environmentally friendly

5 Ways to Be More Environmentally Friendly

Ecolink continuously strives to be environmentally friendly and aware. In doing so, we believe in advocating for the current generation and the ones to come. We have established a reputation for supplying sustainable, eco-friendly products which are hard to come by in the industry. There are several ways to be more eco-friendly and it is a choice we should all pledge to. It all starts with being aware. Here are five ways to be a bit more eco-friendly, no matter what you do! Taking these five small, but impactful steps to become more eco-friendly provides a major payoff and the environment will thank you for it! 

  1. Make yourself aware

As mentioned above, being more environmentally friendly starts with being aware! First, start by assessing if youre doing more harm than good for the environment during production. Do you find yourself wasting products or energy, interacting with toxic chemicals, or simply wasting? If so, set goals to change that! Taking this small, but drastic step would have a major impact on the environment! 

  1. Buy in bulk

Buying in bulk allows your facility to interact with less waste, making sure that packaging is limited and youre buying larger quantities instead of repetitively buying smaller quantities of the products you know you use frequently. 

  1. Invest in Sustainable Products

Buying green chemicals is a great option to be more eco-friendly and they work just as well, if not better than harsher chemicals! Investing in sustainable products means fewer toxic chemicals that you and your business have to interact with. 

  1. Partner with Green Suppliers

Buying from green suppliers can create lifelong connections. Building connections and networking is essential for any business, so why not partner with a company that has your best interest in mind, is eco-friendly, and ultimately has the same mission and values as you? 

  1. Proper disposal

Properly disposing of waste and avoiding contamination is ideal. Plus, this helps reduce the displacement of the toxic or general waste that is harmful to the environment. 

Looking to become more Environmentally Friendly? 

Making small changes can have a huge impact on the environment and we are here to support you along the way! Looking for a reliable eco-friendly supplier? Our team at EcoLink looks forward to aiding you in your journey to being more eco-friendly. Dont hesitate to reach out today with any inquiries! 


What are Hydrofluoroethers?

As a class of organic solvents, hydrofluoroethers are a type of hydrocarbon with an ether bond. They were introduced in 1996 to help combat the rise in greenhouse gas emissions and global warming.  


Characteristics of Hydrofluoroethers 

They have many qualities that make them desirable to work with. These characteristics include: 

  • Colorless 
  • Odorless 
  • Tasteless 
  • Low Toxicity 
  • Low Viscosity 
  • Nonflammable 
  • Liquid at Room Temperature 

The properties of the chemical allow for savings when it comes to equipment costs. They do not require explosion proofing, specified extinguishing equipment, or an inert atmosphere to be used.  

Environmental Impact of Hydrofluoroethers

Hydrofluoroethers are commonly used to replace fluorocarbons that emit harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Some of the fluorocarbons that can be easily replaced are: 

  • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 
  • Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) 
  • Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) 
  • Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) 

Compared to the fluorocarbons listed above, hydrofluoroethers make less of an impact on the environment. A few qualities that make them more environmentally friendly are: 

  • Low global warming potential 
  • Almost zero ozone depletion 
  • Short atmospheric lifetime 

Industries and Applications of Hydrofluoroethers

Since hydrofluoroethers are known to be environmentally cleaner while maintaining equal performance to other solvents, some of the larger industries that use them are: 

  • Medical 
  • Aerospace 
  • Military 
  • Analytical Equipment 

Hydrofluoroethers are used commercially and industrially. Some of the most common applications in those industries include: 

  1. Cleaning solvents 
  2. Vapor degreasing solvent 
  3. Blowing agents 
  4. Coatings and lubricants 
  5. Heat transfer 
  6. Dry etching agents 

Performance of Substitutes

When it comes to substituting CFCs, HFCs, HCFCs, and PFCs with hydrofluoroethers, a company’s biggest concern is often the difference in performance. The following categories are similar to, if not better when replaced with a hydrofluoroethers: 

  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Selective Solvency 
  • Compatibility with metals, plastics, and elastomers 
  • Stability (does not need stabilizer additives) 
  • Stringent Quality 

Looking for Eco-friendlier product options?

