Why Buy Bulk Hexane Solvent?

Hexane solvent is commonly used across a multitude of industries for purposes such as a cleaning agent, solvent, and additive ingredient in manufactured products. Any industry that uses large amounts of hexane solvent to either produce goods or clean their machinery would inevitably need to have a large supply of hexane on hand at all times, and for this reason should find a reliable bulk supplier. Buying in bulk will provide your business with the added benefits of always having product on hand while saving money and cutting down cost of materials, as bulk supplies are available at more affordable rates than standard quantities. If you feel your business could benefit from buying in bulk, you should consider working with an affordable, reliable, and environmentally conscious bulk chemical supplier, like Ecolink.

Who Should Consider Bulk Hexane Solvent from Ecolink? 

  • Oil Extraction – Extraction is the process of extracting oils from goods like olives, sunflower seeds, vegetables, or fruits to create cooking oils. Hexane works great for this process due to its high evaporation rate and low boil point which is optimal for successful extraction. If your business is oil extraction, bulk hexane would greatly benefit you.
  • Manufacturing – Many manufactured products like leather, adhesives, and silicon molds use hexane as an additive ingredient in production which would require a large bulk supply.
  • Industrial Cleaning – Hexane works great as an industrial cleaner and degreaser for manufacturing machinery. Hexane effectively dissolves oils and evaporates quickly making it the perfect cleaner to prevent build up and keep machinery in running order.

Shopping for Hexane?

If you are interested in purchasing hexane solvent for your business, we can help. Ecolink is a long time provider of bulk chemicals and solvents that is committed to environmentally friendly practices and offering a selection of green chemicals and solvents. Shop Hexane here or contact us today for more information.


Common Uses For Pharmaceutical Grade Hexane

Pharmaceutical grade hexane is a high purity grade of hexane also referred to as food-grade hexane that is available in purity levels as high as 99% with very minimal impurities. In addition to high purity, other benefits of pharmaceutical grade hexane are a low boiling point, minimal odor, low toxicity, and no poisonous fumes. For these reasons pharmaceutical grade hexane is a commonly used solvent for uses ranging from food production to cleaning. If your business is looking for a versatile, low toxicity solvent, pharmaceutical grade hexane may be the perfect solvent for you. In addition to being versatile and safe to use, hexane is also affordable and offered in bulk quantities from suppliers like Ecolink. So what are some common uses for bulk supplies of pharmaceutical grade hexane?

  • Oil Extraction – High purity hexane is often used in a process called extraction where oil is pulled from products like seeds, olives, and vegetables to create cooking oils. Hexane’s fast evaporation rate and low boiling point make it a perfect solvent for this process.
  • Adhesive Manufacturing – Hexane is a popular solvent ingredient in the production of adhesives and glues.
  • Industrial Cleaning and Degreasing – Hexane is also a great degreasing agent that can be used to dissolve oil and clean industrial machinery to prevent build up from oil or grease after use.
  • Pharmaceuticals – Hexane has become a popular solvent in the pharmaceutical industry, used to manufacture products like tablet molds.

Looking to Buy Pharmaceutical Grade Hexane? 

If your business is in need of a solvent such as pharmaceutical grade hexane, we can help. Whether you are interested in learning more about solvents like hexane and their uses, or simply need to find a reliable bulk chemical and solvent supplier, Ecolink has the tools to help you find the best product for your needs. Contact us today to learn more!


Is Hexane A Good Solvent For Oil Extraction?

Oil extraction is a process in which a solvent is used to pull oil out of organic substances such as seeds, olives, fruits, or nuts, but is hexane a good solvent for extraction? Hexane is a preferred solvent for extracting oil for food uses for many reasons including low toxicity, low boiling point, and affordability. In addition to being a great option for oil extraction, hexane is also widely used as a cleaning agent in many different industries. If your business is in need of an affordable, versatile, low toxicity solvent for extraction, you should consider implementing the use of hexane. 

