When Zero Equals Hero

Chemical Waste

For companies that participate in industrial cleaning and degreasing, examining their use of chemicals may not be high on the list of priorities. But when it comes to the industrial chemical solvents used to clean and degrease parts, metals, components, materials, and products, the truth is that many industrial companies engage in wasteful methods of chemical cleaning and may not even know it. The fallout from practicing wasteful methods of chemical cleaning can be disastrous, as it can lead to environmental contamination in the soil, atmosphere, and water supply, as well as high toxicity levels in the air people breathe, resulting in sickness and long term side effects. For those industrial businesses practicing reckless methods of chemical cleaning, or are unsure of whether your methods of chemical cleaning are safe or dangerous, please conduct research into your parts cleaning methods. If the conclusion leads you to immediately consider revamping your chemical cleaning methods, please do so because you are placing both people and the environment at risk.

With the help of organizations like Ecolink, there are now zero waste chemical cleaning options available that will significantly reduce your chemical waste. The benefits of utilizing zero chemical waste methods include reduced costs to your business, and more efficient ways to dispose of waste, which includes minimizing disposal needs. First, the reasons your industrial business will save on company costs are because the methods involved in achieving zero waste include recycling chemical cleaners. By implementing a course of action that recycles your chemical cleaner during use provides you the opportunity to reuse the cleaning agent. A recycling system catches cleaning solutions that would otherwise become waste, and allows the business to use it for the next parts cleaning cycle. In addition, recycling your cleaning solution means you will not have to purchase nearly as much chemical solvents each year, and that leads to significant cost savings.

Chemical Recycling? Yes, We Do That!

Chemical recycling also has a direct effect on waste disposal needs. Recycling chemical solvents also means your industrial business will not need to incorporate as frequent chemical waste disposal services. Waste disposal services are also quite expensive, so if you have a chemical recycling system in place, the reduction in waste disposal services is yet another way your business will save money. Other methods are available in achieving zero waste solutions, and Ecolink holds the key to learning of the ways your industrial business can prevent waste from happening in your facilities. Let your business become a hero in your community by installing effective zero waste protocol, with the help of Ecolink, today.

The Dangers of Bromopropane: An Overview

1-Bromopropane (a.k.a n-propyl bromide) is a relatively colorless liquid that is commonly used as a solvent in commercial and industrial settings to remove aerosol-applied adhesives, clean textiles, perform aircraft maintenance, produce asphalt, make synthetic fibers, and clean optics, electronics, and metal. Industries in which the solvent is frequently used include the dry cleaning industry, the pavement industry, and the foam manufacturing industry, just to name a few.

1-Bromopropane as a Replacement Solvent
In recent years, many companies have used 1-Bromopropane as a replacement solvent that is less dangerous to human health and the environment that solvents it replaces. For example, the solution is known to be less ozone depleting than many traditional solvents, and it reputedly has a lower carcinogenic impact on humans and animals than many conventional solvents, as well.

However, scientific research has not given 1-Bromopropane a clean slate. Instead, the solution has been found to be carcinogenic to lab rats, and purportedly to humans who receive as much exposure to the solution as the rodents. Those that work in industries where the liquid is commonly used are thought to have the highest risk of reacting to the solution carcinogenically.

If your company is considering using 1-Bromopropane as a replacement solvent for a solution that is reportedly worse for humans and the environment, it should be aware of the facts above, and ideally choose an eco friendly solution that meets the requirements of 1-Bromopropane without entailing carcinogenic reactions like the ones that could result from high exposure to the liquid.

Evidence of the Dangers of Bromopropane
No human cancer studies have been conducted for 1-Bromopropane, but the solution has been found to cause prolific tumors in rodents. The tumors occur as a result of 1-Bromopropane induced biological changes that are known to precipitate cancer, such as DNA damage, immune system damage, antioxidant depletion, and the buildup of oxygen species that produce toxic reactions. These are some of the most scientifically well-established dangers of bromopropane.

