
What Are the Best Uses of Acetone?

Acetone is a potent and versatile chemical compound that is used in many industries and products as both a solvent and cleaning agent. Due to the fact that acetone is a naturally occurring, non-toxic, organic, compound it is considered safe and gentle enough for many personal care uses. Acetone is present in many products used by the average person every day. From cosmetics, to gasoline, to pharmaceuticals, and sterilization of medical tools, acetone is a daily necessity for many.

How and Where Acetone is Used:

  • Gasoline – One of the most common uses of acetone is in gasoline for cars. The Petroleum industry uses acetone as an additive to thin out gasoline, allowing it to move easily through the engine and increase fuel efficiency.
  • Environmental Cleanup – One of the best uses of acetone for the environment, is as a cleaning agent after disastrous oil spills. Acetone is used to contain oil spills in water and gently clean animals who have been affected.
  • Art and Home Improvement – Acetone is used to clean and dissolve oil based paint, as well as to clean paint brushes and other paint tools.
  • Cosmetics – Many cosmetic products such as face creams and lotions contain acetone as an ingredient to thin the product. Acetone is also the main ingredient in nail polish remover.
  • Pharmaceuticals – In the pharmaceutical industry, acetone is often used as a solvent in fillers and active ingredients to ensure accurate dosage of medicine.
  • Medical – Acetone is also commonly used in the medical field to clean and sterilize medical tools and equipment.

Looking to Purchase Acetone?

Some of the best known uses of acetone are as cleaners, solvents, or paint thinners, but there is almost no industry that couldn’t benefit from the use of acetone. Ecolink is an environmentally friendly provider of chemical solvents like acetone. From 5 gallon pails to 55 gallon drums, we can take care of you. Contact us today to learn more about acetone and if it is the right solvent for you.





Why is Acetone a Good Solvent?

A solvent is a chemical substance, like acetone, that has the ability to dissolve other substances. Acetone is a good solvent due to its ability to dissolve both polar and nonpolar substances, while other solvents can only dissolve one or the other. Acetone’s chemical makeup includes elements that are both polar and nonpolar which means acetone can be used with both organic and inorganic substances. Secondly, acetone is a good solvent because it is miscible substance, meaning it has the ability to mix with water in all proportions. This allows acetone to be added to water to help dissolve chemicals in a scientific setting. Acetone is organic, non-toxic, and incredibly versatile, making it a necessary solvent for activities spanning from cleaning and sterilizing, to extraction and chemical studies.

Uses of Acetone as a Solvent:

  • Due to acetone’s dual polarity, and versatility, it is a solvent that can be used in a multitude of different industries. One of the most common uses of acetone is as an additive in gasoline. Acetone is a good solvent to be used to thin gasoline, allowing it to diffuse easily in the engine, improving fuel efficiency.
  • Acetone is also a good solvent to use in cosmetic processes like chemical face peels. Acetone is organic and non-toxic making it safe to use in personal care, or as an additive in cosmetic products like lotions and creams.
  • Acetone is very potent and can dissolve both organic and inorganic substance. Due to its ability to quickly dissolve and evaporate, acetone is also used to clean up oil spills and the animals affected by such disasters.

Looking for an Acetone Solvent?

Acetone is a good solvent, that can be used in a multitude of products and industries. Pharmaceuticals, scientific testing, sterilizing medical tools, cosmetics, textiles, and gasoline, all require the use of acetone as a cleaner or solvent. Due to the fact that acetone is nontoxic, organic, potent, and easily mixed with other substances, it is a great option and a necessity for many industries. To learn more about acetone and how it can be purchased in bulk quantities, contact us today!




Is Acetone The Same as Denatured Alcohol?

While acetone and denatured alcohol are both chemical solvents used in various forms of cleaning, degreasing, and even in the production of some of the same products, they are two different chemical compounds. Denatured alcohol is an ethanol based alcohol that contains additives not fit for consumption, while acetone is a naturally occurring chemical compound, purely made up of carbon, hydrogyn, and oxygen.  While the two chemical compounds are similar and can be used in some of the same ways, there are some distinct differences between acetone and denatured alcohol.

