Biocidal products are utilized by a multitude of industries for an abundance of tasks. Without them, many industrial applications could not be...

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How to Reduce Fouling in a Heat Exchanger
Heat exchangers allow excess heat to be removed from a system by using large amounts of cool water. However, the water used is commonly taken from a...
Biofouling and Biofilm Treatment Explained
Biofouling is the buildup of organic materials, typically small plants, microorganisms, or algae on submerged mechanical equipment. Biofilm, more...
How to Reduce Fouling in a Cooling Tower
If you’ve ever walked outside on a hot day or exercised hard enough to feel warm, then you are familiar with the...
How to Reduce Fouling in a Heat Exchanger
Heat exchangers allow excess heat to be removed from a system by using large amounts of cool water. However, the water...
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