Industrial Cleaning Solutions

industrial cleaning solutionsCompanies – industrial businesses especially – that rely heavily on manufactured parts, components, metals, and materials, and manage mass production on a daily basis, need to have a reliable and efficient industrial cleaning solution that can handle the demands of cleaning those parts, components, metals, and materials on a massive scale. If your industrial enterprise falls under the description in the previous paragraph, and have not yet found a trusted business to manage your industrial cleaning needs, then employing a company that can assist and provide consultation for locating the right kind of industrial cleaning solutions business that can perform as desired may prove to be a wise decision.

Ecolink is a company that industrial businesses can trust to provide information regarding the best industrial cleaning solutions enterprise that can accommodate your business’ particular parts, components, metals, and materials cleaning needs. Ecolink has been offering both mentorship and information concerning industrial cleaning solutions, and the businesses involved in providing industrial cleaning services to all types of companies, for over two decades. Ecolink also provides information regarding eco friendly, green alternative industrial cleaning solutions that are safe for your employees to use and be in contact with, and are nonhazardous to the environment. Because many industrial businesses need a cleaning services company to customize its industrial cleaning services to satisfy all materials that need cleaning, having a company like Ecolink assisting you with pinpointing the right services can prove vital. Ecolink will partner your industrial business with a cleaning solutions company that you can trust to handle and tailor their methods based on your cleaning needs.

Due to the massive scale of production in which many industrial businesses are involved, it is pivotal to locate a cleaning services company, and a non corrosive, safe solvent that can deliver on your company’s cleaning demands and safety desires every time, all the time. As you will notice on the Ecolink website, our company has successfully consulted with, and has provided services and solutions for many different kinds of organizations and government agencies, located all over the United States. If you feel the desire to speak to an Ecolink representative so you can explain exactly the type of industrial cleaning service your business needs, one of our professionals will happily provide you with information and assistance regarding how Ecolink can best help your business acquire the cleaning solutions it needs. Ecolink can successfully help manage your company’s industrial cleaning solutions by offering unparalleled consultation and helpful, researched information.

In addition, you can read about the different kinds of harmful cleaning solutions still available on the market on the Ecolink website. Also described on the website are optimal safety replacements for those harmful cleaning products still in use, which promise to clean your industrial materials as effectively as your current solvent, as well as provide maximum safety to your employees.

What is Precision Cleaning?

precision cleaningIn the event that you are not familiar with the philosophy of precision cleaning, this cleaning process has to do with the cleaning of high precision mechanical parts and electronic sensory devices, such as components for operational machinery, electronic equipment, highly nuanced mechanical devices, and information technology systems and products. The process is opposite from the general, or standardized metal cleaning processes, which usually devotes a singular cleaning methodology towards all basic industrial parts, metals, and materials. Precision cleaning is performed under a controlled atmosphere, where the rooms are clean and in pristine condition, and there is a very low, to negligent chance of particle contamination.

Obviously, the idea behind performing precision cleaning involves a tedious and meticulous process due to the type of mechanical and electronically parts involved in the cleaning process. Because almost every kind of mechanical and electronical components are fragile, unique, expensive, highly sensitive, and difficult to replace, you can imagine how careful the person or company involved in cleaning the part must be to make sure the devices are not corrupted in any way. This is why it is strongly encouraged, and highly recommended by this blog post that industrial and/or tech companies that need this type of cleaning seek out professional assistance when conducting precision cleaning. Companies exist that provide precision cleaning, and guarantee to thoroughly clean your mechanical and / or electronical products precisely, with no wear and tear placed on any of the items. This is enormously beneficial for any industrial organizations that need this type of service because, although you are paying for a cleaning service, the service itself is not expensive. In addition, if you hire a reputable precision cleaning company, that company will take full responsibility for any mechanical and/or electronical parts that become damaged during the process, and will immediately refund and replace the part with a new one. This is a much better idea than implementing a precision cleaning system in house, which will cost money, and then devote the necessary time and valuable resources and labor toward the precision cleaning process. Moreover, if one of your employees breaks or damages the mechanical and/or electronical device, it is your company’s responsibility to replace the product.

