what is a solvent recovery system

What Is a Solvent Recovery System?

If you work in a field that processes or deals regularly with solvents you may be familiar with or wondering, what is a solvent recovery system?  Solvent recovery systems allow solvents to be recycled and reused as cleaning agents. Solvent recovery systems work by extracting solvents from effluent streams or other solvent waste, and turns the collected solvents into reusable products. Extracting solvents in this method reduces the need for new solvents and is more efficient than purchasing new raw materials. Solvent recovery systems are a green solution to obtaining usable solvents, that help to save money and reduce waste. 

What are the benefits of using a solvent recovery system? 

  • Cut Costs – Using a solvent recovery system to recycle your solvents allows you to get multiple uses out of a single solvent which reduces the need to buy more solvents and allows your business to save money.
  • Less Exposure To Harmful Chemicals – Solvent recovery reduces your exposure to harmful chemicals. Instead of having to procure and use new solvents, solvent recovery occurs within a sealed chamber which allows you to spend less time exposing yourself to highly volatile chemicals and solvents.
  • Environmentally Friendly – Reusing chemicals and solvents reduces the need to produce or purchase more harmful chemicals than necessary. In turn this is a safer more environmentally conscious method of obtaining solvent and chemical materials.

Looking to Save Money Using Green Chemical Practices?

To learn more about solvent recovery systems and other green chemical practices contact us today! We are an environmentally conscious chemical and solvent provider. We offer an extensive line of green products and pride ourselves on our dedication to the environment. Ecolink also has an incredibly knowledgeable customer care team that is available to answer any questions you may have about solvents, green cleaners, or solvent recovery systems.




Benefits of Aqueous Based Cleaning Solutions

Aqueous based cleaning solutions are cleaning agents that are water based as opposed to chemical or solvent based, making them less harsh or volatile in comparison to other industrial cleaners. Water based cleaners can be used for several different cleaning purposes and are just as effective as many solvent based cleaning agents. From parts washing to cleaning industrial machinery, there are many highly volatile solvent based cleaners that can be replaced with aqueous based cleaning solutions. In addition to being a safer alternative to solvent based cleaners there are several benefits to be gained from using high quality water based cleaning solutions.

Why Should You Consider Aqueous Based Cleaning Solutions?

  • Cost Effective – One of the many benefits of switching to water based cleaning agents is that they are generally more affordable than chemical based cleaners. Water is a cheaper ingredient than any other chemical or solvent that may be used in cleaning agents, resulting in a more affordable product. Cutting costs and saving money is important to any business, so implementing the use of more affordable cleaners is a great option to consider.
  • Safety – Water based cleaners have fewer harsh ingredients that could harm the user and the environment. Many water based cleaners require little to no safety gear for use and are environmentally friendly.
  • Less Flammable – Water based cleaners have a high flash point, meaning that it takes a much higher temperature to cause these solutions to ignite than solvent based solutions.

Need Aqueous Bases Cleaning Solutions?

If you are interested in learning more about aqueous based cleaning solutions contact Ecolink. Ecolink is an environmentally conscious supplier of cleaning agents both water and solvent based. Ecolink also offers a line of green cleaners that are environmentally safe and preferred. Shop our aqueous products here or for any questions you may have or to get a quote call Ecolink’s knowledgeable customer care team at  800-563-1305.



What Are The Best Metal Cleaning Solvents?

Shopping for Metal Cleaning Solvents?

If you are in need of metal cleaning solvents that are effective, safe, and affordable, shop here or contact us today! Our customer care team is ready to help you find your perfect solvent.

Learn More About Metal Cleaning Solvents

Finding the right metal cleaning solvents to use for your machinery is very important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, you want to have solvents that are safe to use and effectively clean your equipment, preventing build up and damage. You also want to make sure that if you are cleaning a specific type of metal, like stainless steel, that you are not using a solvent that will cause damage to the metal surface. Another important factor in purchasing metal cleaning solvents is finding a provider that offers a variety of high quality solvents and cleaners, as well as the necessary information to safely use them.  Whether you are looking for solvents to clean and degrease large industrial machinery or stainless steel home appliances, quality is key, and that is exactly what you will receive when shopping for metal cleaning solvents with Ecolink. Ecolink is an environmentally friendly supplier of chemicals and solvents that would be happy to help you find the best solvents for your needs.

