Get to Know…Laura Turner!

Get to know our Client Solutions Specialist, Laura Turner! When she’s not busy cycling and training for her upcoming Century (that’s 100 MILES!), she’s busy reaching out to our customers and making sure all of their needs are met. Haven’t talked to her yet? Don’t worry, you will. Meet Laura!

laura name tag

What’s your position at Ecolink? Client Solutions Specialist

How long have you worked here? Began working here over three years ago, a few hours a week on special projects. My position today was created with the company in March of this year.

How did you get involved in this industry? From a referral three years ago from my church network.

Has Georgia always been home for you? It has, since moving here with my family when I was twelve years old. Before that, we lived in Oak Park, Illinois.

When you aren’t at work, what are you doing? Enjoing time with my family, friends, and riding my bicycle with my cycling network.

Where are we likely to find you on a Friday  night? Comfortably seated inside the movie theater, watching whatever movie was just released!

What would be the first thing you’d do (or buy) if you won the lottery? Extended warranty on this precious gift of life!

If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would it be? Phyllis Diller

Are you a cat or a dog person? Dog person!

What’s your favorite time of year? Spring time

Favorite iPhone/Smart phone app? Strava–running & cycling GPS tracker & performance analytics

What three things you couldn’t live without if you were stranded on an island? Food & water, clothing, & shelter. Necessities!

What’s your favorite movie? The Shawshank Redemption

If you were a super hero, what would your name be? Super Chic

What super power would you like to have and why? The ability to read the minds of others. It would be especially helpful when communicating with those who are shy!

Something interesting about you? At the age of 10, I fell off my bicycle, head first, and had to be rushed to the emergency room.  Three layers of skin on my forehead was stitched up and I never really returned to riding a bicycle again until last May 2012.  I began my 2nd week of cycling by registering as a fundraiser and a rider in the American Diabetes Association’s Tour de Cure where I rode my first 37 miles.   After meeting  many of the seasoned cyclists who rode the 37 miles and 100 miles route, I knew this was what I wanted to do to have FUN while continuing to challenge my physical fitness within the cycling community.  Having just celebrated my 1 year as a cyclist in May 2013, I remain active with cycling on a weekly basis. I completed my longest distance single ride of 75 miles on May 27, 2013, and currently training for my first 100 miles (century) that I plan to do this September in the Wilson 100 (named in honor of Scott Wilson) where the contributions benefit the Southern Bicycle League’s Advocacy Fund and The Georgia Chapter of the Leukemia Society.

What TV shows do you watch regularly? The Biography Channel, The Big Bang Theory, and The Office

What was your first car? What happened to it? Honda Civic hatch back (stick shift!). I sold it after graduating high school to buy an Audi.

If you could travel in a time machine, would you go to the past or the future? Past–before I was born to see how life was when my parents grew up without the technology we have today!

Best piece of advice you were given? Kindness matters (be kind!)

Favorite holiday? Halloween–a guaranteed day of FUN!

Favorite foods? Fish, avocados, & mangoes — together they’re especially delicious!

What really gives you the creeps? The flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz & the Wicked Witch’s sinister laugh (NOT FUNNY!)

What kitchen utensil would you be? A whisk! Great for blending ingredients TOGETHER and the dual ability of speed control producing different results.

Pick two celebrities to be your parents. My parents ARE celebrities to me!

What activities were you involved with as a kid? Gymnastics, basketball, softball, soccer, and cycling!

Most importantly, what’s your favorite part of your job? Being able to interact with our various customers, industries, and locations on a global level through the internet, telephone, and in person to provide them with the best solutions.


Finding the Right Chemical Cleaner Dealer

Those who have been involved in the industrial cleaning solvent industry for a long time can tell you that finding the right chemical dealer is as important as finding the appropriate chemicals to use regarding the cleaning of metals and other materials. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation and negligence with some chemical dealers, because they do not keep their business up to date on the latest findings concerning chemical compounds in the makeup of cleaning solvents. The key is to find a reputable company that makes it a priority to know everything concerning industrial cleaning products and degreasers, and can provide detailed information on the products and solvents that are hazardous, as well as what green alternative options are available.

A chemical dealer, such as Ecolink, will be up to date on all the research and latest findings regarding which chemicals have been listed as dangerous or safe. The entity will also be more than happy to not only explain, in detail, what compounds are included in their chemical makeup, but will also provide explicit literature on all the products they offer. Most importantly, professional and reputable chemical dealers will discuss with you green alternatives and eco friendly options regarding your need for chemical solvents. The numerous benefits to eco friendly cleaning solutions far outweigh the desire for companies to stay loyal to degreasers and solvents that are harmful to the environment and to themselves.

Sound and ethical chemical dealers should be able and willing to explain the positives to switching to green alternatives. Because most eco friendly solutions are actually more efficient in cleaning metals and materials, as well as being less expensive in most cases, there really is no longer a reason why people and companies should be using older industrial cleaning products.

Contact Ecolink to learn more about the green alternatives mentioned above. Ecolink is an ethical and trusted company, ready and able to provide you with all the information you need to make the switch to eco friendly cleaning solutions today. Visit Ecolink’s clean ideas page to find out how to work cleaner, smarter & save money!

