What Are Architectural Asphalt Shingles?   

The roof is the most crucial element of any structure aside from the foundation. That’s why it’s important to choose high-quality shingles that’ll protect your home. 

With the variety of roofing innovations on the market today, it can be challenging to sort through all the different types of roofing that are best for your home. One of the most popular types on the market is architectural asphalt shingles. To learn more about why this material may be the right choice for you, then read on. 

Architectural Asphalt Roofing 

Architectural asphalt-based shingles are a more recent addition to roofing options but are a variation of the most commonly used asphalt shingles.    

To make them, manufacturers took the traditional 3-tab shingles made of fiberglass mat coated with asphalt and combined them with a rock and ceramic mixture. The conventional option is still used today to cut down on cost, but the benefits of the updated design outweigh the price for many contractors.  

Another element that makes architectural asphalt-based roofing so special is that they consist of at least two individual shingles bonded together. Typically, this bond is achieved by laminating the shingles, which creates a look akin to popular high-end shingles such as wood cedar shake shingles.  

Here’s a short list of the benefits of asphalt roofing over wood shake roofing:   

  • More affordable 
  • Variety of color/wood style choices 
  • Less flammable  
  • Produced in many shapes 
  • Easier to install 
  • Can be “high definition” or show greater contrast than lower-quality shingles 

Need to Clean Asphalt Shingles?  

At Tidal Washers, we have an expansive inventory of chemicals available to buy online. If you or your client have a special request, we can create a custom blend to meet your business needs. With our bulk 5 and 55-gallon pails, you’ll never run out of supply nor have to worry about unnecessary packaging waste.  

Have Questions?  

Ecolink is an experienced supplier of high-quality chemicals and cleaners. Let our expert representatives guide you toward the best fit for your company’s needs. Ask for a free quote and consultation using our quick and easy contact form today! 

Megan’s Internship Experience

As my time with Ecolink comes to an end, it has been eye-opening to reflect on my summer with this internship. Being an environmental science major with a background in chemistry, it was an easy decision to accept a position with a company that showcases such sustainability through its voice and its actions.

Though I had little knowledge going in about writing blogs or SEO copywriting, I was provided with guidance and reassurance, allowing me to attain a new skill. I asked a lot of questions – it’s the best way I know how to learn – and Hannah was very helpful and patient.

Megan’s Main Takeaways

I’ve learned what it means to want to work for a company that takes care of its employees, its customers, and the planet, a standard which I will carry with me as I graduate and start the search for full-time employment. Overall, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity that has been provided to me, and I hope that other students are able to work with such an amazing team.  

Interested in Remote Internships?

Ecolink offers year-round remote internship opportunities. From digital marketing to SEO Copywriting your time with Ecolink strives to accomplish your goals and areas of interest during your internship with us. We offer opportunities in Spring, Summer, and Fall. Sound like something you’re interested in? Apply today!

Sarah’s Internship Experience

Filling out applications and interviewing for internships can sometimes be incredibly nerve-racking.  You might wonder if you have what it takes to competently work in the professional world, questioning if your current knowledge and skills will be enough.  These doubts can be overwhelming and could make you reconsider turning in that dream internship application.  As someone who has just finished my first internship experience, I can say for certain that filling out my application and interviewing for Ecolink’s summer internship was more than worth it!   

Skills Gained From My Ecolink Internship 

I have always believed that all experiences are learning opportunities, and Ecolink is no exception.  Ecolink’s internship has helped me learn a variety of skills and knowledge I will take with me and expand upon as I develop in the professional world.  This summer, I have learned about: 

  • Technical topic blog writing 
  • Topic research 
  • Popular topics in the chemical industry 
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) 
  • Keyword research and density 

Working as an Intern for Ecolink 

Working as an intern for Ecolink was a wonderful experience in more ways than one.  The position is mainly remote, which allowed me to choose what time and how many hours I wanted to work each day. This flexibility let me experience a good work-life balance and helped make the position more enjoyable.

As an Ecolink intern, I have become acquainted with multiple talented co-workers.  My superior and mentor, Hannah, was incredible to work with.  She is knowledgeable, helpful, communicative, understanding, and a phenomenal person in general.   I felt comfortable asking her questions when I needed assistance and had an abundance of fun spending time with her and my other co-workers during team meetings and team bonding events.

Interning with Ecolink is a valuable way to spend your summer!  Ecolink allows you to work flexible hours with amazing and knowledgeable people that will help you develop skills for the professional world.  I was pleased to work for a company that values its employees and cares about the environment as much as Ecolink does.  This working experience has been a great first step in my career. 

Interested in Remote Internships?

