Industrial Degreasers – Make Machine Part Cleaning Simple

There is a common misconception growing in the industrial community for those who have not been provided the latest research, and who have been “left out of the know.” The misconception revolves around green alternative industrial degreasers not being as strong or as concentrate as regular industrial degreasers. The latest research will explain that this false notion could not be further from the truth. Chemical compound agents can be ecofriendly and still be as effective as any other cleaning or degreasing solution that has ever been on the market, without leaving a nasty carbon footprint.

Obviously, all industrial companies want to make machine part leaning as simple as possible. This mentally is the reason why many companies have remained stubborn and have not made the switch to a green alternative. What these companies need is proof, which is why Ecolink offers examples of the effectiveness of ecofriendly industrial degreasers through visual examples of machine parts being cleaned with these types of solvents. “The proof is in the pudding.” One could say after witnessing how consistently successful the use of ecofriendly cleaning solvents is when cleaning machine parts. As a matter of fact, if one were to perform a side-by-side test between the two different industrial degreasers, you would be hard pressed to see any instance where the green alternative does not outperform its older rival.

What is so terrific about everything mentioned in the previous article is that making the switch to a green industrial degreasers make the workplace safer for employees. If you need more convincing, call Ecolink now. There professionals are ready to provide you all the necessary literature and visual examples of just how easy ecofriendly industrial degreaser can make machine part cleaning simple. Do not waste any more precious time placing your employees at risk through the use of hazardous chemical agents, make the switch to a green industrial degreaser today.

Industrial Degreasers – Cutting the Carbon Footprint

One of the most pertinent concerns people and organizations have pertaining to industrial degreasers is the safety, or lack thereof, regarding the chemicals that have been used to make up the potent solution that will successfully clean metal objects and certain materials. Nowadays, there is a much greater concern for finding methods to reduce the carbon footprint people and companies leave on this planet, as there should be. Preserving the earth should be a practice performed by every institution, especially those that are involved in an industry that could be hurting the environment, especially if specific precautions are not taken to ensure safety.

Creating solvents and solutions through a chemical process is definitely one area that is most scrutinized, as more often than not there is a chemical being used that can endanger the planet, either through the air effecting the ozone or seeping into the ground and killing organic growth. Not only is the planet in danger, but these hazardous materials could seriously injure or harm a human being. This is why more government oversight organizations are being created, to ensure businesses are doing the right thing and using solutions that will cut the carbon footprint, especially if those solutions are readily available.

Eco friendly, green alternative industrial degreasers are available, just ask Ecolink. One of Ecolink’s many purposes is to educate and inform people and companies about the numerous green alternative options that are available to companies that are in the business of frequently using industrial degreasers to clean parts. Ecolink stresses that finding ways for companies to reduce their carbon footprint should be a primary task, especially since steps needed to make the change are actually quite simple, quick, and actually quite cost effective.

Ecolink can also help businesses find the right eco friendly alternatives, depending on their needs. Cutting the carbon footprint is an ideal that Ecolink preaches steadily, and is willing to help any and all organizations make the green alternative change. Feel free to contact Ecolink with any questions or concerns you may have, or to find a solvent that will help you cut your carbon footprint now.

What Are Industrial Degreasing Solvents?

Industrial degreasing solvents are a solution that is used to prepare or ready a part or metal object for further or additional operations, such as painting or electroplating. The solvent is made up of a particular chemical solution, which could include multiple chemicals to make up a certain degreasing concoction, in order to dissolve machining fluids and contaminants that could be lingering on the part or metal object.

Whatever cleaning agent is decided on, it should be applied directly on the surface either by wiping, brushing or spraying. If done correctly, and if a strong enough industrial degreasing solvent was used, the entire process should have removed any dirt, oil, grease, loose particles, and any other contaminants that might still exist or have stained the surface of the material or object.

An additional step that people and companies use to clean a metal or whatever material it is that needs cleaning is through immersion. Immersing the object into a tank of some sort, with the contents of the industrial degreasing solvent and agitating it (similar to how a washing machine works) is an effective method to removing particles and contaminants from the piece.

The benefits to using industrial degreasing solvents versus other types of cleaning agents, especially vapor degreasing solutions, include:

  • The reduction of emissions when compared to vapor degreasing operations
  • Not nearly as much venting is required, which means it is much easier to rapidly set up and put in place a small degreasing operation
  • Liquid solvents are simply easier to deal with than vapor degreasing agents

To learn more about industrial degreasing solvents and how their use can benefit you or your company, get in touch with Ecolink sooner rather than later. Ecolink is an established company that can provide a plethora of knowledge and information as it pertains to industrial degreasing solvents, which will subsequently help you make the right decision based on what operation you are performing on your materials.