Eco Friendly Industrial Cleaning Chemicals

As frightening as the concept is today, there was a time when little research was applied to finding out whether chemical usage as it pertains to cleaning solvents and degreasing solutions used on metals and specific materials were harmful to those using the chemicals and to the environment. Thankfully, more scientists are making education regarding chemical compounds used as cleaning agents a priority. This is because the alarming rate of people who were exposed to the chemical agents were either becoming sick, or worse, contracting cancer cells. Recent research has revealed that many industrial cleaning products are, in fact, dangerous when coming in contact with the users skin, inhaled, or prolonged exposure.

This alarming information has caused a scare to companies who use industrial cleaning products, and to employees who use them on a daily basis. Because the word is out on the dangers to these toxic chemical found in cleaning solutions, companies such as Ecolink have made it a priority to research, inform, introduce, and offer eco friendly industrial cleaning chemicals. Workers should be informed of the types of chemicals they are exposing themselves to, and whether they are hazardous. Moreover, if they are indeed hazardous, these workers have the right to seek out eco friendly industrial cleaning solutions. If you are a business owner or decision maker, it is imperative to offer your employees green alternatives and eco friendly industrial cleaning chemicals.

Companies would do well to follow suit, and begin practices that Ecolink has been conducting for years now – providing information on green alternatives and offering eco friendly industrial cleaning solutions to the public. Concerning any industry involved in the use of industrial cleaning solvents and degreasers, it is the right of the workers to be informed of, and demand the usage of eco friendly industrial cleaning chemicals. Ecolink is more than happy to provide this information, along with introducing green alternatives to improve safety.

MSDS Solvents – Discover Green Cleaning Solutions

The benefits of using a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) goes a long way to ensuring you are using a safe chemical product. A Material Safety Data Sheet is a detailed document containing specific information on the potential hazards of using certain chemically induced products. Some of these hazards include flammability, health risks, the reactivity of a product (is it stable of unstable, will it combust), as well as any negative environmental effects. The MSDS document also contains information of the use, storage options, proper handling, and emergencies procedures is something should happen while maintaining the chemical product—all information here is related to the hazards of the material. The supplier or manufacturer of the chemical product prepares material Safety Data Sheets, so the user can be properly informed about the product he or she is about to use.

Safety-firstEveryone who handles potentially dangerous chemicals needs an MSDS because it help them find green solutions or alternatives, instead of having to expose themselves to dangerous and hazardous chemicals. For example, in Canada, every material that is controlled by the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) must be accompanied by a Material Safety Data Sheet that is specific to each individual product or material. Employers need to make sure that all controlled chemical products have a constantly updated MSDS. This is because the marketplace is seeing more green solutions arriving on the scene, which means the amount of safer chemical alternatives is increasing.

MSDS Solvents assist in the finding of green solutions, which is a practice all individuals and companies should explore if they are in the habit of using chemical solvents. Safety should be the primary factor, especially when the green solutions coming out are proving to be as capable ­– usually even showing to be a more efficient alternative – than older industrial chemical solvents.

Ecolink is a company that specializes in finding green solutions for people and companies who regularly use MSDS solvents. Call Ecolink to learn more about MSDS solvents and how to find green solution in case you or your company happen to be using hazardous and unsafe chemical materials.

Shop our Solvents conveniently online!

N-Propyl Bromide – MSDS Approved Solvents

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently had an update regarding the Material Safety Data Sheet, or MSDS approved Solvents, among the topic of conversation was the compound chemical N-Propyl Bromide, which is increasingly being used as a drop in replacement for heavily regulated and banned substances such as perchloroethylene, TCE, and TCA. N-Propyl Bromide is commonly formulated in metal degreasers, industrial cleaning degreasers, degreasing solvents, and nonflammable degreasers. New information concerning hazardous materials is constantly emerging as the efficiency of research is consistently improving. In addition, as this cycle continues, more concerns arise regarding the reproductive toxicity, neurotoxicity, and carcinogenicity of the chemicals used in cleaning solutions and industrial solvents.

A recent review by an esteemed scientist revealed the disparity on the permissable exposure limits (PEL) recommended by chemical manufacturers as it pertains to N-Propyl Bromide. There are certain workplace exposure guidelines in place for almost every chemical, and it is important the precise research into exposure is frequently conducted to make sure people are not putting themselves in harms way when using these chemicals. As of right now, N-Propyl Bromide is considered not carcinogenic, and is still considered an MSDS approved solvent. However, based on the scientist’s conclusion, due to the disparity of opinion among those who have researched the chemical compound, a more thorough look into N-Propyl Bromide is needed soon to ensure that the chemical can remain on the list of MSDS approved solvents.

Companies such as Ecolink are ready and able to provide consumers with as much detailed information needed regarding the safety or hazard of using chemical solutions, including N-Propyl Bromide. Ecolink is a valuable source of information, as they deal regularly in informing those who wish to ensure they, or the company for which they are employed is using the safest chemical compounds on the market today. Call Ecolink  (800-563-1305) to get the latest information on industrial chemicals and MSDS approved solvents, including N-Propyl Bromide.