
Que es acetona?

La acetona es muy conocida por ser un buen solvente. Es un líquido volátil sin ningún tipo de color alguno, comúnmente usado por muchos científicos para crear nuevos productos. Sin embargo, la acetona es frecuentemente usado en distintas variedades de productos de limpieza.

Ventajas de usar acetona como limpiador:

La acetona contiene muchísimas ventajas al usarla como limpiador. Tiene la particularidad de disolver cualquier molécula, es tan poderoso que incluso limpiadores profesionales que enfrentan suciedad difíciles de limpiar, usan este producto la mayoría de las veces. La acetona es ideal para remover grasa, aceite, suciedad y pegamento. Algo interesante de este producto es que cuando la acetona es liberada en el medio ambiente, esta se disuelve rápidamente.

Una gran variedad de mecanismos han sido diseñados y producidos a través de los años para mantener la acetona estable y seguro, Es por eso que una gran cantidad de limpiadores profesionales  utilizan acetona de una manera cuidadosa.

Usos de la acetona:

La acetona es útil para muchas industrias. Sus usos más comunes son:

  • Industria cosmética: La acetona es usada como ingrediente en maquillaje, cremas para la piel, y en salones de belleza.
  • Industria de pinturas: La acetona es utilizado como disolvente de pintura, removedor de pintura, y barniz removedor.
  • Industria de impresión: La acetona es utilizada como un equipamiento limpiador.
  • Industria de farmacia: La acetona es utilizada para crear la mayoría de las medicinas.
  • Industria manufacturera: La acetona es utilizada en la producción de plásticos y otros productos de fabricación.

Quiere comprar acetona?

Si busca un producto de acetona industrial o comercial para su negocio, puede comprar cómodamente nuestros solventes de limpieza aquí: Ecolink Wipe Solvents.

Why Using Green Solvent Degreasers Are Important

Degreasers are commonly used as industrial cleaners to remove substances such as grease, paint, oil, lubricants, and other organic films from machines, tools, and floors. When it comes to choosing a degreaser, most tend to lean towards solvent based degreasers. Solvents are liquids or gases that can dissolve or extract other substances. Common uses for organic solvents are in industrial products such as paint thinners, spot removers, detergents, dry cleaning, and even found on the consumer level in nail polish removers. Solvent-based degreasers can rapidly dissolve oil, grease, paint, and other contaminants. However, having solvent-based ingredients in degreasers means more regulation from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) due to the health hazards that are associated with traditional solvents.

Traditional Solvent Health Hazards

The health hazards that are associated with traditional solvents include toxicity to the nervous system, reproductive damage, liver damage, kidney damage, respiratory impairment, etc. Also, some of the ingredients that are found in traditional industrial degreasers can cause significant unwanted side effects such as damage to equipment or contamination of waste-water. Some of the problematic ingredients include emulsifiers, petroleum products, inhibitors, chelating agents, and more. While some of these ingredients help degreasers with having enough power to handle various types of manufactured parts, components, and materials, you should not have to compromise safety for power.

The Advantages of Using An Green Solvent

Using a hazardous ingredient-free solvent such as Ecolink’s QED provides the power that is needed to remove substances such as grease, fuel oil, carbon and organic resins while being environmentally safe and being safe on many plastic and rubber surfaces. Ecolink’s QED product is:

  • Odorless
  • Contains no water
  • Rapidly leaves no residue of any kind
  • Very rapid evaporation
  • High dielectric strength for use on electrical apparatus
  • Contains no OSHA or ACGIH listed ingredients
  • Surfaces are ready for painting, bonding, or any other critical applications after hand wipe cleaning surfaces with QED

Interested in an Environmentally Solvent Degreaser That Is Green?

Utilizing a hazardous ingredient-free, eco-friendly solvent degreaser such as Ecolink’s QED will not only provide the power of traditional solvent-based degreaser but will also be safer for work environments as well as safer for the environment. To find out if an eco-friendly solvent degreaser is the best option for you, please call us today at (800) 563-1305, or send us an email through our contact form. For over 25 years, we’ve provided stock and custom cleaners that have an amazing efficacy. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing how we can help with your degreasing needs!

