Trichloroethylene, also known as TCE, is an organic solvent used in a variety of both industrial and commercial applications. Used by itself or as...

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Is Turpentine The Same As Mineral Spirits
Is turpentine the same as mineral spirits? No, it is not. While turpentine and mineral spirits may share some similar applications they are...
Difference Between Acetone And Acetate
What is the difference between acetone and acetate? To adequately explain the differences between acetone and acetate, it is important to define...
Getting to Know Naomi Davis
Naomi Davis is a student at the University of Central Florida, studying social work. She is one of Ecolink’s six $500...
Is Turpentine The Same As Mineral Spirits
Is turpentine the same as mineral spirits? No, it is not. While turpentine and mineral spirits may share some similar...
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