High Purity Solvents that are Environmentally Preferred

As you already know from following the Ecolink blog posts, Ecolink is steadfast in its pursuit to help industrial businesses, along with any type of company that uses chemical solvents for business operations, transition to an eco friendly, green alternative chemical solution, in the event the company is using a solvent with toxic and malignant compounds. Thankfully, businesses not only in the United States, but also in many countries all over the world, are trending toward using green alternative solutions in many different facets of business where eco friendly alternatives can be applied. Still, a lot of work needs to be accomplished to get many other businesses on board with transitioning to safer chemical compounds where it is applicable. Below, you will find a generous list of high purity solvents that are considered environmentally preferred to other solvents that have been condemned as noxious to both people and to the environment.


An in-depth description of each specific product can be found on the website you are currently visiting, in an Adobe PDF document, under the “Products List” tab. Briefly, what these eco friendly, green alternative chemical solutions have in common involve many aspects. The most notable aspects of these cleaning solutions are most of them are created with organic ingredients and contain low Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) constituents, which makes them much more sustainable for the environment and safe for people to use. In addition, you will find that almost all of these solutions are completely non flammable, and contain high purity levels of chemical compounds. The pH balances are almost always neutral, meaning a company using the chemical solution for cleaning and degreasing needs do not have to worry about polluting the surrounding area with harmful toxins.

Ecolink professionals and representatives can assist you with further explanation, should the information on the website not suffice. The planet is fortunate to have organizations like Ecolink devising chemical alternatives that are safe for the environment and for people, because for far too long have people and companies perverted the earth with pollutants from chemicals, despite having eco friendly, green alternatives available that can perform the same job as well as, perhaps even better than the unsafe solvent. With the help of Ecolink, this problem can be eradicated.

Why Should a Business Review its Chemical Usage?

Think of that past natural disasters that you read about in the paper or online, or watched on television, in America alone, over the last several years that involved chemical spillage, or improper, incorrect, or negligent disposal of chemicals. You most likely recall how serious the outcome that occurred dues to the spillage. One of the most recent chemical spills happened in a small town in West Virginia. The chemical spill was so disastrous that the entire town, along with the surrounding areas that received its water from one of the contaminated municipalities could not drink, nor use its supplied water for many weeks.

Businesses that have been found responsible for chemical spills any improper disposal of chemicals receive such a black eye from the media and the general public, it becomes very hard for the business to recover from such a dangerous incident. Therefore, it is crucial for businesses to consistently review its chemical usage so that it can prevent such accidents involving chemicals from happening. The following will highlight three reasons why businesses need to review its chemical usage in order to prevent chemically induced incidents.

The potential for reducing waste. Waste reduction methods now exist that dramatically decrease any likelihood that a business could possibly suffer from chemical leakage or spills. Newly developed systems allow businesses to recycle chemicals used at facilities, which prevent the use of excess chemicals – which are usually the main culprit when chemical spills occur.

Safer chemical cleaning alternatives exist. Scientists, chemists, and organizations searching for cleaner and safer chemical alternatives have been quite successful discovering current chemicals still in use that threaten both people and the environment, especially if it happens to spill, leak, or be improperly disposed. They have also been successful developing eco friendly, green alternative chemicals that perform as good, if not better than the older chemical solvents did for your business needs. The discovery and development of safer and cleaner chemicals enable all businesses to transition to a green chemical solution right away, without having any drop off in efficient cleaning and degreasing, whatsoever.

Cheaper chemical cleaning alternatives exist. This third point goes hand in hand with the second point because the eco friendly, green alternative chemical solvents that have been recently developed are designed with chemical compounds that are less expensive to formulate than older chemical solvents. Because reasons two and three are based on researched and evidential facts, no reason exists for industrial businesses not to make the immediate change to safer and cleaner chemical solutions, as it puts your workers and the environment out of any potential danger.

Is your Company Buying too many Chemicals?

The purchasing of excess chemical cleaners by industrial businesses is a trend, and also a serious problem that needs to stop as soon as possible. Why? Research and test results have proven that excess, or the bulk purchasing of chemical by industrial organizations is one of the leading causes of chemical waste in the United States. Bulk chemical purchasing also leads to an increase in chemical spills and accidents, environmental contamination, and health risks associated to overexposure of chemical products. All of these named problems that result from the bulk purchasing of chemical solvents could lead to serious consequences – scenarios from which an industrial business might never recover. The consequences occurring from bulk purchasing is why organizations such as Ecolink are spreading the word to industrial businesses that alternative choices exist that no longer require companies in need of chemical solvents to purchase excess solutions.

The first scenario industrial organization need to look into is incorporating a recycling program that enables industrial facilities to capture and recycle for later use the chemical solvents that, for any of a number of reasons, are lost or not utilized during parts cleaning operations. Rather than chalking up lost chemical solvents as merely ‘that’s just the way it is,’ industrial companies need to do something about it, since it has become an occupational hazard due to all the risks associated with chemical waste. Installing a chemical recycling system is a direct solution to combating the problems of chemical waste, and the problems that arise from that waste. Recycling chemical waste also empowers industrial businesses with a solid way to save on money, as the company will not have to purchase nearly the amount of chemical solvents it used to before implementing a recycling program. Instead, you reuse the chemical solvents that would have otherwise been lost. So now, your industrial business is utilizing programs that make your workers and facilities, as well as the environment safer, and you are, at the same time, saving your business a lot of money.