  • Alcohol – Alcohol is an effective cleaner and degreaser for large metal machinery in industrial and manufacturing settings. Alcohol is a low VOC solvent (low volatile organic compound) that is safe to use, requiring little safety gear and effectively prevents gumming and build up on machines.
  • Acetone – Much like alcohol, acetone is generally safe to use and is a strong degreaser that can be used to wipe metal machinery clean after use.
  • Green Cleaners – In addition to standard metal cleaning solvents, Ecolink offers several green solvents that are safe for stainless steel, and will not tarnish or dull the appliance’s finish. These green cleaning agents are also safe for the user and cause no harm to the environment.

Benefits of Wholesale Chemical Suppliers

Wholesale chemical suppliers provide all types of businesses and facilities with bulk supplies of chemicals that are necessary for their day to day activities. Finding the right chemical supplier who can provide your business with a high quality, bulk supply of chemicals is a great way to save money. Buying in bulk ensures that you will always have enough the chemicals you need on hand, and buying at wholesale bulk rates is much more affordable than paying full retail price for standard quantities. Chemicals like acetone or isopropyl alcohol are very common use chemical solvents required in all kinds of practices from cleaning supplies or first aid in schools, to industrial degreasing. For businesses like these and many others, reliable wholesale chemical suppliers are a necessary asset.

If you are interested in purchasing your chemicals from wholesale chemical suppliers, look into Ecolink. Ecolink is a longtime trusted supplier of chemicals and solvents, who prides themselves on supplying high quality, environmentally cautious, bulk chemical supplies at an affordable rate.

Benefits of Working with Ecolink:

  • Knowledgeable – Ecolink’s customer care team is always available to call or email with questions about their chemicals and solvents, to provide you with the knowledge you need to choose the best product for your needs, and to use it safely.
  • Bulk Inventory – Ecolink offers bulk supplies ranging from 5 gallon buckets to 55 gallon drums to ensure any size business can be accommodated. Buying these supplies in bulk is an effective way to save money while always having an ample supply on hand.
  • Environmentally Friendly – Ecolink proudly provides chemicals and solvents in more environmentally conscious manners than other wholesale chemical suppliers. They also offer “green” cleaners and solvents that are safe to use and have no negative impact on our environment.

Shopping Wholesale Chemical Suppliers?

If you are interested in learning more about Ecolink, our chemical supplies, and our efforts to protect the environment, contact us today!


Medical grade alcohol

Best Uses For Medical Grade Alcohol

Need to Buy Medical Grade Alcohol?

Ecolink is a long time, trusted supplier of solvents and chemicals like medical grade alcohol. Ecolink is known for their commitment to the environment, striving to provide products in a more eco friendly manner than traditional chemical suppliers. Ecolink also has an incredibly knowledgeable customer care team, and the ability to supply bulk quantities from 5-55 gallons. Contact us today for a quote for our medical grade alcohol or checkout conveniently online here.

Who Needs Medical Grade Alcohol?

Medical grade alcohol serves several purposes in places like hospitals, doctors offices, in-patient care facilities, and even first aid kits in homes or schools. The difference between medical grade alcohol and standard isopropyl alcohol, is that medical alcohol is a more concentrated, purer form of IPA that is 99% alcohol. Primarily used to sanitize, medical grade alcohol can be used for everything from cuts and scrapes to cleaning medical tools and equipment. If you work in a facility that uses large amounts of medical grade alcohol, you want to be sure that you have a great supplier that will provide you with a high quality product, and has the ability to provide bulk supplies. When you purchase medical grade alcohol from Ecolink, who is a trusted, eco friendly bulk chemical supplier, you get all of this and more. 

What is Medical Grade Alcohol Used For?

  • First Aid – Whether you are in a hospital or school nurses office, rubbing alcohol can be used to clean and sanitize minor lacerations before bandaging. This helps to prevent infection and aid the healing process. Similarly, medical grade alcohol can also be used to sanitize skin prior to administering injections.
  • Cleaning – 99% alcohol can also be used to clean medical equipment. Everything from exam tables, to small tools, and even large medical machinery can be cleaned and sterilized with medical grade alcohol. Alcohol is cost effective and safe to use making it the obvious choice when deciding on a cleaning agent.