Benefits of Methyl Soyate

Methyl Soyate Properties

Soy Methyl Ester, or Methyl Soyate, is a soy-based derivative produced by transesterification of soy oil esters.  Transesterification is the process of exchanging an organic group of an ester with an organic group of an alcohol; these reactions often involve an acid or base catalyst.  Methyl Soyate includes the following properties:

  • Low in VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds),
  • High flashpoint,
  • And Nontoxic

Along with the above properties, Methyl Soyate evaporates slowly which is prolongs the solvent action time and reduces the solvent usage.  Furthermore, Methyl Soyate has gained more popularity as a carrier solvent alternative for MEK, Toluene, and Xylene in coating products, and as a replacement for MEK and MeCL in adhesives.  Additionally, the previously mentioned chemicals are suspected carcinogens while Methyl Soyate has no evidence towards being a carcinogen.

Methyl Soyate Applications

Methyl Soyate includes a variety of applications that range from cosmetic/ personal uses to industrial applications.  Due to Methyl Soyate’s slow evaporation time, this becomes an advantage with ink removal and paint stripping. Due to its cleaning properties, the solvent is appearing more in consumer products including hand sanitizers, skin lotions, nail polish removers, and automobile polishes.  In an industrial setting, Methyl Soyate is an ideal solvent for industrial cleaning and degreasing. The product may also be used within paints and lacquers which raises the flashpoint and slows the overall drying time. Additionally, it is found within adhesive and anti-graffiti products for cleanup.  Beyond Methyl Soyate’s cleaning applications, different forms may be used as renewable fuel for diesel engines.

Methyl Soyate Environmental Impact

Due to its low renewable and organic structure, Methyl Soyate is seen as a safer alternative both within the workplace and for the environment.  Methyl Soyate is becoming the ideal replacement for petroleum and chlorinated products due to their harsh health and environmental impacts. Additionally, several petroleum-based products contain a higher VOC content which contributes to smog creation within the ozone while Methyl Soyate has a low VOC.  The use of biofuels reduces the net CO2 by seventy-eight percent compared to the use of petroleum as a fuel. Since Methyl Soyate is an organic compound, that also makes it biodegradable which becomes ideal environmentally. The EPA placed a Methyl Soyate solvent on the National Contingency Plan product schedule for oil spills due to it being used to clean up and recover spilled petroleum products from shorelines.   

For more information contact us at, or call us today at 800-563-1305.

osha compliant chemicals

NPB – n Propyl Bromide EPA Review – Envirotech EnSolv Warning

NPB Replacements

It comes as no surprise that over eight years ago (read the post below) we were working toward safer chemicals. Our values are still the same and today we offer NPB Replacements for even safer cleaning alternatives. Call 1-800-563-1305 or email us ( today for more information!

EPA updates SNAP Approval and PEL standards at National Environmental Summit in Orlando FL

More than 400 dedicated environmental professionals from government, industry and academia gathered in Orlando, FL for the 2010 National Environmental Summit

One of the more well attended sessions involved halogenated solvent, nPropyl Bromide, which is increasingly being used as a drop-in replacement for banned or heavily regulated solvents like TCA, TCE, and perchloroethylene. nPropyl Bromide is commonly formulated in metal degreasers, nonflammable degreasers, degreasing solvents and industrial cleaner degreasers. Not surprisingly, as hazard information emerges, we find there are concerns about neurotoxicity, reproductive toxicity, and carcinogenicity, and Massachusetts has now listed nPB under the Toxics Use Reduction Act.

Among the distinguished panel of speakers, Margaret Sheppard, an Environmental Scientist and team lead for the USEPA’s Significant New Alternatives Policy Program (SNAP) Program, presented a dynamic overview on the various ways nPB is currently in use – dry cleaning, vapor degreasing and cold cleaning. She has been reviewing the health and environmental impacts of alternatives for ozone depleting substances since 2000, with specialization in solvent cleaning. She has worked at EPA since 1990 on a number of issues including protecting the ozone layer, reducing acid rain, improving air quality, and assessing risks from radioactive waste and from chemicals in drinking water. Ms. Sheppard earned a B.A. in physics from Wesleyan University and an M.S. in Environmental Planning and Management from the Johns Hopkins University.

Envirotech Ensolv – nPB MSDS review

One of the more alarming concerns highlighted was the wide range of disparity on the personal exposure limits (PEL) recommended by chemical manufacturers. Envirotech’s EnSolv lists: OSHA PEL not established. Enviro Tech International, Inc. recommends a workplace exposure guideline of 100 ppm 8 hour time weighted average (TWA) based on the scientific assessment of toxicological data for the EnSolv mixture, n propyl bromide and other compounds. Based on this data EnSolv is not expected to be a carcinogen. This is being challenged and a more recent update is due later in 2010 or early 2011.