Acetone VS Denatured Alcohol

  • One of the biggest differences between acetone and denatured alcohol is that acetone is a non-toxic, organic, naturally occurring chemical compound, while denatured alcohol is ethanol based and has denaturants added to it, making it poisonous if consumed.
  • While acetone is not the same as denatured alcohol, they are used in some of the same processes. Both solvents can be used in the production of plastics, cleaning, degreasing, and as an additive for fuel.
  • While there is overlap some, there are industries or uses exclusive to either acetone or denatured alcohol. Acetone is safe to be used for pharmaceuticals, cleaning painting tools, and cleaning animals after oil spills, and denatured alcohol has uses in, aerosoles, rubbers, and antifreeze.
  • To physically compare and contrast acetone and denatured alcohol, both substances are clear liquids that are highly flammable. However, the two do differ in scent. Acetone has a very mild and distinct smell, while denatured alcohol has a sweeter, pleasant scent.

Ecolink is a proud provider of eco friendly solvents including acetone and denatured alcohol. Solvents can be purchased in bulk quantities from 5 gallon pails to 55 gallon drums. Contact us today to learn more about acetone and denatured alcohol, and decide which solvent is best for you.


What Is SLA 3D Printing?

SLA 3D Printing is a form of 3D printing that uses a laser or ultraviolet light source to harden a liquid resin into plastic. This style of printing works by layering the hardened plastic product to build the body of the three dimensional subject. SLA (stereolithography apparatus) technology was originally developed in Japan in the early 1980s as a system of 3D printing that could print functional products in a small amount of time. Today, SLA is still a widely popular form of printing and is often used in the  manufacturing of production materials and creation of high quality plastic models.

What is SLA 3D Printing used for?

  • SLA printing was originally created for the purpose of engineers producing high quality, plastic, prototypes in a time efficient manner. This is still a primary use of SLA printing.
  • This form of 3D printing has also gained popularity in the medical field. It is often used to create anatomically correct diagrams of the human body, used for education.
  • Many manufacturers also use SLA printing in the production of goods that have plastic components such as; jewelry, dentals tools, car parts, and prosthetics.

Cleaning SLA 3D Printing Machinery

SLA 3D printers generally consist of 4 parts; the resin tank, laser light source, perforated platform (building surface), and computer that controls the machinery and design. After a design has been completed, machine parts require some cleaning to ensure no resin is left to harden onto the surfaces. The best way to clean your SLA printing device is to wipe clean the surface with isopropyl alcohol (IPA).

For industrial and machine cleaning, Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) is preferred over other alcohol cleaning agents such as Methyl Alcohol, Ethyl Alcohol, and Butyl Alcohol, as IPA has an ideal evaporation rate and vapor density in comparison to these other alcohol cleaning agents. At Ecolink you can find high quality, isopropyl alcohol to clean your SLA printer, ensuring the cleanliness and longevity of your device. Contact us today or shop our industrial cleaners and degreasers conveniently online here.


Methanol Uses in The Manufacturing Industry

Methanol: It is available!

If you are looking for an environmentally friendly, powerful, and affordable solvent, look no further than Methanol. It is commonly used in the manufacturing industry as a cleaning agent, in the Military Industry, Power Generation Industry, and in vehicles as a source of fuel. Methanol primarily uses are: as a solvent, antifreeze, and as a source of environmentally friendly fuel.

Methanol uses in the Manufacturing Industry

Methanol is frequently used as a solvent in laboratories. It can be converted into formaldehyde which is then used to make products such as plastics, paint, and explosives. It can also be used as a solvent in the manufacture of cholesterol, streptomycin, vitamins, and hormones. Methanol is also applied to aerosol products in the formulation of automobile de-icers used, frosted door locks, glass windows, and other iced-over surfaces.

Methanol In Wastewater Treatments

Methanol is an environmentally friendly chemical. Small amounts of methanol can be used in wastewater. Methanol converts harmful nitrates to safer nitrogen throughout a process called denitrification. Did you know that around 200 wastewater treatment facilities across the United States are using Methanol in their denitrification process?

Using Methanol injections as an antifreeze

Thanks to its chemical properties, Methanol can also lower the freezing point of a water-based liquid and increase its boiling point, therefore, it is used as an antifreeze to keep cleaning fluids from freeing. Methanol is used as an inhibitor in natural gas pipelines, especially in cold climate facilities. It is injected in natural gas pipelines or enters the pipeline by methanol drips in order to reduce the freezing point of water during oil and gas transportation. The recommended amount of Methanol that should be injected can be calculated by using available tables. This chemical is one of the most economical solutions for preventing hydrate formations.

Other uses of Methanol

Methanol can be used as a source of fuel.  Did you know that It drastically reduces the emissions of toxins which makes it environmentally friendly and reduces the chances of vehicles explosion?  

Interested in using Methanol? Please call (800) 563-1305 or send an email to