Despite the absence of human studies on the cancerous effects of the solution, the impact of 1-Bromopropane on lab rats should be enough for companies to discontinue using the product and find a suitable replacement. At a time when liability lawsuits for workplace injuries happen every day, the potential dangers of Bromopropane are simply too great for companies to risk using the solution, to say nothing of the effect it could have on workers who are exposed to it.

Need a Replacement for 1-Bromopropane?

If so, let Ecolink recommend an eco friendly replacement for the solution that doesn’t contain carcinogens or other constituents that could cause the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to severely regulate the solution or ban it altogether. We sell many solutions, and can guarantee that you will receive the results from our products that we design them to offer.
The dangers of Bromopropane are real. For help identifying a safe, eco friendly replacement solution for 1-Bromopropane, call us today at (800) 563-1305, or fill out our contact form.


Four Reasons to Switch to a Non Flammable Parts Cleaner

As a general category of cleaning solvent, parts cleaner is conventionally formulated with ingredients that have a flash point, which means they will ignite when exposed to the right amount of heat. When a flame or a spark touches the solutions when they are wet, they can ignite instantly, causing damage to parts they were used to clean and the person performing the job — a scenario that could potentially cost millions in lost equipment and legal settlements.

Benefits of Using Non Flammable Parts Cleaner

Preventing equipment damage and avoiding injury lawsuits are two reasons why companies switch out their conventional parts cleaner with one that doesn’t have a flash point, but there are also some additional, more commonplace benefits that companies receive when they switch from a flammable to a non flammable parts cleaner, four of which are presented below.

Broader Spectrum of Application

Flammable parts cleaner should never be used for some applications, such as cleaning energized electrical parts in maintenance applications that require a quick turnaround (e.g., degreasing the engine of an airliner before it returns to the runway). Because many maintenance applications ideally require the use of a non flammable parts cleaner, it is only sensible to switch to a non flammable solution that can be used for a wider variety of cleaning applications.

Easier to Comply With Fire Codes

Many states and municipalities have adopted a version of the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code (NFPA 30). Using a flammable parts cleaner may mean that your company must use the solution within the parameters of the code, which can impact how much solution you can use, and how you can use it. Using a non flammable parts cleaner helps you avoid implementing NFPA 30 compliance measures.

More Options for Cleaner Storage

Parts cleaner that has a low flash point often presents concerns regarding how it should be stored. Ideally, it should be located in an area where no combustibles are present, including electrical infrastructure components that could ignite due to an arc flash or faulty electrical components. A non flammable cleaner, on the other hand, presents no such concerns. If need be, you can store it alongside combustibles without worrying about creating a fiery aftermath.

Reduced Protective Equipment Expense

Workers who use flammable cleaning solutions for applications that could cause them to ignite should be provided with flame retardant personal protective equipment (PPE) that offers head to toe coverage. If your company has a large workforce that uses flammable cleaners, providing such a high level of PPE can become quite costly. Although non flammable cleaners may not eliminate the need for PPE, they may allow you to invest in a less costly level of the equipment.

Contact Ecolink Today

If your company currently uses a parts cleaner that has a flash point — however high or low it may be — switching to a non-flammable parts cleaner offers some obvious benefits, particularly the four listed above. If you are in the market for a non-flammable, commercial grade cleaning solution, Ecolink can provide you with a readymade parts cleaner or a specially formulated parts cleaner that is non flammable and meets a wide variety of crucial parts cleaning needs.

For assistance choosing the best non flammable parts cleaner for your cleaning applications, call us today at (800) 563-1305, or refer to the contact page on our website. We look forward to supplying you with a non flammable solution that helps you realize the benefits listed above.

Transformer Maintenance – Envirotemp FR3 Oil Clean-up


Envirotemp® FR3 fluid is a Fire Resistant Natural Ester dielectric coolant specifically formulated for use in distribution and power transformers where its unique environmental, fire safety, chemical, and electrical properties are advantageous. Envirotemp FR3 fluid is formulated from edible vegetable oils and food grade performance enhancing additives. It does not contain any petroleum, halogens, silicones, or any other questionable material.