We offer numerous alternatives to:


  • Chemtronics
  • Petroferm Inc.
  • Envirotech
  • Safety Kleen
  • Inland Technologies
  • ZEP
  • LPS Laboratories

Call 800 886-8240 or email to discuss your current use of any of these or other manufacturer’s brand to switch and start saving. With over 200 products to choose from, including several new formulations not yet listed on the website, we feel certain we can expand upon the savings and safety improvements enjoyed for nearly 20 years. Chemist owned and operated, we offer guaranteed FREE samples, including FREE freight, to evaluate for a RISK-FREE evaluation.

Industrial Degreasers – Wind Turbine Generator Maintenance

Still cleaning and degreasing wind turbine generators with flammable brake & choke cleaner?

wind turbine generatorA survey by Frontier Pro Services, reported on at Renewable Energy World, says that 60% of US wind turbines may be behind on maintenance. Apparently, there simply are not enough qualified technicians to do the work. According to the findings, many wind farm operations and maintenance teams are so resource constrained that they are barely able to keep up with the unscheduled maintenance repairs their wind turbines require to continue generating electricity. Even regular, scheduled preventative-maintenance like oil changes and gearbox lubrication (services that are often still under warranty) are falling behind as manufacturers face similar resource struggles related to the shortage of qualified technicians.

Lack of Maintenance Leads to Costly Repairs

The main component causing downtown for turbines is the gearbox, which if it fails can cost 15-20% of the price of the turbine to replace. Furthermore, failure to monitor and replace oil as needed could lead to wear on bearing and gears, causing greater financial loses than simply replacing the part. Frontier says, “When a $1,500 bearing fails unnoticed, it can lead to production loss and revenue loss including an unscheduled replacement of a $100,000 dollar gearbox and an unscheduled crane cost of up to $70,000 to access the failed components.” Source

Environmental, Health & Safety Regulations further complicate wind turbine maintenance

Local regulations, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, [BAAQMD] forced a Northern California wind farm operator and their maintenance staff to rethink their long-time use of flammable brake & choke cleaner for both shop and field maintenance, repair and overhaul. Their brake & choke cleaner was comprised of 55% acetone and 45% miscellaneous industrial chemicals such as methanol, benzene, toluene, xylene, isopropyl alcohol. VOC regulations in California continued to decrease the percentage of VOC content. Adding more acetone was not an option since the cleaning performance would suffer coupled with a dangerously low flash point. The good news is there are both aqueous and non-flammable solvents available that clean safely and cost effectively.

A tested and approved option is S-34 NG.  It is ideal for shop cleaning and can be used in a convenient trigger spray bottle as well as in parts washing equipment. It has undergone extensive testing against stringent cleaning, environmental, health and safety criteria. One of the largest wind power holding companies, NextEra Energy Resources, has endorsed it for use in their wind turbines as part of their more than 43,000 megawatts of power generated annually in 27 states and Canada.

Can nonflammable degreasers lower your wind turbine maintenance expenses?

Yes, you can preserve your renewable energy equipment, i.e. wind turbine generators, gears and bearings, and protect the environment by ditching flammable degreasers such as brake & choke cleaners. Reduce operating costs and extend service life by simply choosing the proper industrial degreaser for carbon brush replacement, generator cleaning and maintenance on hub slip rings. VOC compliant, non-flammable options get the job done safely, cost effectively and more quickly.

Ecolink Inc. offers several tested and approved  industrial cleaner degreasers, degreasing solvents, and nonflammable degreasers for wind turbine generator maintenance.

We offer numerous alternatives to:

  • Chemtronics
  • Petroferm Inc.
  • CRC Industries
  • Safety Kleen
  • Inland Technologies
  • ZEP
  • LPS Laboratories

Call 800 886-8240 or email to discuss your current use of any of these or other manufacturer’s brand to switch and start saving. With over 200 products to choose from, including several new formulations not yet listed on the website, we feel certain we can expand upon the savings and safety improvements enjoyed for nearly 20 years. Chemist owned and operated, we offer guaranteed FREE samples, including FREE freight, to evaluate for a RISK-FREE evaluation.


Biodegradable Parts Washers: The Case for Biodegradable Solvents

Since enclosed parts washing systems became a common solution for cleaning parts on an industrial scale, a large percentage of solvents used in the machines have been downright dangerous for the environment. Death and mutation of aquatic life, urban smog that makes you cough, and a polluted atmosphere that produces acid rain are just a few of the problems.

As time has gone on, though, eco friendly solvent producers have developed biodegradable parts washers that are better for the environment — and, by extension, better for the company or organization that uses them. If you’re in the market for new parts washers for your parts washing system, below are four benefits of using biodegradable parts washers.