What’s more, a precision cleaning company also offers precision cleaners that can be reclaimed and recycled, meaning you won’t have to worry about affording a new precision cleaning system every time your industrial business needs the service. This will save your business a lot of money, making it that much more affordable and opportunistic, when you compare hiring a specialized business to perform the procedure versus putting in an in-house system, instructing employees and the how-to, and purchasing all the necessary components yourself.

Ecolink has the answers and solutions to all your precision cleaning needs. Find out about there custom cleaning solutions today.




What to look for when Substituting one Industrial Chemical Cleaner for Another

Chemical SubstitutionsBeginning the process of substituting the chemical cleaners your industrial businesses currently has in place that might be harmful to people and to the environment with less hazardous, eco friendly, green alternative chemical compound solutions is one of the most effective ways of reducing, and hopefully eliminating exposure toxicities that pose health threats. A potential chemical hazard includes any chemical, compound, solution, and/or agent that possesses the ability or a property that could cause an adverse health effect or harm to a person under certain conditions. Risking the probability or chance that exposure to a chemical hazard could lead to harm onto a person and/or the environment is a danger that no industrial business can afford.

While occupational hygiene methods for controlling employee exposure to chemicals, such as isolation, enclosure, exhaust ventilation, process or equipment modification, impeccable keeping of a clean facility, enhanced administrative controls, and personal protective equipment are all fine and dandy, substituting a hazardous chemical cleaner for a safe cleaning solution is the preferred and optimal method for guaranteeing safety. While all of the recently mentioned methods reduce, in some manner, the risk of injury or harm by interrupting the path of exposure between the hazardous material and the worker, substitution utterly removes the hazard at the source.

Extreme care must be administered to ensure the current hazard is not exchanged for a new hazard, especially a new hazard that poses a more serious threat. Therefore, before deciding to replace your industrial company’s currently used chemical solvent, you must know if there are any risks involved with the chemical solution to the employees and the environment. If the newly posed risks are deemed as serious, then other alternative cleaning agents should be considered, and its risks must also be thoroughly understood.

The selection of a substitute chemical cleaner can become a complex process. For larger industrial businesses, the selection process for a new chemical cleaner may involve a committee, with representatives from several departments, including engineering, purchasing, research and development, environmental control, waste management, and shipping along with the supervisors and laborers who will work directly with the chemical agent. The following lists the considerations when determining the suitability of a substitute chemical cleaner:

  • Effectiveness – Can the new chemical cleaner satisfy the technical requirements, such as solubility and drying time, for the job or process?
  • Compatibility – The substitute chemical cleaner must not interfere or negatively react with the cleaning process, the other materials in use, or the equipment that facilitates the cleaning.
  • Existing Control Measures – Will the existing control methods adequately control the substitute chemical cleaner?
  • Waste Disposal – Will the new waste coming from the substitute chemical cleaner interfere with the current waste disposal system, or, in any way, adversely affect the technical and regulatory requirements when dealing with any and all created waste?
  • Hazard Assessment – A hazard assessment needs to be conducted to decide whether the substitute chemical cleaner in question can mesh with all cleaning operations with which it will participate.

Chemical Cleaner Substitution – Things to Consider

safer-chemicalsBeginning the process of substituting the chemical cleaners your industrial businesses currently has in place that might be harmful to people and to the environment with less hazardous, eco friendly, green alternative chemical compound solutions is one of the most effective ways of reducing, and hopefully eliminating exposure toxicities that pose health threats. A potential chemical hazard includes any chemical, compound, solution, and / or agent that possesses the ability or a property that could cause an adverse health effect or harm to a person under certain conditions. Risking the probability or chance that exposure to a chemical hazard could lead to harm onto a person and / or the environment is a danger that no industrial business can afford.

While occupational hygiene methods for controlling employee exposure to chemicals, such as isolation, enclosure, exhaust ventilation, process or equipment modification, impeccable keeping of a clean facility, enhanced administrative controls, and personal protective equipment are all fine and dandy, substituting a hazardous chemical cleaner for a safe cleaning solution is the preferred and optimal method for guaranteeing safety. While all of the recently mentioned methods reduce, in some manner, the risk of injury or harm by interrupting the path of exposure between the hazardous material and the worker, substitution utterly removes the hazard at the source.

