Most resin and coating removers are very strong solvents, as they need to be able to effectively penetrate the layers of paints and resins to loosen...

Chemical Chat – Discover What’s New!
5 Ways to Be More Environmentally Friendly
Ecolink continuously strives to be environmentally friendly and aware. In doing so, we believe in advocating for the current generation and the ones...
What are Hydrofluoroethers?
As a class of organic solvents, hydrofluoroethers are a type of hydrocarbon with an ether bond. They were introduced in 1996 to help combat the rise...
How do Hydrofluoroethers work?
Hydrofluoroethers (HFEs) were created to replace several environmentally harmful chemicals that are used in a range of...
5 Ways to Be More Environmentally Friendly
Ecolink continuously strives to be environmentally friendly and aware. In doing so, we believe in advocating for the...
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