Six Benefits of Replacing TCE with NuGenTec FluoSolv® CX

Laboratory analysis of Trichloroethylene (TCE) has classified the chemical compound as a Category 2 carcinogen that has an R-45 Risk Phase. Moreover, this means that the solution “may cause cancer” in those who are chronically exposed to it. Additional health problems that stem from TCE exposure include: eye and skin irritation, drowsiness, and dizziness.

If your company uses TCE for a specific application on a limited basis, recovers waste TCE after a job is finished, and provides proper personal protective equipment (PPE) to those who work with the solution, replacing TCE with a solution that has a better safety profile may be beside the point. However, if your company uses a large volume of TCE in any given period of time, it should consider replacing TCE with NuGenTec FluoSolv® CX for the following reasons.

1. The Solution Is not a CMR
Unlike TCE, the Solvent Emissions Directive (SED) does not classify NuGenTec FluoSolv® CX as a carcinogenic, mutagenic or reproductive toxin (CMR). This means the solution does not carry the risk phases that are associated with TCE and similar types of chemical formulations.

2. High Exposure Limit
PPG — a leading manufacturer of TCE in the U.S. — sets the exposure limit for TCE at 5 ppm. Conversely, NuGenTec FluoSolv® CX has an exposure limit up to 200 ppm. Replacing the former with the latter gives you more flexibility to use the solution on a frequent basis.

3. High Annual Consumption Level
The SED caps the annual consumption level of TCE at below 1 tonne per year. This is 50 percent less than the annual consumption for NuGenTec FluoSolv® CX, which has an annual consumption level of 2 tonnes per year. Again, using the latter solution gives you more flexibility.

4. Low Global Warming Potential
If your company is committed to supporting the environment through the use of eco friendly solutions, using NuGenTec FluoSolv® CX in place of TCE is an excellent option. TCE has a global warming potential (GWE) of 140. The GWE for NuGenTec FluoSolv® CX is 50.

5. Requires No Stabilizers
When it is used for vapor degreasing operations, TCE requires the addition of a stabilizer to increase its chemical stability. NuGenTec FluoSolv® CX, on the other hand, is formulated to be chemically stable. This can help you cut costs by using lower amounts of stabilizer solutions.

6. Doesn’t Generate a Waste Stream
Replacing TCE with NuGenTec FluoSolv® CX eliminates a liquid waste stream that must be disposed of according to federal, state, or municipal guidelines. Eliminating the liquid waste stream is good for the environment, and helps companies spend less money on waste disposal.

Contact EcoLink Today
If your company relies heavily on the use of TCE, it should ideally replace the solution with NuGenTec FluoSolv® CX for the reasons listed above. There are plenty of TCE replacements out there, but NuGenTec FluoSolv® CX delivers one of the widest ranges of benefits of any replacement solution.

For more information about NuGenTec FluoSolv® CX and replacing TCE, call us today at (800) 563-1305, or contact us today. We look forward to assisting you!

6 Advantages to Using Alcohol Stoves When Camping

Camping is a popular activity among millions of Americans in the United States, especially during the summertime. Camping is great for anyone looking to get away from the stress of day to day life. Whether you plan to go camping by yourself and explore nature or go to a lake with your family for the weekend, you’re going to need a few essentials for your camping trip. When you’re backpacking if you are one who looks forward to cooked meals and does not want to eat dry foods every day in the wild, you will want to bring a portable stove. Below we look at six different advantages to using alcohol stoves for camping.