Another way to reduce the amount of chemicals your industrial company is purchasing is to enter an accord, or contractual obligation with chemical suppliers that offer such a unique deal. With a contract in place, such as the one Ecolink offers to its customers, your business only needs to purchase the amount needed, because the supplier knows you are only purchasing chemical products directly from them. Suppliers that do not have a contract with a customer, or do not offer contracts, force customers to purchase in bulk, or in large quantities, in order to extract maximum revenue from the deal. This method is only opportune for the supplier, and not for the customer, because the customer ends up overspending for chemical solvents that will either sit on the shelf for so long it may expire, or will wind up being tossed out as chemical waste. The latter scenario can be disastrous, as this blog has already discussed.

Business Savings: Cut your Chemicals, Not your Employees

Most businesses today are finding themselves fishing for ways to cut company costs. Unfortunately, when push comes to shove and businesses become desperate to save money, the employee list starts getting slashed. As much as businesses hate to let go of employees from its workforce, it is a regrettable way to cut costs and save money. However, organizations such as Ecolink are finding solutions for businesses to stop firing their valuable employees through their developing of constructive business resources that incorporate methods of saving money. The following information will provide three imperative approaches Ecolink has made possible for businesses to cut cost, save money, and practice employee retention.

Cheaper alternative chemicals. Possibly Ecolink’s most precious resource it offers to its clients is that they developed eco friendly, green alternative chemical solutions that eliminate toxic hazards that otherwise plague business that use harmful chemical solvents that place both the environment and workers in danger. In addition to the invaluable resource of having green chemical solutions available, these same solutions are actually less expensive for industrial businesses to purchase and use for its operations. In other words, no reason exists whatsoever for industrial businesses to continue to use older chemical solvents that are made with compounds that produce toxins.

Inventory management. Ecolink has designed ways to improve inventory management, which saves on any potential for loss of workdays and ensures less costly chemicals are sitting on shelves, unused. By installing systems that enable the recycling of chemicals, which Ecolink now provides to its customer base, fewer chemicals are being wasted during industrial parts cleaning processes, and chemicals that were not entirely expended can now be used again for the next cleaning and degreasing cycle. In addition, negotiating contracts to use a sole proprietor of chemicals ensures that an agreement is in place for an industrial business to receive chemicals form one source, meaning industrial organizations will no longer have to purchase in bulk, which is the leading reason why chemical solvents become wasted during the cleaning process.

Waste reduction solutions. Touched on in the previous approach to saving money, waste reduction, which can be acquired through implementing chemical recycling services, also saves on costs associated with the disposal of chemical solvents. Industrial businesses know how expensive chemical disposal services can be. However, by utilizing Ecolink’s various methods of chemical recycling and provisional contracting that directly minimize waste reduction to a compelling degree, those expenses related to chemical disposal services can now be significantly reduced, and, in some instances, altogether eliminated.

Are Chemicals Keeping you from Meeting Deadlines?

Out of the myriad complications that industrial businesses must fret over and deal with should any single one occur, possibly the most debilitating scenario involves industrial businesses waiting on late chemical shipments that force these businesses to push back and delay deadlines. The inability to meet deadlines can cripple a business. How so? The failure of a business to meet its deadline could result in the following: high client turnover, complete loss of clientele base, loss and depletion of revenue and profit, additional expenses, forced discounts in hopes of keeping client base, time wasted finding and researching other shipping companies, bad reputation within your industry, inability to accomplish work on time (chemical cleaning), et cetera. In other words, as innocuous as a missed deadline due to late shipping might seem in the grand scheme of business operations, late shipments can cause a chain reaction of significant problems that could one day lead to crippling your business, so much so it may prove too difficult to recover.

If your industrial business suffers from periodic delayed shipments from your chemical supplier, you need to nip that problem in the bud now before a series of unfortunate events unfold for you. The first step for your business to make is to locate a new supplier of the chemical you need for your businesses to function and operate as needed, and to make sure the supplier can deliver shipments on time, every time. Fortunately, Ecolink – a company that has been offering eco friendly, green alternative chemicals that work more efficiently than older chemical solvents, as well as the chemical solvent your business is currently using – boasts shipping speeds that are not currently duplicated by any similar company. Ecolink has consistently proven to ship chemicals to clients faster than competing companies within the industry. The company’s shipping track records supports this claim.

By going with a chemical solutions providing company that can ship much faster than any of its competitors, an industrial business would never have to worry abut the several complication that can arise from using a company with unreliable shipping dates and delivery expectations. Take your industrial business away from the constant worry of whether your chemicals are going to arrive on time. Make the switch to Ecolink, where you will experience shipping speeds that will save your company several days, possibly even weeks (research has proven that industrial businesses aligned with Ecolink save, on average, a full three to six days throughout each year) waiting for your chemical shipments to reach your destination. Take advantage of Ecolink’s superior shipping speeds and rates, and rest easy knowing your business will not miss any more deadlines, and production will continue to roll without any hiccups in its process.