What Does Low VOC Mean?

What does low VOC mean? Low VOC refers to low volatile organic compounds. These are chemicals that have a low toxicity level, which is safer for both the user and the environment. VOCs if not handled properly can cause illness and injury to the user, or have a negative impact on the environment. Some states have even placed bans and restrictions on some VOCs like MEK and mineral spirits. If you are looking for low VOC chemical alternatives that are both safer to use, and better for the environment, you should consider green chemical alternatives. 

Green chemical alternatives, or environmentally preferred chemical alternatives are low VOC and can accomplish many of the same tasks that traditional chemicals are used for. Practices like parts washing, metal working, industrial cleaning and more can all benefit from the use of low voc, environmentally preferred, chemical alternatives.

So what does low voc mean? Low VOC chemicals and chemical alternatives are simply low toxicity chemicals and solvents that are healthier for your employees and the environment. If you are interested in working with a chemical supplier that can help you find the right low VOC solutions for your needs, Ecolink can help.

How Can Ecolink Help You?

  • Expert Knowledge – Whether you are looking for traditional industrial chemicals, low VOC chemicals, or green chemical alternatives, Ecolink can help. Ecolink has a dedicated team of chemical experts who will work with you to assess your needs and find the perfect chemical to get the job done.
  • Bulk Sizing –Ecolink offers convenient bulk sizing including 5 gallon buckets and 55 gallon drums, which provide the added benefit of bulk pricing.
  • High Quality – For 30 years, Ecolink has been supplying safe, stable, high quality chemicals for an affordable price. When you work with Ecolink you never have to be concerned about the purity of the chemicals you receive. 

What Does Low VOC Mean and Where Can You Learn More?

For more information about low VOCs, chemical solvents, and green chemical alternatives, contact Ecolink here! Ecolink and their team of dedicated professionals are ready to help you find the best solutions for your needs!


oil dissolving solvents

What Dissolves Oil Sludge

What dissolves oil sludge? Oil sludge can build up on industrial machinery with use, and over time this sludge can cause the machinery to malfunction or break. If you are looking for chemicals that dissolve oil sludge and are safe to use on industrial machinery and print equipment, you have several options. Two of the most popular and affordable industrial degreasers that can dissolve oil sludge and build up are acetone and IPA. 

Acetone is a great industrial degreaser for a few reasons. Acetone can break up both oil build up and harden resins, meaning it can be used on 3D printing equipment as well. Acetone also has a high evaporation rate, so there is no need to worry about leftover chemicals causing moisture damage to your equipment.

Much like acetone, IPA also has  a high evaporation rate. This is especially helpful when cleaning intricate equipment that has many small crevices and components. IPA can get into the small spaces, dissolve the oil build up, and then evaporate. Therefore you don’t have to worry about reaching into these intricate areas to dry leftover product, as it will quickly dry on it’s own.

If you need help figuring out what dissolves oil sludge, and what the best chemical solution for your needs is, Ecolink can help! Ecolink is a trusted chemical supplier who has 30 years of knowledge and experience to help you find the best chemical cleaning agents for your practice.

Benefits of Working With Ecolink:

  • Knowledgeable – Ecolink has a dedicated team of chemical experts who are happy to work closely with you, to understand your business and needs. Ecolink will also provide you with the necessary information to safely use and store your chemical products.
  • Bulk Sizing – Ecolink offers convenient bulk sizing from 5 – 55 gallon drums to accommodate facilities of all sizes. 
  • Eco Friendly – Ecolink also offers a large selection of green chemical alternatives to help reduce the carbon footprint of the chemical industry. Ecolink also offers chemical recycling resources.

Need Help Figuring Out What Dissolves Oil Sludge?

For more information about chemicals that can cela and dissolve oil slide, contact Ecolink here! Ecolink and their dedicated team are ready to answer your questions and find the best chemicals for your needs. 


MEK California Ban

Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) is a chemical and solvent that is utilized by a multitude of industries every day. However, due to its toxic nature, some have decided to turn to and promote greener alternatives. This chemical, dangerous as it can be if not handled properly, is not banned in the state of California as there is no MEK California ban. Rather, it is encouraged to be implemented with great consideration. 

Composition & Uses

Before we can discuss how the legality of this chemical’s use came into confusion, we must first define it.

Methyl ethyl ketone is a colorless substance with a flammable and powerful composition. It possesses a distinct sweet odor and can be an irritant to the senses, such as our sense of smell. Nevertheless, it can be applied in a variety of ways. Some products and results that this chemical can contribute to are:

  • Extraction
  • Varnishes
  • Paint Removers
  • Paraffin Wax

Clearing Up The Confusion of the MEK California Ban

There is no MEK California ban currently implemented. In fact, here at Ecolink, we have received confirmation of this through contact with the Proposition 65 Implementation Program. This program requires all businesses in the state of California to provide warnings to residents of the state about high exposures to toxic substances. California Proposition 65 does not prohibit chemicals of any kind and only requires a clear warning of any substance’s danger to the populace. Dangers that the substances can inflict can range from reproductive issues to cancer. However, with this reliable program’s warnings, you will know the possible consequences of implementing any kind of chemical. This is why we advise you to handle this substance and all others with care.

