A recent trend in the chemical industry is that of taking advantage of azeotropes. These unique mixtures have special properties that can be of...

Chemical Chat – Discover What’s New!
What Is Fouling?
Fouling refers to the buildup of solid matter in a water system, like scum on the surface of a pond, or rust on the hull of a boat. This buildup can...
What Are Cured Epoxy Resin Removers?
Epoxy resins are extremely versatile epoxide polymers used in several industries. But while these resins are frequently applied for various reasons,...
What Is a Biocide Chemical for a Cooling Tower?
Cooling towers are used industrially to release heat generated during a mechanical process. Often the water used in...
What Is Fouling?
Fouling refers to the buildup of solid matter in a water system, like scum on the surface of a pond, or rust on the...
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