Ask the Chemist About Custom Cleaning Solutions

As it pertains to custom cleaning solutions for parts, metals, materials, and other types of products that need to be cleaned or degreased before being placed into operation, Ecolink is one of the most reliable companies to provide factual and trusted information, and is an excellent source for industrial strength parts cleaning solvents that are also eco friendly. Ecolink has been involved in the proprietorship of providing solvent substitutions for over twenty years (more than two decades), which means the company has been at the forefront of discovering, devising, and providing innovative and improved cleaning solvents for industrial organizations. When a business has sustained success and longevity for as long as Ecolink, you can be confident in knowing you are receiving the absolute best regarding custom cleaning solutions.

If you peruse the Ecolink website, you will eventually come across the “Ask the Chemist” webpage. Ecolink attributes much of its success to the Ecolink President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. John Roudebush. Mr. Roudebush, who is also a chemist, is instrumental in creating new, industrial strength, eco friendly and green alternative custom cleaning solutions to bring industrial businesses into the new age of using incredibly strong parts cleaning solutions that are also safe for people and the environment. Therefore, when we pose the question: “Ask the chemist about cleaning solutions,” it is not merely lip service or a catchy phrase to incite interest into our business. The Ecolink leader is completely ‘hands on’ in committing to performing exhaustive research and creating innovative parts cleaning resources.

The above information, along with having an incredible staff dedicated to the relentless pursuit of providing industrial companies with the strongest and safest cleaning and degreasing solvents, is why Ecolink has sustained continuous success for more than twenty years. Simply contact one of our professionals, and you will quickly realize why Ecolink has achieved so much in our field. Please, we urge you to ‘ask the chemist about custom cleaning solutions.

Eco Friendly Options to Replace NPB Bromide

An abundant source of information has recently come out about the negative and serious side effects of using n-Propyl Bromide, or n-PB. Recently, The New York Times published an eye-opening piece describing how hazardous the NPB Bromide chemical agent is to the environment and to people exposed to, and coming into contact with, the chemical compound – which can lead to fatality. The publication also took umbrage with OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Organization), which is a federal regulatory agency that is usually known for its strict guidelines and serious penalties for businesses that negligently place their workers in harms way. According to the article, OSHA has been perplexingly ineffective and irresolute in eliminating, even reducing the use of NPB Bromide, especially when the word is out about the dire effects of long term exposure to the chemical compound.

Whatever the reason for the inability of OSHA to prevent, or even significantly reduce the use of NPB Bromide, the fact remains that the word is out, and industrial organizations that claim ignorance to understanding the negative effects of this chemical agent is no longer an excuse. Fortunately, eco friendly options to NPB Bromide exist, and these eco friendly options are industrial strength, and have proven to be as reliable, if not more reliable, than n-Propyl Bromide. Any industrial business can make the change to a green alternative parts cleaning solvent, and still receive the same, likely better outcome cleaned and degreased finished product. The following statement is fact: There are eco friendly options to NPB Bromide that clean and degrease parts, metals, and materials better than the former cleaning agent could ever hope to.

An excellent source of information for transitioning to a better and more eco friendly part cleaning solution is Ecolink. Ecolink knows that the use of NPB Bromide must be stopped, and their professionals can help you discover eco friendly options to NPB Bromide that will clean and degrease any part, metal or material you have.

Industrial Cleaners That are Eco-friendly

Cleaning agents in the forms of liquids, sprays, powders, or granules simplify the removal of contaminants on surfaces during many industrial processes. It has been common for companies to rely on organic solvents with carbon as part of their chemical solution to eliminate undesirable contaminants; however, these chemicals have raised much concern about worker and environmental safety. The development of eco-friendly industrial cleaners has increased as Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations buckle down on the use of dangerous solvents and consumers demand companies to utilize safer solutions. Companies desiring to “go green” have the option of selecting environmentally preferred or natural agents with little to no Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) and Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP’s).

What Are the Cost Benefits of “Going Green”?