1) The materials needed for an alcohol stove are inexpensive

An actual alcohol stove can be purchased for just a mere $10 or you can make your own alcohol stove. All you need is a three-ounce can of cat food. Once it is empty, remove the lid and round off the sharp lip by folding it over with a pair of pliers. Use a handheld hole puncher to cut a row of holes around the top of the can. The holes should be about an eighth of an inch apart. Punch a second row of equally spaced holes under the first, but offset them so that the centers of these holes sit under the gaps of the first row. Then, you have to build the windscreen from aluminum foil to go light and cheap. Cut a sheet that is three inches longer than the circumference of your pot. Then, fold it in half, fold down the edges, and make sure to smooth out the air between layers. Fold it in half, then fold down the edges, making sure to smooth out the air between layers.

2) Fuel is easy to find

Most people burn denatured alcohol in an alcohol stove (called meths overseas), which you can buy in any drugstore or hardware store, making it very easy to resupply during a hike. This also makes them great for international travel, especially in countries that don’t have outdoor stores that sell specialized fuels.

3) Alcohol Stoves are Light and Portable

The majority of alcohol stoves weigh less than two ounces and you can even make an alcohol stove that only weighs a few grams.

4) Using Alcohol Stoves Never Require Maintenance

Most alcohol stoves don’t have any moving parts and never require any maintenance. There are no hoses or pumps or fuel lines that need to be cleaned, maintained, or repaired.

5) Using Denatured Alcohol is Safer

Using Denatured Alcohol is a lot safer to use than other kinds of backpacking fuel because it won’t flare up into an explosive fireball like white gas stove when you fill a small alcohol stove up and light it. Alcohol stoves are easy to put out by snuffing them out and you won’t smell like gasoline if you spill it on your clothes.

6) Denatured Alcohol is an Environmentally Friendly Fuel

The creation and packing of alcohol don’t have the same toxic by-products that are created during the manufacture of white gas (which is super refined unleaded gasoline), isobutane canister gas, or hexamine solid fuel tablets. Alcohol is still made using a natural fermentation process, although on an industrial scale.

Denatured Ethanol Applications

Denatured Ethanol Applications

What is Denatured Ethanol?

Denatured Ethanol is ethanol that contains additives which make it poisonous to consume, bad tasting, foul smelling, or nauseating.  Denatured ethanol may also be known as specially denatured alcohol or SDA. Depending on the type of denatured alcohol, the composition of the alcohol can range from seventy to ninety-nine percent being ethanol.

Types of Denatured Ethanol Used

The two types of denatured alcohol that we carry at Ecolink are SDA 40B 200 and SDA 3C 200.  The 40B and 3C indicate the type of chemical is mixed within the ethanol and the 200 indicates the proof of the alcohol.  200 shows that the ethanol is pure. The SDA 40B 200 has a composition of 99.9 percent ethanol and 0.1 percent 2-propanol and 2-methyl.  40B Ethanol 200 is the most widely used and popular denatured alcohol. The SDA 3C 200 has a composition of ninety-five percent ethanol and five percent 2-Propanol.  Both SDA 3C 200 and SDA 40B 200 require a valid permit for purchasing.

Applications of Denatured Ethanol

Some general uses of denatured ethanol include paint removal, pest control, disinfectant, and window cleaning.  Denatured alcohol is also used as a starter fluid for camping stoves, and as an industrial solvent.

The key difference between SDA 3C 200 ethanol and SDA 40B 200 ethanol comes down to what denatures both of them, as mentioned previously.  Despite that difference, both denatured ethanol’s are used within cosmetics, as solvents, and as raw materials for processes.

SDA 3C 200 is specifically used in industrial and institutional cleaning, paint and coatings, within pharmaceuticals as a medical disinfectant, and as raw materials for chemical processes.

SDA 40B 200 has a feature of decreasing drying time which allows it to be a key cosmetic additive, cosmetic astringent, and used as a raw material for cosmetic products.  Other uses of SDA 40B 200 include it being:

  • Used in food as an additive
  • An antifoaming agent
  • A viscosity degreasing agent
  • An antimicrobial agent
  • Included to deodorants

For more information regarding the several uses of the denatured ethanol we offer at Ecolink, please email us at, or call at (800)563-1305.