Soy Ink versus Petroleum-Based Ink

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What is Soy Ink?

Soy ink is made up of a slightly refined soybean oil incorporated with pigments, resins, and various waxes.  These waxes and resins are usually natural based additives. Newspaper printing companies use soy ink regularly because of how easily the ink absorbs into the paper.  As of lately, nearly ninety percent of American newspaper companies utilize soy ink as their ink of choice. A quarter of all commercial printing companies within the U.S. already use soy ink for their prints.  Since refined soybean oil is clearer, this allows for less pigment to be incorporated within the oil for the color to show. Additionally, the clearer base allows for the colored ink to appear sharper and brighter which is more desirable when printing.   

Benefits of Switching to Soy Ink

The soybean oil within the soy ink is completely biodegradable; depending on what the additives of the ink are, they too can be 100 percent biodegradable.  Soy ink produces no hazardous waste and makes the paper it is printed on much easier to recycle. During the de-inking process while recycling paper, soy ink can be removed more easily compared to petroleum-based inks.  Unlike the petroleum used within inks, which is usually crude oil, soybean oil is completely renewable. Soybean oil is also low in VOCs, twenty percent lower than petroleum-based inks. This allows soy ink to comply with the Clean Air Act’s thirty percent limit on VOCs.  

Downsides of Switching

One of the downsides from switching to soy ink is that soy ink is slower to dry than other inks.  Despite the slower drying time, soy ink balances that out by having a higher rub resistance than petroleum-based inks.

Another downside can be the soy ink not being fully natural and non-toxic.  Because the refined soy oil is only a component in the ink, depending on the manufacturer, the pigments added to the soy oil may cause it to become slightly toxic or unable to biodegrade fully.  This downside can be resolved by picking a soy ink with safer pigments and additives.

The final downside several consumers have viewed is how soy ink is usually more expensive than purchasing petroleum-based inks.  In the short run, this statement is seen as true due to the processing of the soy ink. In the long run however, soy ink results in fewer waste of the product, and less ink is used to achieve the same effect, along with less of a cleanup on the printing machines.  On average, soy ink goes nearly fifteen percent further than petroleum-based ink.

For more information regarding soy ink whether you are a manufacturer or a consumer, email us or call today (800)563-1305.

RBD Soybean Oil Applications

What is Soybean Oil?

Soybean oil is oil extracted from soybeans.  This form of soybean oil is RBD, or refined, bleached, and deodorized soybean oil.  Within the refining stage, the soybean oil is cleaned to remove remaining impurities and goes through degumming to remove lecithin.  The soybean oil then goes through a bleaching process to remove any pigments and residues left behind from the refining process. The final step in the process is deodorizing the oil which is where volatile components are removed by steam distillation.

Various Applications of Soybean Oil

Soybean Oil has a wide range of applications that vary from industrial uses to consumer applications.  A few things soybean oil is used in are:

  • Glues
  • Plywood Adhesives
  • Laminating
  • Resins, and
  • Insecticides

Another category of products that soybean oil is in are coated papers, oilcloths, coated fabrics, paper sizings, and leather dressings.  Soybean oil may also be used within the production of paints, varnishes, ink, and soaps due to it having little to no pigmentation and being able to absorb pigments added to the oil to reveal a brighter color.  To find out more about the benefits of soy ink versus petroleum-based inks, visit our blog post Soy Ink vs Petroleum-Based Ink.  Some other applications for RBD soybean oil is as animal feedstock and used within firefighting lag foams.

Along with the several uses soybean oil offers, its derivative, methyl soyate, also has an extensive list of applications as an ideal alternative to harsh chemicals.  For more information regarding methyl soyate, visit our blog Methyl Soyate as an Alternative Solution.

To find out more about our RBD Soybean Oil, email us at, or call us at (800)563-1305.

Printing with N-Propanol

N-Propanol is available!

As technology improves the demand for a better printing quality improves as well. This is forcing the industry to find better solvent options. If you are looking for a good quality and economic source of ink N-Propanol is the solution. In the printing industry N-Propanol is mainly used in flexographic and special screening prints. It facilitates more economic printing while providing higher quality ink. N-Propanol provides higher ink stability, steady viscosity, advantageous wetting behaviour, and less foaming. N-Propanol solvency power helps maintain the solubility of ink resins as well. N-Propanol is perfect for printing and ink applications since:

Benefits of N-Propanol In Printing Applications

  • Economic printing.
  • Higher quality.
  • Low odor which is good when printing food packaging.
  • Higher printing speed.
  • Less scrap.
  • Saving concentrated ink.
  • Ideal evaporation rate for printing
  • Avoids defects like dirty printing or feathering due to its high solubility.