Eco-friendly industrial cleaners deliver several benefits to businesses using these products for meeting cleaning or degreasing requirements. Cost savings is one of the biggest advantages and a safer cleaning agent can help your bottom line in these expense areas:

  • Purchasing
  • Shipping
  • Storage
  • Facility Operations
  • Equipment Maintenance
  • Worker Safety

A safe alternative to traditionally applied hazardous materials allows purchasing, shipping, and storage costs to be reduced as the agent can be bulk purchased in its concentrated form. Additionally, the choice to switch to green chemicals decreases the amount of hazardous materials residing in the workplace and limits worker exposure to harsh chemicals. Insurance costs are also reduced because the switch prevents workers from developing serious health conditions caused by chemical exposure.

Tips for Selecting the Right Cleaning Agent

Eco-friendly cleaners can be found just about anywhere these days as regulations and consumer awareness of the dangers of toxic chemicals have increased. A number of characteristics contribute to the eco-friendliness of a product; however, the industrial process to be performed, type of contaminant, and involved equipment will be major decision factors when making the switch to green cleaners. Here are a few things to consider before choosing a safe alternative for your business:

  • Is the industrial cleaner biodegradable?
  • Does the manufacturer use eco-friendly manufacturing processes?
  • Does the solution contain hazardous materials?
  • Does it contain “All Natural” ingredients?
  • Is it water-based or derived from natural sources?
  • Does the cleaner contain VOC’s?
  • Does it emit HAP’s?

It is easy for companies to say their product is eco-friendly, but your keen eye will be required to ensure the safest option is being selected. Some cleaners fall in the environmentally preferred category meaning the ingredients meet the defined standards of the EPA, but are not completely natural. An environmentally preferred choice is a great secondary option when an “All Natural” cleaner does not meet specific industrial needs. Make certain you read the list of ingredients before choosing an alternative for your business. Several eco-friendly industrial cleaners have been made available for degreasing, equipment maintenance, general cleaning, and production processes. Contact an industrial cleaner manufacturer today to learn more about what eco-friendly products are available for meeting your specific business needs.

Industrial Cleaners with eco-friendly qualities decrease costs and play a pivotal safety role in the workplace. For additional information about environmentally friendly, low VOC products, please call (800) 886-8240 or email

Organic Solvents – Safe & Effective Cleaning Agents

Any substance capable of dissolving and dispersing another substance is considered to be a solvent. Cleaners or degreasers containing carbon as part of their molecular structure are referred to as organic solvents. These substances can be found in countless products including varnishes, adhesives, paints, cleaning agents, and glues. They are also used in the production of items such as dyes, textiles, and plastics. Numerous organic solvents are labeled as carcinogens, reproductive hazards, or neurotoxins because of the harmful materials included as part of their chemical makeup. A number of chemical compounds may be used to create organic solvents such as:  

  • Amines
  • Esters
  • Ethers
  • Ketones
  • Hydrocarbons

Any gas, liquid, or solid chemical compound containing carbon is considered to be organic. Classifications vary based on a number of factors; however, the easiest to recognize distinction is between natural and synthetic compounds. A natural organic solvent is derived from plants or animals and is extracted from a natural source because it is cheaper than attempting to develop it artificially. Synthetic compounds are created through the reaction of other substances, which can come from nature or be artificial. Organic solvents consisting of no artificial compounds deliver the safest option for cleaning, degreasing, or other processes.

Choosing an Eco-Friendly Solution

Various alternatives to powerful, carcinogenic substances have been created to provide eco-friendly, effective solvents. One of the largest misconceptions in the area of cleaning agents is that potent chemicals are required to do the trick. While in some cases this is true, countless industrial processes may be performed with a natural organic solvent. Cleaning agents applied for degreasing, general dirt removal, or surface preparation are frequently petroleum-based meaning they release Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and emit Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) at normal temperatures. This means these items are released as the product is being used well as during storage. Traditional organic solvents entering soil or water sources continue to remain present for an extended amount of time thus causing pollution. Individuals exposed to these agents continuously or in large doses are also likely to suffer from severe health problems.