Extreme care must be administered to ensure the current hazard is not exchanged for a new hazard, especially a new hazard that poses a more serious threat. Therefore, before deciding to replace your industrial company’s currently used chemical solvent, you must know if there are any risks involved with the chemical solution to the employees and the environment. If the newly posed risks are deemed as serious, then other alternative cleaning agents should be considered, and its risks must also be thoroughly understood.

The selection of a substitute chemical cleaner can become a complex process. For larger industrial businesses, the selection process for a new chemical cleaner may involve a committee, with representatives from several departments, including engineering, purchasing, research and development, environmental control, waste management, and shipping along with the supervisors and laborers who will work directly with the chemical agent. The following lists the considerations when determining the suitability of a substitute chemical cleaner:

Effectiveness – Can the new chemical cleaner satisfy the technical requirements, such as solubility and drying time, for the job or process?

Compatibility – The substitute chemical cleaner must not interfere or negatively react with the cleaning process, the other materials in use, or the equipment that facilitates the cleaning.

Existing Control Measures – Will the existing control methods adequately control the substitute chemical cleaner?

Waste Disposal – Will the new waste coming from the substitute chemical cleaner interfere with the current waste disposal system, or, in any way, adversely affect the technical and regulatory requirements when dealing with any and all created waste?

Hazard Assessment – A hazard assessment needs to be conducted to decide whether the substitute chemical cleaner in question can mesh with all cleaning operations with which it will participate.

Is your Company Using too Many VOC’s?

Because there is now a popular and rapidly growing concern pertaining to the use of harmful chemical solvents among industrial businesses, a large movement exists that compel these industrial businesses to make the transition to eco friendly, green alternative chemical solutions. With the incredible growth of the research and development that now provide green alternative chemical solutions to industrial businesses, these businesses need to be better tuned in to the available eco friendly options regarding green alternatives chemical solvents used for cleaning industrial parts, metals, and materials. Because there has been a flood of organic solutions available, an industrial business claiming it has not been apprised of available options is no longer an excuse. Claiming ignorance or overwhelming dependency on a particular chemical solvent, when that solvent has been deemed harmful by regulatory agencies, makes an industrial business look unprofessional to the public. Moreover, the unwillingness of an industrial business to transition to a safe chemical alternative makes a company look indifferent to the plight of hazardous chemical toxins being released on our people and the environment.

Concerning industrial cleaners, degreasers and chemical agents used to clean parts, metals, and materials, limiting air, water, and soil pollution by reducing or stopping the use of toxic industrial solvents, such as VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) cleaners must be a serious consideration for all industrial organizations. Because VOC cleaners have proven to be as dangerous as most other potentially hazardous industrial cleaning brands, businesses that use VOCs need begin considering seriously regulating it usage, perhaps even eliminating it. Since air pollution is endangering our entire planet, thinning the ozone layer, causing abnormal diseases affecting plant and wildlife, as well as causing people to become ill, industrial organizations using VOC cleaners need to immediately switch to eco friendly, green alternative chemical options. At the very least, these industrial businesses ne to look into using low VOC cleaners, because it offers the chance to limit air, water, and soil pollution, all at once.

If your industrial business wants more information on how to transition from a VOC cleaner to a safer alternative, or to a low VOC cleaner and that can limit air, water, and soil pollution, consult with a representative from Ecolink as soon as possible. The professionals at Ecolink have been educating industrial businesses on how to limit air, soil, and water pollution through the use of eco friendly, green alternative cleaners, as well as low VOC cleaners, for a long time. In addition, Ecolink can provide detailed information on the myriad benefits and advantages to making the change to a safer alternative parts cleaner, and list how the new chemical solution will efficiently clean the parts, metals, and materials your industrial business uses. Making the transition to a safer, more effective chemical cleaning solution has never been easier, so please seek the help, guidance, and support offered by Ecolink.