Industrial Degreasing Agents – Eco-Friendly Parts Washer Solvents Offer Several Rewarding Benefits

Cleaning agents are applied in numerous industries to remove grime, dirt, oil, grease, or other contaminants from a surface. Industrial degreasing agents are specially formulated to eliminate contaminants such as grease or oil from parts, machinery, and work areas within a structure. Less hazardous products containing alkaline chemicals in combination with surfactants have been developed to decrease environmental impact. Parts washer solvents are designed to dissolve and remove grease, dirt, or grime from surfaces without causing harm or leaving residue. They are applied in manufacturing or automotive industries to clean surfaces or parts during regular operations. A growing concern regarding environmental and health hazards of industrial degreasing agents has led to the formation of safer cleaning alternatives capable of providing equivalent removal results.

Why Should Companies Choose Environmentally Safe Products?

The solvents applied during production or refinishing processes have a direct effect on the health of workers and the environment. Organic solvents are frequently carbon based and can be natural or synthetic in nature. Natural forms originate from plants or animals through resource extraction while synthetic forms are generated through the reactions generated by the introduction of additional compounds. A volatile organic compound or VOC is a chemical capable of vaporizing at room temperatures. Traditional agents have a high VOC count thus making them harmful to use and less eco-friendly. Increased volatility results in these products having a lower boiling point, which causes more molecules to enter the surrounding atmosphere during use. Companies must take extra precautions to prevent worker harm and meet the stringent requirements set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for products of this nature.

Exposure to the VOC’s released by these cleaning agents must be controlled to prevent respiratory, allergy, and immune system complications. Hazardous Air Pollutants or HAP’s are another concern with traditional industrial degreasing agents. These are any airborne substance capable of causing irreversible harm to individuals or the atmosphere and contribute to health complications such as:

  • Nervous System Toxicity
  • Reproductive Damage
  • Liver or Kidney Damage
  • Respiratory Issues
  • Cancer
  • Loss of Consciousness

Prolonged exposure to extensive amounts of VOC’s and HAP’s among workers has been proven to result in several adverse effects. Industrial degreasing agents used in automotive or manufacturing industries also pose direct harm to the environment. Leaks or spills of these solvents result in soil or water contamination, which poses significant harm to surrounding animal and plant life. Soil contamination is most common in areas where high VOC industrial degreasing agents are used regularly. Eco-friendly alternatives prevent atmospheric harm while supplying equivalent cleaning abilities for ensuring continued operational success. Water-based or less harmful naturally derived organic solutions allow companies to reduce associated hazards without losing the benefits of highly volatile parts washer solvents. If your company uses industrial degreasing agents regularly, it is time to evaluate the dangers of this choice. A less volatile alternative capable of providing the same results can be substituted to create a safer, eco-friendly workplace.

Industrial degreasing agents are necessary in a number of industries and play a pivotal safety role in machine parts cleaning processes. For more information about environmentally friendly, low VOC products, please call (800) 886-8240 or email

Do Industrial Chemical Dealers Need to be EPA & OSHA Compliant?

Present day laws and regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) require industrial chemical dealers to be compliant. This was not always the case, but fortunately, with a exorbitant increase in health and safety organizations acting as watchdogs to make sure companies that use potential hazardous chemicals are being regulated, the EPA and OSHA have made it mandatory for industrial chemical dealers to become compliant with federal laws and regulations. Coupled with the fact that there have been severe accidents, ranging from drastic oil spills to chemical plant explosions that have killed people, animals, and have harmed the environment, regulatory committees have had to become stricter about compliancy.

For everyone involved, this should come as good news, except perhaps those businesses who continue to use unsavory practices for cost cutting moves (pertaining to cleaning agents, most eco friendly products are actually cheaper) or because they are afraid that a different product will not produce the same effect. It is good news because green alternatives are usually more cost effective and they are safer. Industrial chemical dealers should also take advantage of the arrival of several green alternatives, as it provides positive publicity. In an age where the media catches everything, and everyone is connected to information through the use of one device or another, companies are under a microscope. If something goes wrong and your company is going to be held responsible, and it places your business in a negative light, everyone will not about it almost immediately. The ramifications of such a terrible event will be irrevocable.

If your company has any questions about EPA or OSHA compliance, they should contact Ecolink. Ecolink is known for keeping informed with any and all updates and changes to compliancy regulations, and companies would do well engaging Ecolink to learn more about what chemical products are allowed or unlawful.

Do you have a technical question about a chemical or one of our products? Just Ask the Chemist!