Envirotemp FR3 fluid has an exceptionally high fire point of 360°C and flash point of 330°C. It has the highest ignition resistance of less-flammable fluids currently available. It is referred to as a High Fire Point or “Less-Flammable” fluid, and is Listed as a Less- Flammable Dielectric Liquid by FM Global (FM) and Underwriters Laboratories® (UL) for use in complying with the National Electric Code® (NEC) and insurance requirements.

biodegradable hydraulic fluid
Because of its excellent environmental, fire safety, and performance characteristics, applications for Envirotemp FR3 fluid have expanded into a variety of other equipment, including power transformers, voltage regulators, sectionalizing switches, transformer rectifiers, electromagnets, and voltage supply circuits for luminaries. The fluid is also used in retrofill applications for transformers and other fluid-filled distribution and power equipment.

Envirotemp FR3 fluid is compatible with standard transformer insulating materials, components and with fluid processing equipment and procedures. It demonstrates improved thermal characteristics with a viscosity closer to conventional transformer oil, superior dielectric strength in new and continued service applications, and excellent chemical stability over time. Excellent performance has been confirmed in more than 10,000 field installations since 1998. Envirotemp FR3 fluid is not listed as hazardous by the EPA, OSHA, or the Department of Transportation (DOT).

Advantages of retrofilling with Envirotemp FR3 fluid:

  1. High dielectric strength
  2. Dielectric constant very close to kraft paper insulation
  3. Excellent lubricity
  4. Excellent material compatibility
  5. A coefficient of expansion similar to conventional transformer oil
  6. Acts as a drying agent for transformer insulation that has become wet from aging, which helps extend the useful life of the transformer insulation system

Spills Happen – How to clean FR3 oil without harming painted parts or transformer insulation

Cooper FR3Under normal operating conditions, solvents are needed to clean oil that spills over the transformer’s cover.Ecolink Inc has partnered with Cooper Power Systems to develop an effective and safe solution to clean and maintain transformers filled with Envirotemp FR3. S-34 NG is a Cooper Power Systems approved cleaner that safely and cost-effectively cleans transformers without harming painted parts or transformer insulation. S-34NG is SCAQMD compliant with 25 gm/l of VOC content and guaranteed to remove: Envirotemp FR3, transformer oils, FR3 oil, biodegradable hydraulic fluid, fire resistant hydraulic fluid, also known as Cooper FR3. Call 800 886-8240 or email info@ecolink.com to discuss your technical requirements and request a sample to evaluate.  Next Day Shipping

Daraclean Aqueous Cleaner Spec Approvals – Available at Ecolink Inc

Daraclean® and MagnaVu® Specificaion Conformance Chart

Daraclean aqueous cleaners have been tested for a number of soils, surfaces and certified to Allied Signal, AMS, ARP, ASTM, Boeing, Douglas CSD, Canadair, Douglas Helicopter, GEAE, Lockheed, Mil-C-29602, Pratt & Whitney, Raytheon, SCAQMD Certification and Sundstrand standards. Buy with confidence knowing Daraclean aqueous parts cleaners are compatible with your ‘exact’ parts and cleaning criteria.Ecolink Inc has supplied Daraclean for more than 15 years and has a long list of NSN’s for Magnaflux NDT and Daraclean aqueous cleaners. In 1999, the current owner of Ecolink Inc. acquired the Daraclean company on behalf of ITW and Magnaflux. We know this product line intimately and want to earn your trust, respect and (hopefully) business. Please call 800 886-8240 or email info@ecolink.com to save $ and order hassle-free. NO MINIMUM ORDER SIZE and we guarantee a response within 24 hours!