  1. Reduced Chemical Landfill Use

Most conventional landfills won’t knowingly accept barrels or canisters of hazardous waste solvent, but chemical landfills specialize in this practice. These landfills keep chemicals in sturdy, tightly sealed containers. However, over the course of decades, time takes its toll, and causes the containers to weaken, and release toxic liquids or hazardous gasses.

  1. Fewer Hazardous Air Pollutants

Some biodegradable parts washers contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are harmful to human health but are nonetheless biodegradable due to their organic origin. However, fully biodegradable parts washers lack manmade hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) that reduce air quality and damage ozone, just as they reduce human quality of life by damaging health.

Emission of HAPs that are included in the EPA’s List of Lists can draw heavy fines that increase based on the emissions level. In this respect, using biodegradable parts washers does more than protect the environment; it also helps protect your company’s finances.

  1. Spares Weakened Ecosystems

From a standpoint of thriving versus languishing, some of the weakest ecosystems in the world are located near large facilities that pump out non-biodegradable waste solvent through pipes that lead directly to streams, which flow into rivers that reach oceans.

Laws that result in heavy fines from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have largely curbed this practice in the U.S., but it still exists in other countries whose business practices haven’t caught up with environmental awareness of nations that are trying to preserve the environment through legislation.

  1. Potential to Cut Waste Disposal

Some companies and organizations that use a line of biodegradable parts washers implement a process for biologically degrading the solvents on-site. As one would expect, in terms of upfront investment and lifetime maintenance, implementing such a system is typically the most profitable for entities that use a large volume of biodegradable parts washers, and pay a higher than normal annual waste disposal bill.

Need Biodegradable Parts Washers?

If so, we’d like to present you with a range of options, and help you decide which one(s) best meet your parts washing requirements. In addition to providing highly effective stock solutions, we also produce custom solvents when a compatible stock solution simply isn’t available.

To get started on selecting eco friendly parts washers, call us today at (800) 563-1305, or use the contact form on our website. We look forward to hearing from you!


Solvent Spray Cleaners in Cylinders: A Reason to Replace AK-225 Aerosol

At the end of 2014, another industrial cleaning solution that produces toxic effects in humans and the environment began the phase out process for discontinuation of use on U.S. soil: AK225 — also known as Asahiklin. This means that many companies and organizations across the nation have already phased out — or are in the process of phasing out — AK-225 and the AK-225 derived solvent spray cleaners below that are used for the following applications.

  • For precision cleaning: AK-225, HCFC-225ca, HCFC-225cb
  • For defluxing: 225AES, 225T, and 225ATE
  • As carrier or heat transfer fluid: HCFC-225ca, HCFC-225cb
  • As a coolant: HCFC-225ca, HCFC-225cb
  • For drying after alcohol azeotrope use: 225AES, 225T, and 225ATE
  • For displacement drying: 225DH
  • For vapor degreasing: AK-225
  • For oxygen cleaning: 225G
  • For aerosol applications: AK-225

Users of AK-225 and associated solvent spray cleaners are government mandated to discontinue using the solutions, but Ecolink offers an incentive that can add a silver lining to replacing AK-225 aerosol acquired in conventional cans. When choosing a replacement solution (FluoSolv CX, for example), users can receive the solvent in aerosol cylinders instead of handheld aerosol cans. Using cylinders instead of cans can offer the following advantages.

  • Better price per unit for volume of aerosol
  • Less room required for solvent storage (36 pounds of aerosol per cylinder)
  • Fewer empty solvent containers (simpler to refill / recycle)
  • Refined nozzle control over the solvent stream
  • Easy to transport through the facility on two-wheel dolly

Imagine if the aerosol section of your solvent storage area contained compact aerosol cylinders instead of cans. If you use lots of aerosol, you’re looking at a nice increase in floor space thanks to the small footprint of the cylinder compared to the equivalent amount of cans. Plus, remove the need to store cans in multiple locations in large facilities by implementing the cylinder and dolly option. There are lots of reasons to replace AK225 aerosol; our cylinders are one.

Making the Changeover

At a time when eco consciousness has penetrated the industrial sector like never before — a time when the nation, states, and local municipalities pass legislation that regulates or bans toxic substances and practices — companies need a way to make critical solvent replacements, and get on with business, as usual.

That’s what we help you do at Ecolink. Whether cylinders or cans are the right solutions for your solvent spray cleaners, we can provide the AK225 replacement you need, and supply it in the form of scheduled shipments or on an as-needed basis. Save money by purchasing in bulk, or save money by buying on-demand. We serve companies and organizations of all sizes.

Request a Free Sample

To get started on receiving an AK225 aerosol replacement, give us a call today at (800) 563-1305, or use our contact form. Whether a stock product or a custom product is the right option, we’ll send you a free sample to test before you place an order. We look forward to helping your organization improve the safety of its operations with solvent spray cleaners.