Want To Learn More About MEK California Ban?

Then look no further than Ecolink! Our company has been dedicated to supplying industries with chemicals and the knowledge to utilize them for over three decades. We offer traditional and green chemicals alike, such as MEK and the environmentally preferred chemical – Preptone! If you would like to browse through our offers click here. Contact us today if you would like to learn more! We are here to help your industry thrive!

How Can Ecolink Help?

  • Knowledgeable Staff – Ecolink has a dedicated staff of chemical experts and 30 years of experience to share with their clients. Finding the best chemical for your needs is tricky, but Ecolink will take time to understand your practice and help you find the right chemical to get the job done.
  • Eco-Friendly – In addition to supplying traditional chemicals that are needed for many industrial practices, Ecolink also offers a wide variety of green chemical alternatives. These chemical alternatives are environmentally preferred and can be a great help in areas that are heavily restricted by VOC laws. Ecolink also offers chemical recycling resources and implements many green ideas and environmentally conscious business practices. 
  • Bulk Sizing – Ecolink offers affordable bulk sizing of their chemical supplies to accommodate industrial facilities of all sizes. From 5-gallon buckets to 55-gallon drums, Ecolink has you covered.

Fracking Chemical Suppliers

What are common fracking chemicals and why is it important to work with reliable fracking chemical suppliers? Fracking is a method of crude oil extraction in which chemicals and water  are shot into rock formations at high pressure, in order to obtain the oils inside them. Fracking fluid is a mixture of chemicals, water, and sand. Some chemicals that are commonly used to create fracking fluid are methanol, ethylene glycol, and propargyl alcohol, among others. If you are in need of chemicals for fracking fluid, you want to be sure you are working with a reliable chemical supplier. Good fracking chemical suppliers will provide you with stable, high quality chemicals, in addition to providing you with the necessary knowledge to properly handle and store these chemicals. If you are looking for a trusted chemical supplier who will provide you with all of this and more for an affordable price, Ecolink can help.

Benefits Of Working With Ecolink:

  • Expert Knowledge – When searching for the right chemicals for your practice, you want to be sure you are working with a knowledgeable chemical expert who will lead you in the right direction. Ecolink has a dedicated team of chemical experts who will take time to understand your particular needs, help you find the best chemicals for your use, and make sure you understand how to safely handle them. 
  • Bulk Supply – Ecolink offers bulk supplies of their chemical products. Offering buk sizing from 5 gallon buckets to 55 gallon drums, this ensures you will always have enough product on hand. Bulk sizing also provides for the added benefit of bulk pricing, keeping overhead low!
  • Environmentally Conscious –  Ecolink is dedicated to reducing the carbon footprint of the chemical industry by providing chemical recycling resources, implementing clean business practices, and even offering a wide variety of green chemical alternatives.

Looking For Fracking Chemical Suppliers?

Choosing the right fracking chemical suppliers is an important decision. If you are looking for a chemical supplier who will work with you to choose the right chemicals for your needs at a competitive price, contact Ecolink here! Our knowledgeable team is standing by, ready to help!  


CA compliant IPA

What is CA compliant IPA? The state of california has certain requirements and restrictions that various chemicals and solvents must comply with. These restrictions have been put in place on certain chemicals to protect the environment and reduce the use of damaging VOCs that cause air pollution. While California has restricted the use of denatured alcohol, IPA or Isopropyl Alcohol is allowed to be used. If you are looking for CA compliant alcohol that is not only high quality and affordable, but also provided in an environmentally friendly manner, Ecolink can help. Ecolink is a trusted chemical provider that is dedicated to the environment. Ecolink’s practice is environmentally cautious and they also offer many green chemical alternatives, in addition to chemical recycling. You can rest easy knowing that Ecolink is a responsible chemical provider who will provide you with the best, high quality chemicals for your needs. 

Benefits Of Ecolink’s IPA

  • Bulk Orders – Ecolink offers fast, easy shipping of bulk chemical orders including 5 gallon buckets and 55 gallon drums. This ensures you will always have enough IPA on hand, while providing the benefits of bulk pricing. 
  • Expert Knowledge – Ecolink has a dedicated team of chemical experts who are happy to understand your needs, and help you find the best chemical or solvent for your particular uses. 
  • Eco Friendly – Ecolink is dedicated to reducing the carbon footprint of the chemical industry. Ecolink offers a large variety of environmentally preferred chemical alternatives, that can be used in place of traditional high VOC chemicals, in addition to implementing environmentally conscious business practices.  

Need To Find CA Compliant IPA?

While some VOCs are restricted or even prohibited in California, IPA is perfectly acceptable. If you are looking for a bulk IPA supplier who will provide quality and expert advice for an affordable cost, contact Ecolink here! Ecolink and their team are standing by, ready to help!