An environmentally friendly organic solvent releases minimum to no VOC’s or HAP’s into the surrounding atmosphere. Eco-friendly cleaners provide the same results but do not contain hazardous materials, offer a high flash point, have minimal to no odor, and are not aqueous based. These alternatives provide the safest option when water-based solutions will simply not work for industrial processes. It is also important to note the difference between a natural organic solvent and environmentally preferred products. Natural cleaning agents consist of all plant or animal derived ingredients whereas an environmentally preferred solvent simply meets all standards lined out by the Environmental Protection Agency. In some instances an “all natural” organic solvent may not have enough strength to provide the required cleaning results; however, several more powerful choices are available through manufacturers to ensure industrial needs can be fulfilled without posing significant harm to the environment.

Organic solvents are necessary in a number of industries and play a pivotal safety role in the workplace. For more information about environmentally friendly, low VOC products, please call (800) 886-8240 or email

Aqueous Cleaners: Low-VOC Alternatives

Petroleum-based chemicals such as mineral spirits are frequently used to dissolve dirt, oil, burnt-on carbon, and grease quickly from the surfaces of parts or machinery. These traditional cleaners are a risky application because they pose significant harm to any individual handling them. Certain factors make petroleum-based organic solvents more dangerous than aqueous cleaners including:


  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s)
  • Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP’s)
  • Quick Evaporation
  • Production of Hazardous Waste
  • Toxic to Environment and Humans


Cleaners with harmful chemicals make exposure to hazards difficult to control thus resulting in increased costs. Petroleum-based cleaners create a large amount hazardous waste that must be disposed of properly to prevent environmental harm. Proper disposal is costly to any industrial facility frequently using organic solvents during product creation or cleaning processes. Considered as carcinogens, petroleum-based solvents or cleaners have been determined as contributors to several long-term, debilitating health conditions as a result of quick evaporation and emitted fumes. Aqueous cleaners offer an environmentally safe alternative to using cleaning agents containing an increased amount of VOC’s for completing essential industrial processes.

Water-Based Solutions Are an Effective Choice

An aqueous cleaner does not always meet cleaning or degreasing needs, but is capable of removing grease, oil, grime, or dirt in many scenarios. Unlike solvents, aqueous cleaners rely on heat and agitation to break contaminants down into smaller particles. The cleaning process is indeed different; however, agents consisting of water as a base perform just as well as petroleum-based solvents. Equipment used for processes involving aqueous cleaners is critical to the success of contaminant removal as it must apply the right amount of heat and force. It is important to remember that a selected cleaner should match the equipment being used. Processes such as filtering, oil skimming, proper maintenance, and the use of microfiltration for recycling purposes will also maximize the life of any aqueous cleaner. Water-based solutions offer companies several advantages over traditional cleaning choices including:

  • Non-Flammable
  • Little to No VOC’s and HAP’s
  • Decreased Labor
  • Reduced Waste
  • Lower Operational Costs
  • Limited Exposure to Hazards
  • Fulfillment of Compliance Standards
  • Environmentally Safe

Aqueous cleaners do not contain the hazards often found in petroleum-based solutions and this makes them safer to handle.  Additionally, deciding to make the switch to using these products ensures workers are minimally exposed to dangerous chemicals, thus limiting resulting health conditions, time off work, and insurance costs. Aqueous cleaners are a high performance alternative to solvents containing a large amount of VOC’s. This decision will be more rewarding if an understanding of what products work best for larger volumes, heavy soil concentrations, and light cleaning requirements exists prior to purchasing. Contaminant removal needs must be matched with current or newly purchased equipment to obtain the best results. With the plethora of choices offered today, any company can switch to aqueous cleaners or another low VOC alternative to decrease costs and create a safer working environment.

Aqueous cleaners offer a safer alternative to using dangerous organic solvents for industrial cleaning processes and play a pivotal safety role in the workplace. For more information about environmentally friendly, low VOC products, please call (800) 886-8240 or email