Benefits of Using Hexane for Extraction

  • Low Toxicity – Hexane is a fairly non-toxic compound that does not produce poisonous fumes. For this reason, hexane is safe to use in the production of food products, including oil extraction.
  • Low Boiling Point – Hexane also has a low boiling point at 154.4 degrees fahrenheit (68 degrees Celsius) which aides in the extraction process, as extraction involves boiling the subject in a solvent in order to collect oil.
  • Affordability – Hexane is available is bulk quantities from providers like Ecolink, which helps you cut overall costs.
  • Versatility – In addition to being great for extraction, hexane is used for many other purposes including industrial cleaning and degreasing, and the production of products like leather, glue, paints, and stain removers.

Do you Think Hexane is a Good Solvent for your Needs?  

If so, contact us today! Ecolink is an environmentally conscious provider of chemicals and solvents including hexane. From 5 gallon buckets to 55-gallon drum supplies, Ecolink can provide you with bulk supplies of the right solvents for your needs. If you are interested in purchasing or learning more about hexane, our knowledgeable customer care team is ready to help!

acetone-good-solvent-for industrial-degreasing

Is Acetone A Good Solvent For Industrial Degreasing?

Acetone is an affordable and versatile chemical solvent that is used in many different industries, but is acetone a good solvent for industrial cleaning purposes? The answer is a resounding yes! Acetone, in addition to being a more affordable option than other chemical degreasers used for industrial cleaning, offers several other benefits including safety, ease of use, and bulk availability. If your business is in need of a high quality, cleaning and degreasing agent that is safe to use on industrial machinery, you should strongly consider implementing the use of acetone. 

Benefits of Using Acetone 

  • Safety – Acetone is significantly less toxic than other organic compounds and is generally safe to use, requiring minimal safety gear for use.
  • Bulk Inventory – Acetone is already more affordable than other chemical solvents, but the fact that acetone is readily available in bulk from suppliers like Ecolink, helps to further reduce overall cost.  
  • Versatility – In addition to being a great cleaning and degreasing agent, Acetone can also be used as an additive ingredient in several common products including cosmetics, gasoline, pharmaceuticals, plastics, and more. If your business produces products like these that require acetone for production, finding a bulk supplier is absolutely necessary.

Where to Buy Acetone?

Is acetone a good solvent for your needs? If you are interested in implementing the use of acetone in your business, Ecolink is here to help. We are a long time supplier of chemicals and solvents, such as acetone, and we are committed to environmentally conscious practices. We provide high purity, high quality chemicals that are available in standard quantities as well as bulk supplies ranging from 5 gallon buckets to 55 gallon drums. If you would like to learn more about acetone or the other solvents contact us today!


oil dissolving solvents

What Dissolves Oil? – Most Effective Oil Dissolving Solvents

Oil dissolving solvents such as acetone or hexane are often used as cleaning agents across a wide variety of industries. These cleaning agents are formulated with oil dissolving solvents to effectively clean everything from greasy cooking pans, to car parts, and even the face and body to break up and wash away makeup and oil build up. Oil dissolving solvents can be used for a broad range of cleaning and different solvents are more concentrated or stronger than others making certain solvents better suited for one use over another. If your business is in need  oil dissolving solvents to use in cleaning or as an additive ingredient , consider investing in a supply of solvents such as these below.

What Dissolves Oil?

  • Acetone – This is a popular solvent to use in many cosmetic products like facial creams and cleansers. Acetone, in appropriate quantities, is gentle enough to be used as an additive ingredient in various face and body products, and effectively breaks up oil and debris that can build up on the skin. Acetone in more concentrated forms can also be used to clean and degrease industrial machinery that is prone to build up with use.
  • Hexane – This oil dissolving solvent is known for its ability to effectively break up cooking oils. For this reason there are many cleaning and degreasing agents that contain hexane as an oil dissolving additive. Hexane is also used in many extraction processes where oils are extracted from organic products like olives, seeds, and vegetables to create oils.

Where to Purchase Oil Dissolving Solvents?

If you are in need of a reliable supplier of oil dissolving solvents like acetone and hexane, or simply wish to learn more about solvents like these, contact us today. We are a long time chemical and solvent supplier committed to eco-friendly practices, high quality products, with the ability to provide bulk supplies.