Water is a tricky topic. From filtration method to purity level, it’s hard to know exactly what type of water is right for your needs. Two specific...

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Propylene Glycol Versus Ethlyene Glycol
Glycol an organic compound belongs to the alcohol family. One of the simplest members of the class is Ethylene Glycol which is one of the organic...
Mineral Spirits Versus Acetone
Two common solvents mineral spirits and acetone are used commonly for many different practices. In this blog, we are going to examine the two...
Surfactants in Detergents
Surfactants in detergents play a vital role of breaking down and removing dirt from surfaces such as clothes, skin, or...
Propylene Glycol Versus Ethlyene Glycol
Glycol an organic compound belongs to the alcohol family. One of the simplest members of the class is Ethylene Glycol...
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