Make your company eco-friendlier today with a product that doesn’t compromise your process or final product. Hydrofluoroethers are a close substitute and can help your company on the track to reducing your impact on ozone depletion and greenhouse gas emissions. Allow Ecolink to help! Contact us or request a quote to determine if hydrofluoroethers are the best choice for needs! 

MEK and Preptone

Preptone Versus MEK

Methyl ethyl ketone, commonly known as MEK, is a traditional organic solvent utilized by various industrial companies in the production of certain rubbers, plastics, paraffin wax, textiles, and more. Though the product had a long reputation as a highly sought-after solvent, more companies are beginning to understand the risks associated with MEK use and attempting to replace it with greener alternatives, such as Preptone. To understand the benefits of using Preptone over MEK, the characteristics of each solvent should be explored and compared.   


Characteristics of MEK  

Historically, MEK has been a popular solvent for various industries due to its desirable characteristics, some of which include the following: 

  • Possesses a high boiling point 
  • Strong cleaning performance as a degreaser and coating remover 
  • Plastic welding ability 
  • Soluble in water 
  • Quick evaporation 

These qualities make MEK an effective chemical, but consistent use of MEK can negatively affect the safety of workers and the environment. The danger of using this solvent comes from its ability to possibly react with volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere and form photochemical smog, which consists of highly toxic constituents, such as ozone. 

This solvent is also known for its associated health risks, particularly towards workers using the product, some of which potentially include:   

  • Respiratory irritation 
  • Serious eye irritation 
  • Skin irritation 
  • High toxicity  

Luckily, greener alternatives exist that can help decrease the chances of these negative health risks associated with MEK. Preptone is one such product, that is a great substitute for companies who are used to using MEK and are looking for a safer, more eco-friendly product. 

Characteristics of Preptone  

Preptone employs a fast-evaporating solvent system, while also incorporating UltraPrep terpene solvent technology. 

The product consists of a blend of high-purity d-limonene—a highly effective cleaning agent—in an acetone base. The presence of d-limonene and acetone enables the product to combine the advantages of both powerful solvents. Terpene solvents are also known for having a more powerful performance than most ketone solvents, enabling Preptone to be the ideal replacement for traditional toxic solvents like TCE and MEK.   

Some of the desirable qualities of Preptone include:  

  • Strong non-polar solvency, perfect for the removal of stubborn soils 
  • Clean and quick evaporation 
  • Ideal for pre-paint preparation and cleaning 
  • Suitable for aerospace applications, with a vapor pressure much lower than the aerospace limit 
  • Low VOC 
  • No ozone-depleting compounds 
  • No halogenated compounds or HAPs 
  • Compatible with all metals and some plastics

Want to Try a Sample of Preptone? 

Looking to see if you are eligible to try a sample of Preptone for your industrial or business needs? Here at Ecolink, we pride ourselves on providing eco-friendly and worker-friendly products to various businesses and industries. 

Reach out to us here to learn if you’re eligible for a sample! 

tidal nofoam

The Benefits of Tidal NoFoam

Tidal NoFoam is a white-colored, industrial-strength solution that acts as a supplement to cleaning products. When mixed with cleaning solutions, it functions as a defoamer, reducing the amount of foam that they produce. Thus, cleaning products are rinsed away more readily and rapidly after Tidal NoFoam is added. Additionally, Tidal NoFoam is also beneficial to water reclaim systems.  

Valuable Characteristics of Tidal NoFoam 

Tidal NoFoam is an advantageous cleaning additive for a variety of reasons, such as:  

  • Low instability 
  • Nonflammable 
  • Low health risk 
  • Has a close-to-neutral pH (between 6 and 8), making it safer to work with than many industrial solutions that are exceedingly acidic or basic  
  • Available in three convenient bulk sizes, perfect for industrial use 

Using Tidal NoFoam 

Tidal NoFoam is simple and straightforward to use- just mix it into the cleaning solution whose foaming action you wish to reduce. It is a concentrated product, so a little goes a long way! Between 0.5 and 1 ounce of Tidal NoFoam should be used for every 55 gallons of cleaning solution.  