Specifications DF-2 200 203 212 235 236 238 257 282 282GF 283 Magnaflux
Allied Signal EMS53170 X
AMS 1526; Aircraft Exterior Surfaces X* X* X X X X X*
AMS 1537; Alkaline Hot Tank Cleaner X
ARP 1511; Low-embrittling Cd Plate X X X X X X X
ARP 1512; Sandwich Corrosion X X X X X X X X*
ARP 1755; Stock Loss X X X X X X X X
ASTM F-331: Nonvolatile Residue (NVR) X X
ASTM F-483 Immersion Corrosion X X* X X X X X X*
ASTM F-484: Stress Craze Acrylics Plastics X X X X X X X X
ASTM F-485 Unpainted Aircraft Surfaces X X X X X X X X
ASTM F-502; Painted Aircraft Surfaces X X X X X X X X
ASTM F-519; Hydrogen Embrittlement X X X X X X X
ASTM F-945; Titanium Stress X X X X X X X X
ASTM F-1110; Sandwich Corrosion X X X X X X X X*
ASTM F-1111; Low-embrittling Cd Plate X X X X X X X
Allied Signal; EMS 53170; AQ/Semi-Aq. Degreaser X
Boeing BAC 5749; Alkaline Cleaning X
Boeing BAC 5763; Emulsion Aqueous Cleaning X X X X
Boeing BAC 5763, PSD 6-26; Oxygen Systems X
Boeing BAC 5763, PSD 6-36; Type II Spray Deg. X
Boeing BAC 5763, PSD 9-3; Oxygen Systems X
Boeing BAC 5763; PSD 9-10; Oxygen Systems X
Boeing D6-48809 Sandwich Corrosion X X X X X X X X*
Douglas CSD#1; General Purpose Cleaner X X X X X
Conadair; BW: 92/333 X
Douglas Helicopter; HMS20-1267/2125 X
Douglas Helicopter HMS; HMS20-1267/2127 X
Douglas MD P.S. 12024 X
GEAE Method 22; 70-21-22 X X
GEAE CT-882; Heat Corrosion X
Lockheed ADC; G32001 X
Lockheed STM 32-301 X
Mil-C-29602; Cleaning Compounds X
Pratt & Whitney PMC 1438 X
Pratt & Whitney PMC 1445 X
Pratt & Whitney PMC 1421 X X
Pratt & Whitney PMC 1429; Alk,. Cleaner Spray X
Pratt & Whitney PMC 1435 (Dip) X
Pratt & Whitney PMC 1439 (Spray) X
Pratt & Whitney PMC 36604; Hot Corrosion X X X X X
Pratt & Whitney PMC 36604; Non-metallics X X X X X
Pratt & Whitney PMC 33604; PWA 407 Rubber X X X X
Raytheon;MP-921 X
SCAQMD Certification X X X X X X
Sunstrand Data; #037-0228-000 X
96 Hr. Acute Aquatic Toxicity X

*Some restrictions apply

DaraClean Cleaner Formulations

Neutral Cleaners
Daraclean 121 212 235 236
Aerospace No Yes Yes Yes
Foam Level High High Suppressed Suppressed
pH Level (10%) Neutral








Total Alkalinity n/a n/a n/a n/a
Silicates No No No No
Phosphates No No No No
VOC Level 16.5g/L 71.9 g/L 41.6 g/L 59.9g/L


Alkaline Cleaners
Daraclean 282 282GF 283 200
Aerospace Yes Yes Yes No
Foam Level Low Low Low Low
pH Level (10%) Alkaline






High Alkaline


Total Alkalinity 0.43-0.53 0.46-0.50 0.57-0.77 0.75-0.86
Silicates Yes Yes Yes Yes
Phosphates No No No No
VOC Level 24.0g/L 24.0g/L 0.0 g/L 0.0g/L


Heavy-Duty Cleaners
Daraclean MVD MVS 257 238 259
Aerospace Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Foam Level High Low Low High Lo
pH Level (10%) 11.5 11.0 High Alkaline


High Alkaline


HIgh Alkaline 11.5-12.5
Total Alkalinity 2.5 2.5 0.8-0.9 1.0-1.2 1.2-1.6
Silicates Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Phosphates Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
VOC Level 0.0g/L 0.0 g/L 0.0 g/L


Daraclean Caustic


Rinse Additive




Aerospace No No No
Foam Level Low Low Low
pH Level (5%) Caustic


n/a 12.5
Total Alkalinity 2.2-2.5 n/a 7.36
Silicates No No Yes
Phosphates No No Yes
VOC Level 0.0 g/L 41.0 g/L 0.0 g/L

Daraclean Aqueous Cleaners for Aerospace Maintenance