and cleans well (witches brew of co-solvents including benzene, xylene, isopropyl alcohol, propanol, butane to name a few of the usual suspects).

However, there are always
Cons: flammable (energized equipment not a good fit), dries ‘too’ fast (use more chemical), wasteful packaging (10-15% loss factor)

Ecolink received an urgent call from a CA-based wind farm generating more than 576 Mega Watts per year from over 2,500 wind turbines in operation for more than 25 years in Bay Area Air Quality Management District.

Hopefully your folks can come up with a solution to our problem.
– Scott, a Production Assurance Specialist & Safety, Environmental Coordinator

Customer priority list:

  • BAAQMD VOC compliance – 45% and scheduled to 10% by content
  • Worker safety – non-flammable without any health affects
  • Process improvement – punctured over 30,000 cans/year and generated 330 gallons of hazardous waste annually
  • Reduce solid waste, including recycling content
  • Save green ($, money) by going green (fewer air/VOC emissions)

After a series of in-person meetings, team interviews among end users, environmental health and safety team, Ecolink narrowed the list of ‘compliant’ alternatives to a few solvent-based aerosol and bulk degreasers along with an industrial strength aqueous cleaner.


  • Eliminated 20,000 aerosol cans per year + 6 x 55-gal drums of hazardous waste disposal generated per year
  • Saved over 5,000 lbs (2.5 tons)/year of steel
  • Reduced VOC emissions by 14x (44% vs 2.5%)
  • Repurposed and unused parts washing unit
  • Converted $36/gal (concentrate of case of aerosols) to a $8/gal aqueous cleaner saving over $80,000/year (x 5 years and counting)
  • Replaced 65% of non-compliant, flammable & wasteful with a BAAQMD compliant, non-flammable and high performance cleaner

To learn more about the hazards facing wind farm technicians, check out this episode of Dirty Jobs:




AK225 Alternatives

Asahiklin (AK225) was banned from production and import in the United States, effective January 1st, 2015.

Industrial businesses still using AK225, need not panic!

  • Ecolink can provide you with information of FluoSolv CX – the number one AK225 alternative. Shop Here
  • Ecolink has been helping industrial businesses switch to eco friendly parts cleaner solvents for overcontact us today twenty years, and they can help you transition to the environmentally friendly FluoSolv CX – the best AK225 alternative available.
  • Do you need a custom blend? Custom cleaning solutions are simple requests for Ecolink! Call our team today to discuss your cleaning needs   –   (800) 409-3142

Though AK-225, also known as Asahiklin, has been a popular, and for the most part effective cleaning solvent for parts, metals, and materials for industrial companies that need to clean and degrease products, studies have proven that when the chemical agent is released into the air, it damages the Ozone Layer. These studies contradict a lot of the information that can be found online that sheds positive light on AK225. However, the fact remains that enough evidence points toward the negative effects of using AK225.

For industrial businesses that have come to rely on AK-225, the need to find a suitable replacement for a parts cleaning solvent that can clean and degrease the way AK225 could becomes a major priority. A solid AK225 alternative would be FluoSolv CX, which is a non-ozone depleting solvent alternative for AK225. The following is a list of reasons why industrial businesses that are still using AK225 can find solace in switching to FluoSolv CX.

  • The acceptable exposure limit for FluoSolv CX is more than double the figure of AK225
  • FluoSolv CX is a much faster drying solvent, which makes the chemical agent more ideal for vapor degreasing and cold cleaning applications for aerosol.Ecolink1
  • The makeup of both AK225 and FluoSolv CX are quite analogous, therefore, both cleaning agents have similar materials compatibility with all metals and nonmetals, including ceramics, and polymers.
  • AK225 is commonly used for the precision cleaning of composite assemblies in aerospace, complex geometry metal parts, as well as electronic and medical devices because of its high density and low viscosity. FluoSolv CX has similar thermal and physical properties that make it an excellent AK225 alternative and ideal choice for precision cleaning in the just mentioned industries.
  • Since no equipment modifications or change is required to the operations of industrial companies currently using AK-225, these companies can make a seamless transition to the environmentally safe and cost effective FluoSolv CX solvent.


Why Low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are Important

Even though the word is getting out concerning the harmful effects of industrial cleaners, groups such as the Air Quality Management District feel it is not spreading fast enough. In a time where everyone to some degree, should be doing their part to make changes to their daily habits that could benefit the environment and the health of our planet, it comes as a shock to many at the AQMD that people are still so freely willing to expose themselves to harmful chemicals when there are cleaning materials with safe heavy duty solutions.

The harmful chemicals that emanate from these products are known as Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOCs. VOCs harm the planet, the environment, and anyone who comes into contact with the noxious gases. Exposure can lead to long lasting effects, even death from too much exposure. What the AQMD wants to do is make sure companies and people know that there are green alternatives that produce Low VOCs. Low VOC Cleaners are now on the market, and if you have not already made the switch, you should right away and promote ecofriendly alternative cleaners.

The difference in the VOC emission is so significant that the AQMD estimates that the clean air index can be significantly reduced, and smog in many of the metropolitan cities that deal with this thick grotesque air could see elimination of the noxious cloud. The AQMD, along with several other concerned organizations are trying to make it mandatory for companies to switch to Low VOC Cleaners, since it does not require significant increase in expense. As a matter of fact, almost all of the green alternative degreasers and cleaning solutions are cheaper than their harmful predecessors.

These environmentally conscious organizations believe that fining companies for the continued use of harmful chemical emissions should be instituted. Considering the need to preserve our environment as best we can, coupled with an actual savings in overhead by switching to a green alternative cleaning solvent, and it is hard to argue against the mandatory change and fines for not being compliant.

Looking for a low VOC cleaner? Call us today or shop our products conveniently online!