Using N-Propanol revealed over 20% savings in concentrated ink and related costs versus other source of inks. It is also easier to recycle N-Propanol since it requires less energy to purify it in comparison to other chemicals.

Other Uses of N-Propanol

Did you know that N-Propanol can be used as a solvent for cosmetics, perfumes, lacquer formulations, antifreezes, soaps, bug removers, and window cleaner as well?

Interested in using N-Propanol? Please call (800) 563-1305 or send an email to

Methanol Injections to Prevent Hydrate Formation

Methanol Injections To Prevent Hydrate Formation

Thanks to its chemical properties, Methanol can lower the freezing point of a water-based liquid and increase its boiling point, therefore, it is used as an antifreeze to keep cleaning fluids from freeing.

Methanol is used as an inhibitor in natural gas pipelines, especially in cold climate facilities. It is injected in natural gas pipelines or enters the pipeline by methanol drips in order to reduce the freezing point of water during oil and gas transportation. In addition, this chemical is one of the most economical and practical solutions for preventing hydrate formations.

Determination of Methanol Injection Rate

Determining the right amount of Methanol can be challenging because after it is injected Methanol has to go through 3 phases: 1) the aqueous phase which is where the hydrate inhibition occurs 2) the vapor phase which can be calculated with different approaches or formulas 3) the hydrocarbon phase which is the hardest one to predict . The amount of Methanol to be injected has to be enough to replace methanol “losses” resulting from the vapor phase, and in order to suppress hydrate formation in the aqueous phase. The right amount of Methanol to be injected can be calculated by the sum of the calculations of each of these 3 phases. There are different Methods in order to determine the right amount of methanol that should be injected in order to prevent hydrate formation. Engineers are the ones who study these methods and come up with calculations. Normally the calculations that they make are available in tables.

How is Methanol Injected Into Pipelines?

After the desired dose of Methanol is calculated then the injection process begins. Methanol is injected into pipelines with an injection pump. Many other equipment such as timer in order to control the flow of liquid, a controller for controlling the amount of Methanol that is being used, a temperature sensor, and an electric motor in order to make some of these equipments work.

Interested in Methanol? Please call (800) 563-1305 or send an email to

Mineral Spirits in The Art Industry

Mineral Spirits in the Art Industry

Mineral Spirits, if used properly, can help you save time and money in the art industry. Its main application is as a brush cleaner since it has a high solvency strength. The contact with Mineral Spirits in low quantity are harmless to your body. It is important to remember that even though Mineral Spirits are safer alternatives to other chemicals is still important to take precautions while using this chemical in order to prevent any possible reaction. Always read the label and never try to use more than recommended.

Mineral Spirits Applications in the Art Industry:

  • As a Brush Cleaner

Mineral Spirits works great as a cleaning agent. It can remove all the paint of your brush no matter the condition of your brush. Mineral Spirits helps to maintain brushes in good condition. What is nice about Mineral Spirits is that you can put a little of this chemical in a jar, clean your brush with it, and then save the jar with the liquid. Yes, you can reuse Mineral Spirits and this way you are saving time and money.

  • Creates A Different Style

Using small drips of Mineral Spirits on your painting can help you achieve a “messy” look if you want to go for that vibe.

  • To Blend Colored Pencils

Mineral Spirits can help you achieve a good blend result when using pencil colors without the need of a lot of expensive materials or techniques. Mineral Spirits break down the color that is difficult to blend in order to distribute the color over the painting/image that you are working on, and the best part is that it results in a professional finish. With the help of a cotton bund and mineral spirits you can use colored pencils as an alternative to watercolor pencils.

  • As a Replacement For Turpentine

Did you know that Mineral Spirits can be used as a substitute for Turpentine? This is perfect for the Art Industry. And the best part is that Mineral Spirits are safer to use due to its low VOCs. Turpentine can cause breathing problems, on top of that it is highly flammable, and it is a potentially hazard substance to have in an art studio/home. Mineral Spirits are not only safer to your body, they are more affordable than turpentine and it can also yield better results since it prevents paint cracking.

Interested in Mineral Spirits? Please call (800) 563-1305 or send an email to