Tidal NoFoam Safety 

Although Tidal NoFoam does not pose a severe health risk, there are certain safety measures that should be taken while utilizing it. That is why it is important to read its Safety Data Sheet before using it for the first time. This document outlines what to do in the case of minor or major spills of Tidal NoFoam, its acute and chronic health effects, how it should be stored, and what personal protective equipment should be worn while using it. Please take the time to read over this document to keep yourself and others safe.  

Purchase from Tidal Washers

Are you interested in purchasing Tidal NoFoam for your defoaming needs? Then head over to Tidal Washers! Tidal Washers, a division of Ecolink, Inc., is the superior site for industrial detergents and solvents such as concrete removers, butyl, and non-butyl degreasers, masonry cleaners, and much more. Our products are cost-effective, powerful, and eco-friendly- three characteristics that any excellent industrial cleaning solution should possess. We can also create customized products for those in need of unique solutions that they cannot find elsewhere on the market.  

Whether you are ready to buy, or you still have some questions that need answering, we would be happy to hear from you. Contact Tidal Washers today at 800-563-1305 or by filling out our contact form!

Deionized water

What is Deionized Water?

Deionized water, also known as DI water or demineralized water, simply means water that has had ions removed. Ions are electrically charged molecules found in sunlight, radiation, air, and water. They either have a net positive or net negative charge: ions with a positive charge are “cations” and negatively charged ions are “anions.”

deionized water

For industrial, chemical, and other applications in which water is used as a rinsing agent, these ions are considered impurities and need to be removed from the water for accurate work. Some common ions found in water include: 

  • Calcium (Ca++) 
  • Iron (Fe+++) 
  • Sodium (Na+) 
  • Hydrogen (H+) 
  • Chlorides (Cl-) 
  • Hydroxyl (OH-) 
  • Sulfates (SO4–) 
  • Nitrates (NO3-) 

How is Deionized Water Made? 

DI water is made by running any type of water (tap, distilled, spring, etc.) through a resin that is electrically charged; both positive and negative ions are in this resin. Sometimes, two electrically charged resins may be used–one resin will remove the negatively charged ions, and one will remove the positively charged ions. The cation resin, or the one containing positively charged ions, is usually first in line.  

When the starting water is rinsed through the resin(s), the cations and anions exchange with hydrogen (H+) and hydroxyl (OH-) in the resin, which in turn produces H2O or water. This process results in demineralized water, which is reactive, meaning that the properties of the water begin to alter as soon as it is exposed to air. Normal water has a pH of about 7, which is neutral on the pH scale. DI water also has a pH of 7 after initial production, but the carbon dioxide in air incites a reaction that produces hydrogen and bicarbonate (HCO3-), lowering the pH to about 5.6, which is more acidic than normal water.  

Demineralized water is made in something called a DI water system. This system is an arrangement of water tanks (and other components) that are used to purify water. A DI system can be a single tank or a set of multiple tanks and may be used for other water purification methods such as UV disinfection or reverse osmosis. Each tank in these systems contains the electrically charged resin used to remove ions from water. Tanks may be larger or smaller in size, depending on the quantity of water that will be processed through them.  

What is Deionized Water Used For? 

Usually, DI water is used in chemical laboratory settings where the water needs to be 100% pure. Higher water purity means more predictable, accurate results that can be repeated multiple times. This is also useful in pharmaceutical settings.  

Aside from this, demineralized water has several household applications. This includes: 

  • humidifiers 
  • household appliances that produce steam 
  • aquariums 
  • automotive car 
  • cleaning products 
  • hygiene products 
  • fragrances 

Need to Make Some Deionized Water? 

Look no further! Contact the Ecolink team with any questions you may have. We provide a whole product category of water treatment chemicals to find the one that best fits your needs!