Ecolink offers year-round remote internship opportunities. From digital marketing to SEO Copywriting your time with Ecolink strives to accomplish your goals and areas of interest during your internship with us. We offer opportunities in Spring, Summer, and Fall. Sound like something you’re interested in? Apply today!


Katelynn’s Internship Experience

Since my summer internship with Ecolink has come to a close, I would like to take a moment to reflect on all the new things I learned and experienced this summer. As a Chemical Engineering major going into her senior year, I knew that I needed to have a variety of skills under my belt before I entered the workforce. When I saw that Ecolink was a technical writing internship and I knew that my technical writing skills were subpar, I jumped on the opportunity to become one of the company’s interns. Now that I have completed my internship, I can confidently say that it did in fact help improve my technical writing skills.  

How did the internship improve Katelynn’s skill set?    

There were multiple things that I learned this summer that helped improve my technical writing skills. I learned new ways of writing and a variety of new information such as: 

  • Search Engine Optimization writing styles 
  • Call To Action paragraphs 
  • Different forms of marketing writing such as business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) 
  • Writing with keywords 
  • Newer chemical process 
  • Uses for chemicals I was unfamiliar with 

Having Hannah as my supervisor this summer made learning and adapting to Ecolink’s work style and expectations much easier. Hannah provided us with more than enough material to help the interns excel in their positions. She was super flexible and made the experience of working with Ecolink almost completely stress-free. Hannah was willing to help us in any way she could, and she was always available to answer any questions we might have had. I do not think I could have excelled as much as I did without her as my supervisor. 

Katelynn’s Final Thoughts 

My digital marketing internship at Ecolink was such a new and exciting experience for me. I would have never guessed that I would enjoy writing about chemicals and chemical processing as much as I did. I may be looking for jobs in the Chemical Engineering field, but the skills that I have improved from Ecolink’s internship will most definitely come in handy wherever I end up. I cannot thank the team at Ecolink especially Hannah, enough for providing me with this opportunity. This internship has provided me with new experiences that I would have likely never gotten anywhere else. To anyone who is interested in chemistry and writing, this is the internship for you! 

Interested in Remote Internships?

Ecolink offers year-round remote internship opportunities. From digital marketing to SEO Copywriting your time with Ecolink strives to accomplish your goals and areas of interest during your internship with us. We offer opportunities in Spring, Summer, and Fall. Sound like something you’re interested in? Apply today!

Why can’t you use soy methyl ester for cleaning shingles?  

The answer is fairly simple: that’s not what it’s for! You need to clean your shingles before you use a soy methyl ester (a.k.a. methyl soyate) treatment, a chemical used to maintain and extend the life of your asphalt-based roofing. To learn more about how this method works to preserve your roof, then read on. 

What Is Methyl Soyate? 

Methyl soyate is an industrial cleaning solvent known for being eco-friendly. It is often used in oil spills as a shoreline cleaner. For roofing, however, it is not used to clean shingles. Instead, it is used as an oil, sprayed onto the roof, and allowed to soak into the material as a type of treatment. 

The benefits of using methyl soyate on your shingles are equivalent to the benefits associated with applying lotion to your skin. When applied correctly, this chemical can help your shingles by… 

  • Increasing flexibility 
  • Decreasing brittleness (reducing the chance of cracking) 
  • Reversing shingle aging 
  • Extending service life 

Cleaning Shingles Before Application 

Before applying the methyl soyate compound, you’ll want to make sure you clean shingles to remove any algae or moss that may have grown. Luckily, you likely have access to the necessary cleaning chemicals in your home: laundry-strength bleach and water.   

A diluted mixture of bleach consisting of half water and half bleach will need to sit on the surface of your roof for 15-20 minutes. After the time is up, wash the mixture off gently with water. Never use a pressure washer, as doing so will cause damage to your roof. 

Once you’ve washed your roof, then the methyl soyate solution can be applied by following the instructions on the packaging. When applied properly, the chemical solution will help rejuvenate your roof and keep it looking ageless for months to come. 

If you don’t have a ladder and the proper safety gear, then you’ll want to hire a professional to carry out the cleaning and application process. Generally, this is the safest option, as roof maintenance comes with a high risk of falling.  

Looking to Treat a Roof?  

Check out Ecolink’s expansive inventory to start browsing our roof treatment and cleaning products today! We go above and beyond to meet our clients’ needs, offering unique custom blends for all of your cleaning jobs. Our products are available in bulk 5 and 55-gallon pails, so you’ll never have to worry about unnecessary packaging waste.  

In Need of Assistance?  

Our expert representatives are ready to assist! We are a trusted and experienced supplier of high-quality substances. Whatever your question, we’ll work hard to provide superior service and peace of mind. Fill out our easy contact form today and ask for a free quote and consultation!